< Marcos 15 >

1 Are xsaqirik, ri kinimaꞌqil ri chꞌawenelabꞌ cho ri Dios, ri e kꞌamal taq kibꞌe ri winaq aꞌj Israel xuqujeꞌ ri e yoꞌl taq noꞌj xkichomaj jas kakibꞌano. Xkiyut bꞌik ri Jesús, xkikꞌam bꞌik choch ri Pilato.
Early in the morning, the chief priests met together with the elders and scribes and the entire Jewish council. Then they bound Jesus and led him away. They handed him over to Pilate.
2 Ri Pilato xuta che ri Jesús: ¿La at ri at kirey ri winaq aꞌj Israel? Ri Jesús xubꞌij che: Lal xbꞌin la in jachinaq.
Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” He answered him, “You say so.”
3 Ri e kꞌamal taq kibꞌe ri e chꞌawenelabꞌ cho ri Dios pa kiwiꞌ ri winaq xkichapleꞌj utzujuxik ri Jesús che kꞌi jastaq.
The chief priests were presenting many charges against Jesus.
4 Ri Pilato xubꞌij che ri Jesús: ¿La maj jas kabꞌij che le tajin kakibꞌij chawe? Sibꞌalaj kꞌi ri amakum, jeriꞌ kakibꞌij.
Pilate again asked him, “Do you give no answer? See how many charges they are bringing against you!”
5 Pune jeriꞌ xbꞌix che ri Jesús, maj xa ta ne jun tzij xubꞌij, rumal riꞌ ri Pilato sibꞌalaj xmayijanik.
But Jesus no longer answered Pilate, and that amazed him.
6 Pa ri nimaqꞌij, naqꞌatal che ri Pilato kutzoqopij jun itzel winaq ri kꞌo pa che, xapachin na kꞌu ri kakita ri winaq.
Now at the time of the feast, Pilate usually released to them one prisoner, a prisoner they requested.
7 Kꞌo kꞌu jun achi ubꞌiꞌ Barrabás, tzꞌapital pa ri cheꞌ kukꞌ ri itzel taq winaq, rumal ukꞌulel ri nim taqanel pa Roma xuqujeꞌ rumal ri kamisanik ri ubꞌanom.
There with the rebels in prison, among the murderers held for their part in the rebellion, was a man named Barabbas.
8 Xkimulij kibꞌ ri winaq choch ri Pilato, xkita che kutzoqopij ri jun itzel winaq jetaq ri naqꞌatalik kubꞌano pa ri nimaqꞌij.
The crowd came to Pilate and began to ask him to do for them as he had done in the past.
9 Ri Pilato xuta chike: ¿La are kiwaj kintzoqopij bꞌik le kirey le winaq aꞌj Israel?
Pilate answered them and said, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”
10 Jeriꞌ xubꞌij rumal xuchꞌobꞌo chi ri e kꞌamal taq kibꞌe ri e chꞌawenelabꞌ cho ri Dios xkijach ri Jesús rumal kꞌax kakinaꞌ che.
For he knew that it was because of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him.
11 Ri e kinimaꞌqil ri e chꞌawenelabꞌ cho ri Dios xeꞌkitaqchiꞌj ri winaq are kakito katzoqopix ri Barrabás.
But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to cry out that Barabbas should be released instead.
12 Ri Pilato xuta chike: ¿Jas kꞌu kinbꞌan che le achi le kibꞌij ix chi are kirey ri winaq aꞌj Israel?
Pilate answered them again and said, “What then should I do with the King of the Jews?”
13 Ri winaq ko xkiraq kichiꞌ, xkibꞌij: ¡Ripoq!
They shouted again, “Crucify him!”
14 Ri Pilato xuta chike: ¿Jas che? ¿Jas xumakuj we achi riꞌ? Ri winaq ko xkiraq kichiꞌ, xkibꞌij: ¡Ripoq!
Pilate said to them, “What wrong has he done?” But they shouted more and more, “Crucify him.”
15 Xraj kꞌu ri Pilato xuya chike ri winaq ri kakaj xtaqanik katzoqopixik ri Barrabás, xuqujeꞌ xtaqan churapuxik ri Jesús, kꞌa te riꞌ xujach bꞌik chike rech kakiripo.
Pilate wanted to satisfy the crowd, so he released Barabbas to them. He scourged Jesus and then handed him over to be crucified.
16 Ri ajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ xkikꞌam bꞌik ri Jesús choch ri ja ri kakꞌojiꞌ wi ri nim qꞌatal tzij, xeꞌkimulij konojel ri kachiꞌl.
