< 使徒の働き 23 >

1 パウロ議員の方を熟視めて云ひけるは、兄弟たる人々よ、我今日に至るまで、良心を盡して神の御前に事へたり、と。
And Paul, looking fixedly at the Sanhedrin, said, My brothers, my life has been upright before God till this day.
2 是に於て司祭長アナニア、立添へる人々に、パウロの口を打てと命ぜしかば、
And the high priest, Ananias, gave orders to those who were near him to give him a blow on the mouth.
3 パウロ之に謂ひけるは、白塗の壁よ、神は汝を打ち給はん、汝律法の儘に我を審かんとて坐しながら、律法に反して命じて我を打たしむるか、と。
Then Paul said to him, God will give blows to you, you whitewashed wall: are you here to be my judge by law, and by your orders am I given blows against the law?
4 立會へる人々、汝神の大司祭を詛ふや、と云ひしに、
And those who were near said, Do you say such words against God's high priest?
5 パウロ云ひけるは、兄弟等よ、我其大司祭なる事を知らざりき。蓋録して「汝が民の君を詛ふこと勿れ」とあり、と。
And Paul said, Brother, I had no idea that he was the high priest: for it has been said, You may not say evil about the ruler of your people.
6 パウロ議員の一部はサドカイ人なるに、一部はファリザイ人なる事を知りて、議會に呼はりけるは、兄弟たる人々よ、我はファリザイ人の子にして、ファリザイ人なるが、死人の復活の希望の為に裁判せらるるなり、と。
But when Paul saw that half of them were Sadducees and the rest Pharisees, he said in the Sanhedrin, Brothers, I am a Pharisee, and the son of Pharisees: I am here to be judged on the question of the hope of the coming back from the dead.
7 斯く云ひしかば、ファリザイ人とサドカイ人との間に激論起りて、會衆分裂せり。
And when he had said this, there was an argument between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and a division in the meeting.
8 其はサドカイ人は復活も天使も霊も無しと言ふを、ファリザイ人は孰れも有りと主張すればなり。
For the Sadducees say that there is no coming back from the dead, and no angels or spirits: but the Pharisees have belief in all these.
9 然て凄じき叫喚となりて、ファリザイ人中の或者等立争ひて云ひけるは、我等此人に何等の惡をも認めず、若霊又は天使ありて彼に語りたらんには如何、とて、
And there was a great outcry: and some of the scribes on the side of the Pharisees got up and took part in the discussion, saying, We see no evil in this man: what if he has had a revelation from an angel or a spirit?
10 激しき争ひとなりしかば、千夫長パウロが彼等に引裂かれん事を恐れて、兵卒に命じ、下りて彼等の中よりパウロを奪取り、営内に牽入れしめたり。
And when the argument became very violent, the chief captain, fearing that Paul would be pulled in two by them, gave orders to the armed men to take him by force from among them, and take him into the army building.
11 次夜、主忽ちパウロの傍に現れて曰ひけるは、励め、蓋エルザレムに於て我を證したるが如く、ロマに於ても證せざるべからず、と。
And the night after, the Lord came to his side and said, Be of good heart, for as you have been witnessing for me in Jerusalem, so will you be my witness in Rome.
12 夜明けて、或ユデア人等相集り、誓ひてパウロを殺すまでは飲食すまじと言へり。
And when it was day, the Jews came together and put themselves under an oath that they would take no food or drink till they had put Paul to death.
13 此企に與りし者四十人以上なりしが、
And more than forty of them took this oath.
14 司祭長と長老等との許に至りて云ひけるは、我等大願を立てて、パウロを殺すまでは何をも口に入れじと誓へり。
And they came to the chief priests and the rulers and said, We have taken a great oath to take no food till we have put Paul to death
15 然れば、パウロの事情を尚詳しく知らんとする如くにして、彼を汝等の前に出頭せしむる様、千夫長に報知せよ、我等其近づかざる中に之を殺さんと覚悟せり、と。
So now, will you and the Sanhedrin make a request to the military authorities to have him sent down to you, as if you were desiring to go into the business in greater detail; and we, before ever he gets to you, will be waiting to put him to death.
16 パウロが姉妹の子、此惡計を聞きて、行きて兵営の内に入りパウロに之を告げしかば、
But Paul's sister's son had word of their design, and he came into the army building and gave news of it to Paul.
