< Pāvila 1. Vēstule Korintiešiem 7 >

1 Bet par to, ko jūs man esat rakstījuši, saku: cilvēkam ir labi, sievas neaizskart;
With reference to the subjects about which you wrote to me: It is good for a man to remain single.
2 Bet lai maucība nenotiek, tad lai ikkatram ir sava sieva, un lai ikkatrai ir savs vīrs,
But, owing to the prevalence of immorality, I advise every man to have his own wife, and every woman her husband.
3 Vīrs sievai lai parāda pienākamu mīlestību; tā arīdzan sieva vīram.
A husband should give his wife her due, and a wife her husband.
4 Sievai nav vaļas par savu miesu, bet vīram; tā arī vīram nav vaļas par savu miesu, bet sievai.
It is not the wife, but the husband, who exercises power over her body; and so, too, it is not the husband, but the wife, who exercises power over his body.
5 Neatraujaties viens otram, kā tikai vienā prātā uz kādu laiku, lai jums vaļa ir Dievu lūgt; un nāciet atkal kopā, lai sātans jūs nekārdina, kad nevarat valdīties.
Do not deprive each other of what is due – unless it is only for a time and by mutual consent, so that your minds may be free for prayer until you again live as man and wife – otherwise Satan might take advantage of your want of self-control and tempt you.
6 To saku, atvēlēdams un ne pavēlēdams.
I say this, however, as a concession, not as a command.
7 Jo es gribētu, ka visi cilvēki tādi būtu, kā es; bet ikkatram ir sava dāvana no Dieva, vienam šāda, otram tāda.
I should wish everyone to be just what I am myself. But everyone has his own gift from God – one in one way, and one in another.
8 Bet es saku nelaulātiem un atraitnēm: labi tiem, ja tie paliek itin kā es.
My advice, then, to those who are not married, and to widows, is this: It would be good for them to remain as I am myself.
9 Bet ja tie nevar valdīties, tad lai iedodas laulībā: jo labāki ir iedoties laulībā, nekā degt kārībā.
But, if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to be consumed with passion.
10 Bet laulātiem pavēlu ne es, bet Tas Kungs, lai sieva neatšķiras no vīra.
To those who are married my direction is – yet it is not mine, but the Master’s – that a woman is not to leave her husband
11 Un ja tā arī būtu atšķīrusies, tad tai būs palikt bez laulības, vai salīgt ar vīru; un lai vīrs neatstumj sievu.
(If she has done so, she should remain as she is, or else be reconciled to her husband) and also that a man is not to divorce his wife.
12 Bet tiem citiem saku es, ne Tas Kungs: ja kādam brālim ir neticīga sieva un tai ir pa prātam, dzīvot ar viņu, lai viņš to neatstumj.
To all others I say – I, not the Master – If a follower of the Lord is married to a woman, who is an unbeliever but willing to live with him, he should not divorce her;
13 Un ja sievai ir neticīgs vīrs, un tam ir pa prātam, dzīvot ar viņu, tā lai viņu neatstumj.
and a woman who is married to a man, who is an unbeliever but willing to live with her, should not divorce her husband.
14 Jo neticīgais vīrs ir svētīts caur sievu, un neticīgā sieva ir svētīta caur vīru, jo citādi jūsu bērni būtu nešķīsti, bet tagad tie ir svēti.
For, through his wife, the husband who is an unbeliever has become associated with Christ’s people; and the wife who is an unbeliever has become associated with Christ’s people through the Lord’s follower whom she has married. Otherwise your children would be “defiled,” but, as it is, they belong to Christ’s people.
15 Bet ja tas neticīgais atšķiras, tad lai tas atšķiras; tas brālis vai tā māsa šinīs lietās nav saistīti. Dievs mūs ir aicinājis uz mieru.
However, if the unbeliever wishes to be separated, let them be so. Under such circumstances neither is bound; God has called you to live in peace.
16 Jo ko tu, sieva, zini, vai tu vīru izglābsi? Jeb ko tu, vīrs, zini, vai tu sievu izglābsi?
How can you tell, wife, whether you may not save your husband? And how can you tell, husband, whether you may not save your wife?
17 Tomēr kā kuram Dievs ir piešķīris, kā kuru Tas Kungs ir aicinājis, tā lai tas staigā, un tāpat es pavēlu visās draudzēs.
In any case, a person should continue to live in the condition which the Lord has allotted to them, and in which they were when God called them. This is the rule that I lay down in every church.
18 Jo kas ir aicināts apgraizīts, tas lai neuzvelk priekšādu; ja kas ir aicināts iekš priekšādas, tas lai netop apgraizīts.
Was a man already circumcised when he was called? Then he should not efface his circumcision. Has a man been called when uncircumcised? Then he should not be circumcised.
19 Apgraizīšana nav nekas, un priekšāda nav nekas, bet Dieva baušļu turēšana.
Circumcision is nothing; the want of it is nothing; but to keep the commands of God is everything.
20 Kā kurš ir aicināts, tā lai viņš paliek.
Let everyone remain in that condition of life in which they were when the call came to them.
21 Ja tu kalps būdams esi aicināts, nebēdā par to; bet ja tu vari tapt svabads, tad to jo labāki pieņem.
Were you a slave when you were called? Do not let that trouble you. No, even if you are able to gain your freedom, still do your best.