The soldiers led him inside the courtyard (which is the government headquarters), and they called together the whole cohort of soldiers.
17 Xkikoj jun kyaq manta chirij ri Jesús, kꞌa te riꞌ xkikem jun kꞌix korona, xkikoj pa ujolom,
They put a purple robe on Jesus, and they twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on him.
18 xuqujeꞌ xkibꞌij: ¡Nim uqꞌij ri kirey ri winaq aꞌj Israel!
They began to salute him and say, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
19 Xkichꞌay chujolom rukꞌ jun aj, xkichubꞌaj, xexukiꞌk choch, kakijaluj kakiya uqꞌij.
They struck his head with a reed staff and they spat on him. They bent their knees before him to pretend to worship him.
20 Are xetoꞌtaj chuyakik kitzeꞌ chirij ri Jesús, xkesaj ri manta chrij, xkikoj ri ratzꞌyaq. Kꞌa te riꞌ xkikꞌam bꞌik pa ripik.
When they had mocked him, they took off of him the purple robe and put his own garments on him, and then led him out to crucify him.
21 Kꞌo jun achi ubꞌiꞌ Simón aj Cirene, utat ri Alejandro Rufo, tzalijem loq rij pa ri uchak cho ri saq, xkitaq bꞌik chi reqaxik ri ripbꞌal.
A certain man, Simon of Cyrene, was coming in from the country (he was the father of Alexander and Rufus), and they forced him to carry his cross.
22 Xkikꞌam bꞌik ri Jesús pa ri ulew ubꞌiꞌnam Gólgota, ri kel kubꞌij Ubꞌaqilal jolomaj.
The soldiers brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which interpreted means, “Place of a Skull”).
23 Xkiyujaꞌj vino rukꞌ mirra, kꞌa te riꞌ xkitzuj che, ri Jesús man xraj taj xutijo.
They offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not drink it.
24 Kꞌa te riꞌ xkiripo, ri ajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ xeꞌtzꞌanik rech kakilo jachin kachꞌekow bꞌik ri ratzꞌyaq ri Jesús.
They crucified him and divided up his garments by casting lots to determine what piece each soldier would take.
25 Pa ri bꞌelejebꞌ hora rech ri qꞌij, xkirip ri Jesús.
It was the third hour when they crucified him.
26 Xkikoj we tzꞌibꞌatalik riꞌ puꞌwiꞌ ri cheꞌ ripbꞌal: ARE WAꞌ RI KIREY RI WINAQ AꞌJ ISRAEL.
On a sign they wrote the charge against him, “The king of the Jews.”
27 Xerip xuqujeꞌ e kebꞌ eleqꞌomabꞌ chuxukut, jun pa umox, jun pa uwiqiqꞌabꞌ.
With him they crucified two robbers, one on the right of him and one on his left.
28 Xkꞌulmataj kꞌut ri tzꞌibꞌatal loq chirij kubꞌij: Xajilax chikixoꞌl ri aꞌjmakibꞌ.
29 Konojel ri kiꞌkꞌow bꞌik kakisutusa kanoq ri kijolom xuqujeꞌ kakibꞌij kanoq che ri Jesús: At ri katukij ri Templo kꞌa te riꞌ pa oxibꞌ qꞌij kayak ukꞌaxel.
Those who passed by insulted him, shaking their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days,
30 ¡Chatqaj loq cho ri ripbꞌal, chakolo awibꞌ!
save yourself and come down from the cross!”
31 Ri e kꞌamal taq bꞌe kech ri chꞌawenelabꞌ cho ri Dios, e kachiꞌl ri aꞌjtijabꞌ rech ri taqanik xkitzeꞌj uwach ri Jesús xkibꞌij che: Xkwinik xuꞌkol nikꞌaj winaq chik, man kakwin ta kꞌut kukol ribꞌ.
In the same way the chief priests were mocking him with each other, along with the scribes, and said, “He saved others, but he cannot save himself.
32 Chuqasaj loq ribꞌ choch ri ripbꞌal, we are Cristo kirey ri winaq aꞌj Israel rech jeriꞌ kaqilo xuqujeꞌ kujkojon che. Ri achyabꞌ ri xerip rukꞌ kakibꞌij apanoq kꞌax taq tzij che.
Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe,” and those who were crucified with him also taunted him.
33 Pa ri unikꞌajil qꞌij xqꞌequꞌmataj ri uwachulew kꞌa te xtaniꞌ pa ri urox hora rech bꞌenaq qꞌij.
At the sixth hour, darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour.
