< テモテへの手紙第二 2 >

1 第二項 勞苦に拘らず勇氣を振ふべし 然れば我子よ、汝キリスト、イエズスに於る恩寵に愈堅固なれ。
You must, then, my child, find strength in the help which comes from the union with Christ Jesus;
2 然て、數多の證人の前に我より聞きし事を、他人に教ふるに足るべき、忠實なる人々に托せよ。
and what you learnt from me, in the presence of many listeners, entrust to reliable people, who will be able in their turn to teach others.
3 キリストの善き軍人として共に苦を忍べ。
Share hardships with me, as a true soldier of Christ Jesus.
4 軍人は生活の事を以て己を煩はさずして、募りし者の心を獲んとす。
A soldier on active service, to please his superior officer, always avoids entangling himself in the affairs of ordinary life.
5 又勝負を争ふ人は規定に從ひて争はざれば冠を得ず。
No athlete is ever awarded the wreath of victory unless they have kept the rules.
6 辛勞する農夫は先其産物を獲ざるべからず。
The laborer who does the work should be the first to receive a share of the fruits of the earth.
7 我が言ふ所を悟れ、主は萬事に就きて汝に悟を賜ふべし。
Reflect on what I say; the Lord will always help you to understand.
8 ダヴィドの裔に在す主イエズス、キリストが、我福音の儘に死者の中より復活し給ひしことを記憶せよ、
Keep before your mind Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David, as told in the good news entrusted to me;
9 我は此福音の為に苦を嘗めて、惡人の如く鎖に繋がるるに至れり。然れども神の御言は繋がれず、
in the service of which I am suffering hardships, even to being put in fetters as a criminal. But the message of God is not fettered;
10 故に我は選まれたる人々の為に萬事を忍ぶ、是彼等をしてイエズス、キリストに於る救霊と天の榮光とを得しめん為なり。 (aiōnios g166)
and that is why I submit to anything for the sake of God’s people: so that they also may obtain the salvation which comes from union with Christ Jesus, and imperishable glory. (aiōnios g166)
11 眞實の談なる哉、我等キリストと共に死したるならば、又共に活くべし、
How true this saying is – ‘If we have shared his death, we will also share his life.
12 忍ばば又彼と共に王と成るべし、我等若彼を否まば、彼も亦我等を否み給ふべし、
If we continue to endure, we will also share his throne. If we should ever disown him, he, too, will disown us.
13 我等は信ぜざる事ありとも、彼は絶えず眞實にて在す、其は己に違ひ給ふ事能はざればなり。
If we lose our trust, he is still to be trusted, for he cannot be false to himself!’
14 第一項 謬説に對する處置 第二編 謬説と棄教とを防ぐべし 汝人々をして是等の事を思出さしめ、又主の御前に保證して、口論する事を戒めよ、口論は何等の益する所なく、聞く人をして亡に至らしむる耳なればなり。
Remind people of all this; tell them solemnly, as in the sight of God, to avoid controversy, a useless thing and the ruin of those who listen to it.
15 汝神の御前に於て鍛錬したる者、耻づる所なき働人、眞理の言を正しく扱へる者たらん事を努めよ。
Do your utmost to show yourself true to God, a worker with no reason to be ashamed, accurate in delivering the message of the truth.
16 世俗の無駄話を避けよ、蓋之を為せる人は、大いに不敬虔に進み、
Avoid profane prattle. Those who indulge in it only get deeper into irreligious ways,
17 其話の広がる事は脱疽の如し、ヒメネオとフィレトと其中に在りて、
and their teaching will spread like a cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are instances of this.
18 復活は既に在りきと稱へて眞理を脱し、或人々々の信仰を覆へせり。
They have gone completely astray as regards the truth; they say that a resurrection has already taken place, and so upset some people’s faith.
19 然れど神の据ゑ給ひし堅固なる基礎立ちて、其上に次の如く録されたる印章あり、曰く、「主は己のものを知り給ふ」、又曰く、「総て主の御名を稱ふる人は不義を離るべし」と。
Yet God’s firm foundation still stands unmoved, and it bears this inscription – ‘THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS’; and this – ‘LET ALL THOSE WHO USE THE NAME OF THE LORD TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS.’
20 抑大いなる家の中には金銀の器のみならず亦木と土との器ありて、或物は尊き用を為し、或物は卑しき用を為す。
Now in a large house there are not only things of gold and silver, but also others of wood and earthenware, some for better and some for common use.
21 然れば人若彼人々を離れて己を潔くせば、尊き器、聖とせられ且主に有益にして凡ての善業の為に備はれる器と成るべし。
If, then, a person has escaped from the pollution of such errors as I have mentioned, they will be like a thing kept for better use, set apart, serviceable to its owner, ready for any good purpose.
22 汝若氣の欲を避けて、義と信と愛とを求め、又潔き心を以て主を呼憑み奉る人々との和合を求めよ。
Flee from the passions of youth, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, in the company of those who, with a pure heart, invoke the Lord.
23 然れど愚にして無學なる探求は、是争論を起すものなりと悟りて之を避けよ。
Shun foolish and ignorant discussions, for you know that they only breed quarrels;
24 主の僕は争論すべきに非ず、却て一切の人に柔和にして、善く教へ且忍耐し、
and a servant of the Lord should never quarrel. They ought, on the contrary, to be courteous to everyone, skillful teachers, and forbearing.
25 眞理に逆らふ人々を戒むるに謙譲を以てすべし。或は眞理を覚らしめん為に神彼等に改心を賜ひ、
They should instruct their opponents in a gentle spirit; for, possibly, God may give those opponents a repentance that will lead to a fuller knowledge of truth,
26 彼等は何時しか目を覚して、惡魔の罠を迯るる事あらん、其は彼が、随意虜と為られたればなり。
and they may yet come to a sober mind, and escape from the devil’s net, when captured by the Lord’s servant to do the will of God.

< テモテへの手紙第二 2 >