22 Ja kas iekš Tā Kunga ir aicināts, kalps būdams, tas ir Tā Kunga svabadnieks; tāpat arīdzan, kas svabadnieks būdams, ir aicināts, tas ir Kristus kalps.
For the person who was a slave when they were called to the master’s service is the Master’s freedman; so, too, the person who was free when called is Christ’s slave.
23 Jūs esat dārgi atpirkti; netopiet cilvēku kalpi.
You were bought, and the price was paid. Do not let yourselves become slaves to people.
24 Ikkatram, brāļi, kā tas ir aicināts, tā tam būs palikt pie Dieva.
Friends, let everyone remain in the condition in which they were when they were called, in close communion with God.
25 Bet par tām meitām man nav Tā Kunga pavēles; bet padomu dodu, kā no Tā Kunga žēlastību dabūjis, ka esmu uzticīgs.
With regard to unmarried women, I have no command from the Master to give you, but I tell you my opinion, and the Master in his mercy has made me worthy to be trusted.
26 Tad nu man šķiet, tā esam labi tagadēja bēdu laika dēļ, ka cilvēkam labi, tāpat palikt.
I think, then, that, in view of the time of suffering that has now come upon us, what I have already said is best – that a man should remain as he is.
27 Ja esi saderēts ar sievu, tad nemeklē atlaišanu; ja esi vaļā no sievas, tad nemeklē sievu.
Are you married to a wife? Then do not seek to be separated. Are you separated from a wife? Then do not seek for a wife.
28 Bet ja arī būsi laulībā iedevies, tad neesi grēkojis, un ja meita būs laulībā iedevusies, tad tā nav grēkojusi; bet tādiem pie miesas būs bēdas, bet es jūs gribētu saudzēt.
Still, if you should marry, that is not wrong; nor, if a young woman marries, is that wrong. But those who marry will have much trouble to bear, and my wish is to spare you.
29 Bet to es saku, brāļi, tas laiks ir īss; tāpēc nu tie, kam sievas, lai ir, tā kā kad tiem nebūtu;
What I mean, friends, is this – the time is short. Meanwhile, let those who have wives live as if they had none,
30 Un tie, kas raud, lai ir kā kas neraud; un kas priecājās, kā kas nepriecājās, un kas pērk, kā kas to nepatur:
those who are weeping as if not weeping, those who are rejoicing as if not rejoicing, those who buy as if not possessing,
31 Un kas šo pasauli lieto, kā kas to nelieto; jo šīs pasaules būšana paiet.
and those who use the good things of the world as using them sparingly; for this world as we see it is passing away.
32 Bet es gribu, ka jūs esat bez zūdīšanās. Kas nelaulāts, tas rūpējās par Tā Kunga lietām, kā tas Tam Kungam var patikt;
I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious about the Master’s cause, desiring to please him;
33 Bet kas laulāts, tas rūpējās par pasaules lietām, kā tas sievai var patikt.
while the married man is anxious about worldly matters, desiring to please his wife;
34 Tāda pat starpība ir starp sievu un meitu: tā nelaulātā rūpējās par Tā Kunga lietām, ka tā svēta būtu miesā un garā; bet tā laulātā rūpējās par pasaules lietām, kā tā vīram var patikt.
and so his interests are divided. Again, the unmarried woman, whether she is old or young, is anxious about the Master’s cause, striving to be pure both in body and in spirit, while the married woman is anxious about worldly matters, desiring to please her husband.
35 Un to es saku jums pašiem par labu: ne, ka gribētu jums apmest valgu, bet ka jūs godīgi dzīvojiet un pie Tā Kunga turaties bez mitēšanās.
I say this for your own benefit, not with any intention of putting a halter round your necks, but in order to secure for the Master seemly and constant devotion, free from all distraction.
36 Bet ja kam šķiet, ka viņa meitai, kas pāri par gadiem, tas nepieklājoties, un ja tam tā vajag notikt, tad lai dara, ko gribēdams; viņš negrēko: lai tā laulībā iedodas.
If, however, a father thinks that he is not acting fairly by his unmarried daughter, when she is past her youth, and if under these circumstances her marriage ought to take place, he should act as he thinks right. He is doing nothing wrong – let the marriage take place.
37 Bet kas ir pastāvīgs savā sirdī, un kam vajadzības nav, bet ir vaļa, pēc sava paša prāta darīt, un to savā sirdī ir apņēmies, savu meitu paturēt nelaulātu, - tas dara labi.
On the other hand, a father, who has definitely made up his mind, and is under no compulsion, but is free to carry out his own wishes, and who has come to the decision, in his own mind, to keep his unmarried daughter at home will be doing right.
38 Tad nu, kas laulībā izdod, tas dara labi, un kas laulībā neizdod, tas dara labāki.
In short, the one who consents to his daughter’s marriage is doing right, and yet the other will be doing better.
39 Sieva caur bauslību ir sieta, kamēr viņas vīrs dzīvs; bet kad viņas vīrs ir miris, tad tai ir vaļa precēt kuru grib, tikai iekš Tā Kunga.
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives; but, if the husband should pass to his rest, the widow is free to marry anyone she wishes, provided he is a believer.
40 Bet viņa ir jo svētīga, ja viņa tāpat paliek, pēc mana padoma; bet man šķiet, ka man arīdzan ir Dieva Gars.
Yet she will be happier if she remains as she is – in my opinion, for I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

< Pāvila 1. Vēstule Korintiešiem 7 >