< Pēteŗa 1. Vēstule 2 >

1 Bet nu atstājiet visu ļaunumu un visu viltību un liekulību un skaudību un visas aprunāšanas;
Now that you have done with all malice, all deceitfulness, insincerity, jealous feelings, and all backbiting,
2 Tā kā jaunpiedzimuši bērniņi iekārojaties to garīgo bezviltīgo pienu, ka jūs caur to uzaugat,
like newly born infants, crave pure spiritual milk, so that you may be enabled by it to grow until you attain salvation –
3 Ja jūs esat baudījuši, ka Tas Kungs ir laipnīgs;
since “you have found by experience that the Lord is kind.”
4 Pie Tā jūs esat nākuši kā pie dzīva akmens, gan atmests no cilvēkiem, bet izredzēts un dārgs pie Dieva.
Come to him, then, as to a living stone, rejected, indeed, by men, but in God’s eyes choice and precious;
5 Un jūs paši arīdzan kā dzīvi akmeņi topat uztaisīti par garīgu namu un svētu priesterību, garīgus upurus upurēt, kas Dievam ir pieņēmīgi caur Jēzu Kristu.
and, as living stones, form yourselves into a spiritual house, to be a consecrated priesthood, for the offering of spiritual sacrifices that will be acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
6 Jo rakstos stāv(rakstīts): redzi, Es lieku Ciānā izredzētu, it dārgu stūra akmeni; un kas tic uz Viņu, tas nepaliks kaunā.
For there is a passage of scripture that runs – “See, I am placing in Zion a choice and precious cornerstone; and those who believe in him will have no cause for shame.”
7 Tad nu jums, kas ticat, Viņš ir dārgs; bet tiem neklausīgiem tas akmens, ko tie nama taisītāji atmetuši, kas ir palicis par stūra akmeni, ir arī klupšanas akmens un piedauzīšanās klints,
It is to you, then, who believe in him that he is precious, but to those who do not believe he is “a stone which, though rejected by the builders, has now itself become the corner-stone,”
8 Tiem, kas neklausīgi būdami pie tā vārda piedauzās, uz ko tie arīdzan ir nolikti.
and “a stumbling-block, and a rock which will prove a hindrance.” They stumble because they do not accept the message. This was the fate destined for them.
9 Bet jūs esat izredzēta tauta, ķēniņu priesterība, svēta cilts, Dieva īpaši ļaudis; ka jums būs pasludināt Tā tikumus, kas jūs aicinājis no tumsības pie Savas brīnišķās gaismas,
But you are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, God’s own people,” entrusted with the proclamation of the goodness of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Jūs, kas citkārt nebijāt Dieva ļaudis, bet tagad esat Dieva ļaudis, kas citkārt nebijāt apžēloti, bet tagad esat apžēloti.
Once you were “not a people,” but now you are “God’s people”; once you “had not found mercy,” but now you “have found mercy.”
11 Mīļie, es jūs pamācu kā piemājotājus un svešiniekus, ka jums būs noturēties no miesīgām kārībām, kas pret dvēseli karo,
Dear friends, I beg you, as pilgrims and strangers on earth, to refrain from indulging the cravings of your earthly nature, for they make war on the soul.
12 Un ka jūs dzīvojiet godīgi starp tiem pagāniem, lai kurās lietās tie jūs aprunā kā ļaundarītājus, tie to labo darbu dēļ, ko tie pie jums redz, Dievu pagodina tai piemeklēšanas dienā.
Let your daily life among the Gentiles be so upright, that, whenever they malign you as evildoers, they may learn, as they watch, from the uprightness of your conduct, to praise God “at the time when he will visit them.”
13 Tad esiet ikvienai cilvēku kārtībai paklausīgi Tā Kunga dēļ: gan ķēniņam, kā tādam, kas pār visiem ir iecelts,
Submit to all human institutions for the Lord’s sake, alike to the emperor as the supreme authority,
14 Gan valdniekiem, kā tādiem, kas no viņa ir sūtīti par atriebšanu ļaundarītājiem, bet par slavu laba darītājiem.
and to governors as sent by him to punish evildoers and to commend those who do right.
15 Jo tāds ir Dieva prāts, ka jūs labu darīdami, muti aizbāžat neprātīgu cilvēku nezināšanai,
For God’s will is this – that you should silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing what is right.
16 Kā svabadnieki, un ne tā kā jums svabadība būtu par ļaunuma apsegu, bet tā kā Dieva kalpi.
Act as free people, yet not using your freedom as those do who make it a cloak for wickedness, but as Servants of God.
17 Turiet visus godā; mīlējiet brāļu draudzību; bīstaties Dievu, godājiet ķēniņu.
Show honour to everyone, love the Lord’s followers, “revere God, honour the emperor.”
18 Jūs kalpi, esiet paklausīgi tiem kungiem iekš visas bijāšanas, ne vien tiem labiem un lēniem, bet arī tiem bargiem.
Those of you who are domestic servants should always be submissive and respectful to their masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are arbitrary.
19 Jo tā ir žēlastība, ja, kas Dievu apzinādamies, grūtumu panes netaisnību ciezdams.
For this wins God’s approval when, because conscious of God’s presence, a person who is suffering unjustly bears their troubles patiently.
20 Jo kāda slava ir šī, ja jūs apgrēkodamies topat pliķēti un panesat? Bet ja jūs labu darīdami ciešat un panesat, tā ir žēlastība pie Dieva.
What credit can you claim when, after doing wrong, you take your punishment for it patiently? But, on the other hand, if, after doing right, you take your sufferings patiently, that does win the approval of God.
21 Jo uz to jūs esat aicināti, kā arī Kristus priekš jums ir cietis un jums priekšzīmi pametis, ka jums būs pakaļ iet Viņa pēdām:
For it was to this that you were called! For Christ, too, suffered – on your behalf – and left you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
22 Tas grēkus nav darījis, nedz viltība ir atrasta Viņa mutē,
He “never sinned, nor was anything deceitful ever heard from his lips.”
23 Tas lamāts neatlamāja un ciezdams neļaunojās, bet nodeva to Tam, kas taisni tiesā;
He was abused, but he did not answer with abuse; he suffered, but he did not threaten; he entrusted himself to him whose judgments are just.
24 Tas mūsu grēkus Pats ir nesis Savā miesā pie tā koka, ka mēs, no grēkiem vaļā tikuši, taisnībai dzīvotu; caur Viņa brūcēm jūs esat dziedināti.
And he “himself carried our sins” in his own body to the cross, so that we might die to our sins, and live for righteousness. “His bruising was your healing.”
25 Jo jūs bijāt tā kā avis, kas maldās, bet tagad jūs esat atgriezti pie savu dvēseļu gana un bīskapa.
Once you were straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.

< Pēteŗa 1. Vēstule 2 >