34 Ri Jesús xuraq uchiꞌ pa ri urox hora rech bꞌenaq qꞌij, xubꞌij: Eloi, Eloi, ¿lama sabactani? ri kel kubꞌij: NuDios, nuDios ¿jas che xinya la kanoq nutukel?
At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is interpreted, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
35 Jujun chike ri e kꞌo chilaꞌ, are xkita ri xubꞌij ri Jesús, xkibꞌij: Chitampeꞌ, tajin kuchꞌabꞌej apanoq ri Elías.
Some of those standing by heard his words and said, “Look, he is calling for Elijah.”
36 Kaxikꞌan jun chike ri achyabꞌ xuꞌchꞌaqabꞌa loq jun qꞌux pa vinagre kꞌa te riꞌ xuxekebꞌa bꞌik che jun aj, xutzuj apanoq che ri Jesús, xuqujeꞌ xubꞌij: Qilampeꞌ we qas kape ri Elías chuqasaxik.
Someone ran, put sour wine on a sponge, put it on a reed staff, and gave it to him to drink. The man said, “Let us see if Elijah comes to take him down.”
37 Ri Jesús rukꞌ chuqꞌabꞌ xuraq uchiꞌ, kꞌa te riꞌ xkamik.
Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice and died.
38 Ri atzꞌyaq tasbꞌal upam ri Tyoxalaj kꞌolibꞌal ri kꞌo pa ri Templo xjisjobꞌ pa kebꞌ upetik chikaj kꞌa pa ri ulew.
The curtain of the temple was split in two from the top to the bottom.
39 Are xuta ri kinimal ri ajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ chi xuraq uchiꞌ ri Jesús, xuqujeꞌ xrilo jas xubꞌan ri Jesús xkamik, xubꞌij: Qas tzij wi, we achi riꞌ are Ukꞌojol ri Dios.
When the centurion who stood and faced Jesus saw that he had died in this way, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”
40 E kꞌo kꞌu jujun ixoqibꞌ naj e kꞌo wi kekaꞌy apanoq. Chikixoꞌl e kꞌo ri María Magdalena, ri María ri unan ri Jacobo, xuqujeꞌ ri unan ri José, xuqujeꞌ ri Salomé.
There were also women who looked on from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James the younger and of Joses), and Salome.
41 We ixoqibꞌ riꞌ xeteriꞌk, xuqujeꞌ xkipatanij ri Jesús are kꞌo pa Galilea. E kꞌo xuqujeꞌ nikꞌaj ixoqibꞌ chik chilaꞌ ri xepaqiꞌ rukꞌ are xeꞌ pa Jerusalén.
When he was in Galilee they followed him and served him. Many other women also came up with him to Jerusalem.
42 Bꞌenaq chi qꞌij, (qꞌij ri kasukꞌumax kanoq ronojel ri katij pa ri qꞌij rech uxlanem)
When evening had come, because it was the Day of Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath,
43 ri José aj Arimatea, jun chike ri e yaꞌl taq noꞌj kech ri winaq aꞌj Israel, jun achi ri rayeꞌm ri ajawarem rech ri Dios, man xuxiꞌj taj ribꞌ, xopan rukꞌ ri Pilato chutayik ri utyoꞌjal ri Jesús rech kumuqu.
Joseph of Arimathea came there. He was a respected member of the council, who was waiting for the kingdom of God. He boldly went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
44 Ri Pilato sibꞌalaj xmayijanik are xuto chi aninaq xkam ri Jesús, xusikꞌij ri kinimal ri ajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ xuta che la naj chik kaminaq ri Jesús.
Pilate was amazed that Jesus was already dead; he called the centurion and asked him if Jesus was dead.
45 Are xkibꞌij che chi ri Jesús kaminaq chik, xuya bꞌe che ri José xukꞌam bꞌik.
When Pilate learned from the centurion that Jesus was dead, he gave the body to Joseph.
46 Ri José xuqasaj bꞌik ri utyoꞌjal ri Jesús, xubꞌolqꞌotij bꞌik pa jun kꞌakꞌ atzꞌyaq ri xuloqꞌo, xuyaꞌ kanoq pa jun jul ri kꞌottal cho jun abꞌaj, kꞌa te riꞌ xuwolqotij kanoq jun abꞌaj rech kutzꞌapij ri uchiꞌ ri muqbꞌal.
Joseph had bought a linen cloth. He took him down from the cross, wrapped him in the linen cloth, and laid him in a tomb that had been cut out of a rock. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.
47 Ri María Magdalena rachiꞌl ri María unan ri José xkilo jawjeꞌ xmuqiꞌ wi kanoq ri Jesús.
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw the place where Jesus was buried.

< Marcos 15 >