< Zmavarene 6 >

1 Anante Ra Anumzamo'a anage huno Mosesena asmi'ne, Kagra menina na'ano Feroma huntesnua zana kegahane. Nagra hankaveni'areti atufenugeno, Fero'a hankavetino hunezmanteno, maka mopa'afinti'enena zamahe'natisige'za vugahaze.
And the Lord seide to Moises, Now thou schalt se, what thingis Y schal do to Farao; for bi strong hond he schal delyuere hem, and in myyti hond he schal caste hem out of his lond.
2 Mago'ane Anumzamo'a Mosesena amanage huno asmi'ne, Nagrake Ra Anumzana mani'noe.
And the Lord spak to Moises,
3 Nagra Abrahamune Aisakine Jekopukizmi zamavure'ma efore'ma hu'noa hanavenentake Anumzane, hianagi nagi'a Ra Anumzane hu'na ozamasmi'noe.
and seide, Y am the Lord, that apperide to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob in Almyyti God; and Y schewide not to hem my greet name Adonai;
4 Hanki zamagra ruregati vahekna hu'za Kenani mani'nazage'na, Nagra huvempa ke huhagerafina Kenani mopa zamigahue hu'na hu'noe.
and Y made couenaunt with hem, that Y schulde yyue to hem the lond of Canaan, the lond of her pilgrymage, in which thei weren comelyngis.
5 Mago'ane Isipi vahe'mo'ma Israeli vahe'ma kazokzo eri'zampi zmante'nazage'za kragi'ma neru'za krafage'ma nehazama'a nentahi'na huvempa hu'na huhagerafi'noa kegu nagesa antahi'noe.
Y herde the weilyng of the sones of Israel, in which the Egipcians oppresseden hem, and Y hadde mynde of my couenaunt.
6 E'ina hu'negu amanage hunka Israeli vahera ome zmasmio, Nagra Ra Anumzanki'na, Isipi vahe'mo'za kazokzo eri'zama tamigeta e'nerizafintira, Nagra'a nazana rusute'na rama'a hanave knazana Isipi vahera nezami'na, keaga huzmante'na Israeli vahera ete'na zamavaregahue.
Therfor seie thou to the sones of Israel, Y am the Lord, that schal lede out you of the prisoun of Egipcians; and Y schal delyuere fro seruage; and Y schal ayen bie in `an hiy arm, and in grete domes;
7 Nagri vaheni'a mani'naze hu'na neramavrena, Nagra tamagri Anumza manisugeta, Isipi vahe'mofo kazokzo eri'za vahe mani'nonkeno tavreno atirami'nea Ra Anumzane hutma antahigahaze.
and Y schal take you to me in to a puple, and Y schal be youre God; and ye schulen wite, for Y am youre Lord God, `which haue led you out of the prisoun of Egipcians,
8 Nagra Abrahamu'ma Aisaki'ma Jekopuma zamigahue hu'na huvempama huzmante'noa mopare tamavre'na vugahue. Nagra ana mopa tamisugeno tamagri zane huno megahie. Nagra Ra Anumzamo'na hue!
and haue led you in to the lond, on which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde yyue it to Abraham, and to Ysaac, and to Jacob; and Y schal yyue to you that lond to be weldid; I the Lord.
9 Mosese'a ama ana kea Israeli vahe zmasmi'neanagi, kema hiana ontahi'naze. Na'ankure Isipi vahe'mo'za tutu huzmantage'zama hanavenentake kazokzo eri'zama eri'naza zamo antahintahi zmimofona ahe haviza hige'za ontahi'naze.
Therfor Moises telde alle thingis to the sones of Irael, whiche assentide not to hym for the angwisch of spirit, and for the hardest werk.
10 Ana higeno Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena anage huno asami'ne,
And the Lord spak to Moises,
11 Vunka Isipi kini ne' Ferona ome asamigeno, Israeli vahera agra zmatrenke'za mopa'afintira viho.
and seide, Entre thou, and speke to Farao, kyng of Egipt, that he delyuere the children of Israel fro his lond.
12 Hianagi kenona'a Mosese'a Ra Anumzamofona anage huno asami'ne, Israeli vahe'mo'za kema hu'noa kea ontahi'nazanki, inankna huno Fero'a ke'ni'a antahi namigahie? Nagra kea hugara osu'noe.
Moises answeride bifore the Lord, Lo! the children of Israel here not me, and hou schal Farao here, moost sithen Y am vncircumcidid in lippis?
13 Hianagi Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesene Aronigiznia ke huno, Isipi kini ne' Fero kvafintira, Israeli vahera zmavre'za Isipi mopa atre'za vnagu hanave ke huzanante'ne.
And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and yaf comaundementis to the sones of Israel, and to Farao, kyng of Egipt, that thei schulden lede out the sones of Israel fro the lond of Egipt.
14 Ama'i Israeli naga nofi'mofonte ugagota hu'naza naga'mokizmi zmagi'e. Rubeni'a Israelina (Jekopu) kota mofavre'agino, Hanoku'ma Paru'ma Hesroni'ma Kami'ma, huno kasezmante'ne.
