< Psalm 147 >

1 Kaksakin LEUM GOD! Wo in yuk on in kaksak nu sin God lasr; Ma fal ac mwe insewowo in kaksakinyuk El.
Alleluya. Herie ye the Lord, for the salm is good; heriyng be myrie, and fair to oure God.
2 LEUM GOD El sifilpa musaeak Jerusalem; El sifilpa folokonma mwet sruoh.
The Lord schal bilde Jerusalem; and schal gadere togidere the scateryngis of Israel.
3 El akkeye inse su musalla Ac pwelah kinet kaclos.
Which Lord makith hool men contrit in herte; and byndith togidere the sorewes of hem.
4 El pakiya pisen itu uh Ac El sang inen kais sie selos.
Which noumbrith the multitude of sterris; and clepith names to alle tho.
5 Leum lasr El fulat ac ku; Lalmwetmet lal tia ku in srikeyuki.
Oure Lord is greet, and his vertu is greet; and of his wisdom is no noumbre.
6 El tulokunulosyak su pilesreyuk, Ac itungya mwet koluk nu infohk uh.
The Lord takith vp mylde men; forsothe he makith low synneris `til to the erthe.
7 Yuk on in kaksak nu sin LEUM GOD; Srital ke harp nu sin God lasr.
Bifore synge ye to the Lord in knoulechyng; seye ye salm to oure God in an harpe.
8 El asroelik pukunyeng inkusrao; El supwama af nu faclu Ac El oru tuh mah in kap fin inging uh.
Which hilith heuene with cloudis; and makith redi reyn to the erthe. Which bryngith forth hei in hillis; and eerbe to the seruice of men.
9 El sang nu sin kosro ma nalos, Ac kite won raven fusr ke elos pang.
Which yyueth mete to her werk beestis; and to the briddys of crowis clepinge hym.
10 LEUM GOD El tia insewowo ke horse ku, El tia pac engankin mwet mweun pulaik;
He schal not haue wille in the strengthe of an hors; nether it schal be wel plesaunt to hym in the leggis of a man.
11 Ac El insewowo selos su akfulatyal, Ac lulalfongi ke lungse kawil lal.
It is wel plesaunt to the Lord on men that dreden hym; and in hem that hopen on his mercy.
12 Kaksakin LEUM GOD, O Jerusalem! Kaksakin God lom, O Zion!
Jerusalem, herie thou the Lord; Syon, herie thou thi God.
13 El akkeye mutunpot lom, Ac El akinsewowoye mwet lom.
For he hath coumfortid the lockis of thi yatis; he hath blessid thi sones in thee.
14 El taran masrol ke facl sum tuh in misla; El akkihpye kom ke wheat na wowo.
Which hath set thi coostis pees; and fillith thee with the fatnesse of wheete.
15 El sang sie sap ku nu sin faclu, Ac ma El fahk uh sa in orekla.
Which sendith out his speche to the erthe; his word renneth swiftli.
16 El oralik snow oana sie kaot, Ac El oralik aunfong oana kutkut.
Which yyueth snow as wolle; spredith abrood a cloude as aische.
17 El supwama af yohk kosra oana fikar; Wangin mwet ku in muteng mihsrisr kac.
He sendith his cristal as mussels; who schal suffre bifore the face of his cooldnesse?
18 Na El sang sap ku lal, ac ice uh kofelik; El supwama eng, ac kof uh asrla.
He schal sende out his word, and schal melte tho; his spirit schal blowe, and watris schulen flowe.
19 El fahkak kas lal nu sin mwet lal — Mwe luti lal ac ma sap lal nu sin Israel.
Which tellith his word to Jacob; and hise riytfulnessis and domes to Israel.
20 El tia oru ouinge nu sin kutena mutunfacl saya. Elos tia etu ma sap lal. Kaksakin LEUM GOD!
He dide not so to ech nacioun; and he schewide not hise domes to hem.

< Psalm 147 >