< Pāvila 1. Vēstule Korintiešiem 2 >
1 Un pie jums nākdams, brāļi, es nenācu ar augstu valodu vai gudrību, jums Dieva liecību pasludinādams.
For my own part, friends, when I came to you, it was with no display of eloquence or philosophy that I came to tell the hidden purpose of God;
2 Jo nedomāju, ka es jūsu starpā ko zinot, kā vien Jēzu Kristu un To pašu krustā sistu.
for I had determined that, while with you, I would forget everything except Jesus Christ – and him crucified!
3 Un es biju pie jums vājībā un bijāšanā un lielā drebēšanā.
Indeed, when I came among you, I was weak, and full of fears, and in great anxiety.
4 Un mana valoda un mana sludināšana nebija iekš mīkstiem cilvēku gudrības vārdiem, bet iekš Gara un spēka parādīšanas,
My message and my proclamation were not delivered in the persuasive language of philosophy, but were accompanied by the manifestation of spiritual power,
5 Lai jūsu ticība nebūtu iekš cilvēku gudrības, bet iekš Dieva spēka.
so that your faith should be based, not on the human wisdom, but on the power of God.
6 Bet mēs sludinājam, kas gan gudrība pie tiem pilnīgiem, bet kas nav gudrība pie šīs pasaules, nedz pie šīs pasaules valdniekiem, kas iznīkst; (aiōn )
Yet there is a philosophy that we teach to those whose faith is matured, but it is not the philosophy of today, or of the leaders of today – whose downfall is at hand. (aiōn )
7 Bet mēs sludinājam Dieva gudrību noslēpumā, to apslēpto, ko Dievs priekš pasaules laikiem ir nolēmis mums par godību. (aiōn )
No, it is a divine philosophy that we teach, one concerned with the hidden purpose of God – that long hidden philosophy which God, before time began, destined for our glory. (aiōn )
8 To neviens no šīs pasaules virsniekiem nav atzinis; jo, ja tie To būtu atzinuši, tad tie To godības Kungu nebūtu krustā situši. (aiōn )
This philosophy is clearly not known to any of the leaders of today, since, had they known it, they would never have crucified our glorious Lord! (aiōn )
9 Bet itin kā ir rakstīts: Ko acs nav redzējusi, un auss nav dzirdējusi, un kas neviena cilvēka sirdī nav nācis, to Dievs ir sataisījis tiem, kas Viņu mīļo.
It is what scripture speaks of as – “What eye never saw, nor ear ever heard, what never entered people’s minds – all these things God has prepared for those who love him.”
10 Bet mums Dievs to ir parādījis caur Savu Garu; jo Tas Gars izmana visas lietas, arī Dieva dziļumus.
Yet to us God revealed it through his Spirit; for the Spirit fathoms all things, even the inmost depths of God’s being.
11 Jo kurš cilvēks zin, kas ir iekš cilvēka, kā vien cilvēka gars, kas iekš tā ir? Tāpat arīdzan neviens nezin, kas ir iekš Dieva, kā vien Dieva Gars.
For what person is there who knows what a person is, except the person’s own spirit within them? So, also, no one comprehends what God is, except the Spirit of God.
12 Bet mēs neesam dabūjuši pasaules garu, bet to Garu, kas ir no Dieva, lai zinām, ko Dievs mums ir dāvinājis.
And as for us, it is not the spirit of the world that we have received, but the Spirit that comes from God, so that we may realize the blessings given to us by him.
13 To mēs arī nerunājam ar vārdiem, ko cilvēku gudrība māca, bet ar vārdiem, ko Svētais Gars māca, garīgas lietas garīgi apspriezdami.
And we speak of these gifts, not in language taught by human philosophy, but in language taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things in spiritual words.
14 Bet miesīgs cilvēks nesaņem, kas ir no Dieva Gara, jo tas viņam ir ģeķība, un viņš to nevar saprast, jo tas ir garīgi apspriežams.
The merely intellectual person rejects the teaching of the Spirit of God; for to them it is mere folly; they cannot grasp it, because it is to be understood only by spiritual insight.
15 Bet tas garīgais cilvēks visas lietas prot apspriest, bet par viņu neviens neprot spriest.
But the person with spiritual insight is able to understand everything, although they themselves are understood by no one.
16 Jo kas ir atzinis Tā Kunga prātu, ka tas Viņu pamācītu? Bet mums ir Kristus prāts.
For who has so comprehended the mind of the Lord as to be able to instruct him? We, however, have the mind of Christ.