17 パウロ一人の百夫長を呼びて云ひけるは、請ふ此青年を千夫長の許に携へ往け、其は彼に告ぐべき事あればなり、と。
And Paul sent for a captain and said, Take this young man to your chief, for he has news for him.
18 百夫長携へて之を千夫長の許に導き、然て云ひけるは、囚人パウロ我に請ふに、汝に語るべき事ある此青年を汝の許に導かん事を以てせり、と。
So he took him to the chief captain and said, Paul, the prisoner, made a request to me to take this young man to you, for he has something to say to you.
19 千夫長青年の手を取りて別所に連行き、我に語るべき事とは何事ぞ、と問ひしかば、
And the chief took him by the hand and, going on one side, said to him privately, What is it you have to say to me?
20 彼云ひけるは、ユデア人申合せて、パウロの事情を尚確に尋問せんとする如くにして、明日パウロを議會に出頭せしめん事を汝に申出でんとす、
And he said, The Jews are in agreement together to make a request to you for Paul to be taken, on the day after this, into the Sanhedrin, to be questioned in greater detail.
21 然れど彼等を信ずること勿れ、其は彼等の中四十人以上の者等、彼を殺すまでは飲食せずと誓ひ、今既に準備して、汝の約束を待ちつつあればなり、と。
But do not give way to them, for more than forty of them are waiting for him, having taken an oath not to take food or drink till they have put him to death: and now they are ready, waiting for your order.
22 千夫長、此事を我に告げたりと誰にも語ること勿れ、と戒めて青年を返し、
So the chief captain let the young man go, saying to him, Do not say to anyone that you have given me word of these things.
23 然て二人の百夫長を呼びて云ひけるは、汝等カイザリアに向けて、兵卒二百人、騎兵七十人、槍持二百人を夜の九時より仕立てさせ、
And he sent for two captains and said, Make ready two hundred men, with seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, to go to Caesarea, at the third hour of the night:
24 又馬を備へてパウロを乗らしめ、無事に総督フェリクスの許へ伴ひ行かしめよ、と。
And get beasts so that they may put Paul on them, and take him safely to Felix, the ruler.
25 是ユデア人がパウロを捕へて殺す事あらば、己賄賂を受けたる如く、後に至りて讒訴せられん事を恐れし故なり。
And he sent a letter in these words:
26 然て書添へたる書簡の文左の如し、
Claudius Lysias, to the most noble ruler, Felix, peace be with you.
27 クロウヂオ、ルジア、最尊き総督フェリクスに挨拶す。此人ユデア人に捕へられて既に殺されんとせしを、我其ロマ人たる事を聞き、軍隊を牽往きて救出したるが、
This man was taken by the Jews, and was about to be put to death by them, when I came on them with the army and took him out of danger, having knowledge that he was a Roman.
28 彼等の之を咎むる所以を知らんと欲して、之を其議會に召連れたるに、
And, desiring to get at the reason for their attack on him, I took him down to their Sanhedrin:
29 我は其訴へらるる所が彼等の律法に関する問題たるを認めて、聊も死刑若くは入獄に當る罪あるを認めず、
Then it became clear to me that it was a question of their law, and that nothing was said against him which might be a reason for prison or death.
30 加之彼等之を害せんとする企ありと告げられたれば、之を汝の許に送り、告訴人にも、汝の法廷に起訴せよ、と告示せり、汝健康なれ、と。
And when news was given to me that a secret design was being made against the man, I sent him straight away to you, giving orders to those who are against him to make their statements before you.
31 然れば兵卒等は命令に從ひ、パウロを携へて夜中にアンチパトリに連行き、
So the armed men, as they were ordered, took Paul and came by night to Antipatris.
32 明日は騎兵を殘して之に伴はしめ、然て己等は兵営に返りしが、
But on the day after, they sent the horsemen on with him, and went back to their place:
33 騎兵はカイザリアに至り、総督に添書を渡して、パウロをも其前に立たしめたり。
And they, when they came to Caesarea, gave the letter to the ruler, and took Paul before him.
34 総督添書を読みて、本國は何國ぞ、と問ひ、其シリシア州なる由を聞きしかば、
And after reading it, he said, What part of the country do you come from? And, hearing that he was from Cilicia,
35 汝の告訴人來りて後汝に聞くべし、と云ひて、命じてパウロをヘロデの邸内に護らしめたり。
I will give hearing to your cause, he said, when those who are against you have come. And he gave orders for him to be kept in Herod's Praetorium.

< 使徒の働き 23 >