< Deuteronomii 25 >

1 si fuerit causa inter aliquos et interpellaverint iudices quem iustum esse perspexerint illi iustitiae palmam dabunt quem impium condemnabunt impietatis
If cause is bitwixe ony men, and thei axen iugis, thei schulen yyue the victorie of riytfulnesse to him, whom thei perseyuen to be iust, thei schulen condempne hym of wickidnesse, whom thei perseyuen to be wickid.
2 sin autem eum qui peccavit dignum viderint plagis prosternent et coram se facient verberari pro mensura peccati erit et plagarum modus
Sotheli if thei seen hym that synnede, worthi of betyngis, thei schulen caste him doun, and make to be betun bifor hem; also the maner of betyngis schal be for the mesure of synne,
3 ita dumtaxat ut quadragenarium numerum non excedant ne foede laceratus ante oculos tuos abeat frater tuus
so oneli that tho passe not the noumbre of fourti, lest thi brother be to-rent viliche bifore thin iyen, and go awei.
4 non ligabis os bovis terentis in area fruges tuas
Thou schalt not bynde the `mouth of the oxe tredynge thi fruytis in the corn floor.
5 quando habitaverint fratres simul et unus ex eis absque liberis mortuus fuerit uxor defuncti non nubet alteri sed accipiet eam frater eius et suscitabit semen fratris sui
Whanne britheren dwellen to gidere, and oon of hem is deed with out fre children, the wijf of the deed brother schal not be weddid to anothir man, but his brothir schal take hir, and schal reise seed of his brother.
6 et primogenitum ex ea filium nomine illius appellabit ut non deleatur nomen eius ex Israhel
And he schal clepe the firste gendrid sone `of hir bi the name `of hym, `that is, of the deed brothir, that his name be not don awei fro Israel.
7 sin autem noluerit accipere uxorem fratris sui quae ei lege debetur perget mulier ad portam civitatis et interpellabit maiores natu dicetque non vult frater viri mei suscitare nomen fratris sui in Israhel nec me in coniugium sumere
Forsothe if he nyle take the wijf of his brother, which is due to hym bi lawe, the womman schal go to the yate of the citee; and sche schal axe the grettere men in birthe, and sche schal seie, `The brother of myn hosebonde nyle reise seed of his brother in Israel, nethir wole take me in to mariage.
8 statimque accersiri eum facient et interrogabunt si responderit nolo eam uxorem accipere
And anoon thei schulen make hym to be clepid, and thei schulen axe. If he answerith, Y nyle take hir to wijf;
9 accedet mulier ad eum coram senioribus et tollet calciamentum de pede eius spuetque in faciem illius et dicet sic fit homini qui non aedificat domum fratris sui
the womman schal go to hym bifor the eldre men of Israel, and sche schal take awei the schoo, and sche schal spete in to his face, and schal seie, So it schal be doon to the man, that bildith not `the hows of his brother;
10 et vocabitur nomen illius in Israhel domus Disculciati
and `the name of hym schal be clepid in Israel, The hows of the man vnschood.
11 si habuerint inter se iurgium viri et unus contra alterum rixari coeperit volensque uxor alterius eruere virum suum de manu fortioris miserit manum et adprehenderit verenda eius
If twei men han strijf bitwixe hem silf, and oon bigynneth to stryue ayens another, and the wijf of `the tother man wole delyuere hir hosebonde fro the hond of the strongere man, and puttith hond, and `takith the schamefast membris `of hym,
12 abscides manum illius nec flecteris super eam ulla misericordia
thou schalt kitte awei `the hond of hir, nether thou schalt be bowid on hir bi ony mercy.
13 non habebis in sacculo diversa pondera maius et minus
Thou schalt not haue in the bagge dyuerse weiytis,
14 nec erit in domo tua modius maior et minor
a grettere and a lesse, nether a buyschel more and lesse schal be in thin hows.
15 pondus habebis iustum et verum et modius aequalis et verus erit tibi ut multo vivas tempore super terram quam Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi
Thou schalt haue a iust weiyte and trewe, and an euene buyschel `and trewe schal be to thee, that thou lyue in myche tyme on the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
16 abominatur enim Dominus eum qui facit haec et aversatur omnem iniustitiam
For the Lord schal haue hym abhomynable that doith these thingis, and he wlatith, `ethir cursith, al vnriytfulnesse.
17 memento quae fecerit tibi Amalech in via quando egrediebaris ex Aegypto
Haue thou mynde what thingis Amalech dide to thee in the weie, whanne thou yedist out of Egipt;
18 quomodo occurrerit tibi et extremos agminis tui qui lassi residebant ceciderit quando tu eras fame et labore confectus et non timuerit Deum
hou he cam to thee, and killide the laste men of thin oost, that saten wery, whanne thou were disesid with hungur and trauel, and he dredde not God.
19 cum ergo Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi requiem et subiecerit cunctas per circuitum nationes in terra quam tibi pollicitus est delebis nomen eius sub caelo cave ne obliviscaris
Therfor whanne thi Lord God hath youe reste to thee, and hath maad suget alle naciouns `bi cumpas, in the lond which he bihiyte to thee, thou schalt do awei `the name of hym vndur heuene; be thou war lest thou foryete.

< Deuteronomii 25 >