< Job 28 >

1 Habet argentum, venarum suarum principia: et auro locus est, in quo conflatur.
for there to/for silver: money exit and place to/for gold to refine
2 Ferrum de terra tollitur: et lapis solutus calore, in aes vertitur.
iron from dust to take: take and stone to pour bronze
3 Tempus posuit tenebris, et universorum finem ipse considerat, lapidem quoque caliginis, et umbram mortis.
end to set: put to/for darkness and to/for all limit he/she/it to search stone darkness and shadow
4 Dividit torrens a populo peregrinante, eos, quos oblitus est pes egentis hominis, et invios.
to break through torrent: river from from with to sojourn [the] to forget from foot to languish from human to shake
5 Terra, de qua oriebatur panis in loco suo, igni subversa est.
land: soil from her to come out: produce food: bread and underneath: under her to overturn like fire
6 Locus sapphiri lapides eius, et glebae illius aurum.
place sapphire stone her and dust gold to/for him
7 Semitam ignoravit avis, nec intuitus est eam oculus vulturis.
path not to know him bird of prey and not to see him eye falcon
8 Non calcaverunt eam filii institorum, nec pertransivit per eam leaena.
not to tread him son: type of pride not to advance upon him lion
9 Ad silicem extendit manum suam, subvertit a radicibus montes.
in/on/with flint to send: reach hand: power his to overturn from root mountain: mount
10 In petris rivos excidit, et omne pretiosum vidit oculus eius.
in/on/with rock stream to break up/open and all preciousness to see: see eye his
11 Profunda quoque fluviorum scrutatus est, et abscondita in lucem produxit.
from weeping river to saddle/tie and secret her to come out: send light
12 Sapientia vero ubi invenitur? et quis est locus intelligentiae?
and [the] wisdom from where? to find and where? this place understanding
13 Nescit homo pretium eius, nec invenitur in terra suaviter viventium.
not to know human valuation her and not to find in/on/with land: country/planet [the] alive
14 Abyssus dicit: Non est in me: et mare loquitur: Non est mecum.
abyss to say not in/on/with me he/she/it and sea to say nothing with me me
15 Non dabitur aurum obrizum pro ea, nec appendetur argentum in commutatione eius.
not to give: give enclosure underneath: instead her and not to weigh silver: money price her
16 Non conferetur tinctis Indiae coloribus, nec lapidi sardonycho pretiosissimo, vel sapphiro.
not to weigh in/on/with gold Ophir in/on/with onyx precious and sapphire
17 Non adaequabitur ei aurum vel vitrum, nec commutabuntur pro ea vasa auri:
not to arrange her gold and glass and exchange her article/utensil pure gold
18 Excelsa et eminentia non memorabuntur comparatione eius: trahitur autem sapientia de occultis.
coral and crystal not to remember and bag/price wisdom from jewel
19 Non adaequabitur ei topazius de Aethiopia, nec tincturae mundissimae componetur.
not to arrange her topaz Cush in/on/with gold pure not to weigh
20 Unde ergo sapientia venit? et quis est locus intelligentiae?
and [the] wisdom from where? to come (in): come and where? this place understanding
21 Abscondita est ab oculis omnium viventium, volucres quoque caeli latet.
and to conceal from eye all alive and from bird [the] heaven to hide
22 Perditio et mors dixerunt: Auribus nostris audivimus famam eius.
Abaddon and death to say in/on/with ear our to hear: hear report her
23 Deus intelligit viam eius, et ipse novit locum illius.
God to understand way: direction her and he/she/it to know [obj] place her
24 Ipse enim fines mundi intuetur: et omnia, quae sub caelo sunt, respicit.
for he/she/it to/for end [the] land: country/planet to look underneath: under all [the] heaven to see: see
25 Qui fecit ventis pondus, et aquas appendit in mensura.
to/for to make: offer to/for spirit: breath weight and water to measure in/on/with measure
26 Quando ponebat pluviis legem, et viam procellis sonantibus:
in/on/with to make he to/for rain statute: decree and way: journey to/for lightning voice: thunder
27 Tunc vidit illam, et enarravit, et praeparavit, et investigavit.
then to see: see her and to recount her to establish: establish her and also to search her
28 Et dixit homini: Ecce timor Domini, ipsa est sapientia: et recedere a malo, intelligentia.
and to say to/for man look! fear Lord he/she/it wisdom and to turn aside: turn aside from bad: evil understanding

< Job 28 >