These ben the princis of housis bi her meynees. The sones of Ruben, the firste gendrid of Israel, Enoch, and Fallu, Esrom, and Charmy; these ben the kynredis of Ruben.
15 Hagi Simioni'a Keneni a'ma erino kasezmante'nea mofavre'rmina, e'i Jemueli'ma Jamini'ma Ohati'ma Jekini'ma Johari'ma Sauri'e. Zamagra Simioni naga nofire hu'za mani'naze.
The sones of Symeon, Jamuel, and Jamyn, and Aod, and Jachym, and Soer, and Saul, the sone of a womman of Canaan; these ben the kynretis of Symeon.
16 Hagi ama'i Livae'ma kasezmante'nea naga nofi'mofo zamagi'e, Gesoni'ma Kohati'ma Merari'e. Livae'a 137ni'a kafu mani'ne.
And these ben the names of the sones of Leuy by her kynredis, Gerson, and Caath, and Merary. Forsothe the yeeris of lijf of Leuy weren an hundrid and seuene and thretti.
17 Hagi Gesoni'ma kasezanante'nea mofavremokiznia znagi'a, Libini'ene Simeikegi'ne zanagra naga nofi zanirera ugagota hu'na'e.
The sones of Gerson, Lobny and Semei, bi her kynredis.
18 Hagi Kohati ne'mofavreramimofo zamagi'a, Amrami'ma Izhari'ma Hebroni'ma Uzieli'e. Hagi Kohati'a 133'a kafuzage mani'ne.
The sones of Caath, Amram, and Isuar, and Hebron, and Oziel; and the yeeris of lijf of Caath weren an hundrid and thre and thretti.
19 Merari ne' mofavre'mokizni znagi'a, Mali'ene Musike. Ama'i Livae naga nofi'mofo zmagi'a kasezmante'nereti agafa huno meno e'ne.
The sones of Merari weren Mooli and Musi. These weren the kynredis of Leuy bi her meynees.
20 Amrami'a nefana nesaro Jokebetina ara erigeno, Aronine Mosesene kasezanante'ne. Amrami'a 137ni'a kafu mani'ne.
Forsothe Amram took a wijf, Jocabed, douytir of his fadris brother, and sche childide to hym Aaron, and Moises, and Marie; and the yeeris of lijf of Amram weren an hundred and seuene and thretti.
21 Hagi Izhari mofavreramina, Kora'ma Nefegi'ma Zikri'e.
Also the sones of Isuar weren Chore, and Nafeg, and Zechry.
22 Uzieli ne' mofavremokizmi zamagi'a, Misaeli'ma, Elzafani'ma Sitri'e.
Also the sones of Oziel weren Misael, and Elisaphan, and Sechery.
23 Aroni'a Aminatapu mofa Erisebana Nasoni nesarona a' erigeno, Natapuma Abihuma Eriasama Itamama huno kasezmante'ne.
Sotheli Aaron took a wijf, Elizabeth, the douytir of Amynadab, the sistir of Naason, and sche childide to hym Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ythamar.
24 Kora ne' mofavremokizmi zamagi'a, Asiri'ma Erkana'ma Abiasavi'e. Zamagra Kora naga nofi mani'naze.
Also the sones of Chore weren Aser, and Elcana, and Abiasab; thes weren the kinredis of Chore.
25 Aroni nemofo Eleaza'a Putieri mofa'nefinti mago mofa ara erino Finiasina kasente'ne. E'i naga'mokizmimpinti Livae nagara efore hu'naze.
And sotheli Eleazar, sone of Aaron, took a wijf of the douytris of Phatiel, and sche childide Fynees to hym. These ben the princis of the meynees of Leuy bi her kynredis.
26 Hagi ama ana Aroni'ne Mosesegizni Ra Anumzamo'a znasmino, Israeli vahera Isipi mopafintira nagate nofite zmavreta atirami'o huno huzanante'nea ne'trene.
This is Aaron and Moises, to whiche the Lord comaundide, that thei schulden lede out of the lond of Egipt the sones of Israel by her cumpanyes;
27 E'i ana ne'tremoke Israeli vahera Isipi mopafintira zamavareke atiraminaku, Isipi kini ne' Ferontera vu'ne ome keaga hu'na'e.
these it ben, that speken to Pharao king of Egipt, that thei lede the sones of Israel out of Egipt;
28 Hagi Ra Anumzamo'ma Isipi mopafima Mosesema kema asami'nea knafina,
this is Moises and Aaron, in the dai in which the Lord spak to Moises in the lond of Egipt.
29 amanage huno Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena asmi'ne, Nagra Ra Anumzane, Isipi kini ne' Ferona maka amama kasamua kea ome asmio.
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Y am the Lord; spek thou to Farao, kyng of Egipt, alle thingis whiche Y speke to thee.
30 Hianagi Mosese'a Ra Anumzamofo avufi amanage hu'ne, Antahio, nagra kema hu'arera knarera osu'noankino, inankna huno Fero'a keni'a antahigahie?
And Moises seide bifore the Lord, Lo! Y am vncircumcidid in lippis; hou schal Farao here me?

< Zmavarene 6 >