< コリント人への手紙第一 10 >

1 兄弟等よ我汝等の之を知らざるを好まず、即ち我等の祖先は皆曾て雲の下に在り、皆海を過り、
Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 皆モイゼに属きて雲と海とを以て洗せられ、
and were all baptized into Moses by the cloud and by the sea;
3 皆同じ霊的食物を食し、
and did all eat the same spiritual food;
4 皆同じ霊的飲料を飲めり。蓋彼等に随ひつつありし霊的盤石より飲み居りしが、其盤石は即ちキリストなりき。
and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them: and that rock was an emblem of Christ.
5 然れども彼等の多くは神の御旨に適はず、荒野にて斃れたり。
But with the greater part of them God was displeased: for they were destroyed in the wilderness.
6 是等の事は我等に於る前兆にして、彼等が貪りし如く我等が惡事を貪らざらん為なり。
Now these things were examples for us, that we might not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
7 汝等は又、彼等の中なる或人々の如く偶像崇拝者となる事勿れ、録して、「民は坐して飲食し、立ちて樂しめり」、とあるが如し。
And be ye not idolaters, as some of them were; as it is written, "The people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play."
8 又彼等の中に私通する人々ありて、死する者一日に二萬三千人に及びしが、我等は彼等の如く私通すべからず。
Neither let us commit whoredom, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
9 又彼等の中にキリストを試むる人々ありて、蛇に亡ぼされしが、我等は彼等の如くキリストを試むべからず。
Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted Him, and were destroyed by serpents: nor murmur,
10 又彼等の中に呟く人々ありて、亡ぼす者に亡ぼされしが、汝等は彼等の如く呟くべからず。
as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
11 是等の事は皆前兆として彼等に起りつつありしが、其録されたるは、世の末が身に及べる我等の誡とならん為なり。 (aiōn g165)
Now all these things happened to them as examples: and are written for our admonition, on whom the last ages are come. (aiōn g165)
12 然れば自ら立てりと思ふ人は倒れじと注意すべし。
Wherefore let him, that thinks he standeth, take heed least he fall.
13 汝等に係る試みは人の常なるもの耳、神は眞實にて在せば、汝等の力以上に試みらるる事を許し給はず、却て堪ふることを得させん為に、試と共に勝つべき方法をも賜ふべし。
No temptation has yet taken you but what is common to man: and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able to sustain; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
14 第七項 再び供物の問題を説く 然れば我至愛なる者よ、偶像崇拝を避けよ。
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, flee from idolatry.
15 我は智者に對する心にて語れば、汝等自ら我が言ふ所を判断せよ。
I speak to you as to men of understanding: and judge ye what I say,
16 我等が祝する祝聖の杯は、キリストの御血を相共に授かるの義に非ずや。又我等が擘く所の麪は、相共に主の御體に與るの義に非ずや。
---The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
17 蓋総て一の麪を授かる我等は、多人數なりと雖も、一の麪一の體なり。
For the bread is one, and we though many are one body; for we all partake of that one bread.
18 肉に由れるイスラエル人を看よ、犠牲を食する人々は、祭壇の分配に與るに非ずや。
Consider Israel according to the flesh, Are not they, that eat of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar?
19 然らば何事ぞ、偶像に献げられし犠牲は何物かなり、偶像は何物かなり、と我は言へるか、(然らず)。
What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that what is sacrificed to an idol is in itself any thing to stumble at?
20 然れども異邦人の献ぐる犠牲は、神に献ぐるに非ずして惡鬼に献ぐるなり、我汝等が惡鬼の友となる事を禁ず。汝等主の杯と惡鬼の杯とを飲む事能はず、
No: but this I say, that what the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God.
21 主の祭壇と惡鬼の祭壇とに與る事能はざるなり。
And I would not have you partakers with demons. Ye cannot drink of the cup of the Lord, and the cup of demons: ye cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of demons.
22 我等は主の妬を惹起こさんとするか、主よりも強き者なるか。何事も我に可なりと雖も、皆益あるには非ず、
Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than He?
23 何事も我に可なりと雖も、皆徳を立つるには非ず、
If all things be lawful for me, yet all things are not expedient: all things may be lawful for me, but all things do not edify.
24 誰も己が為に謀らずして人の為を求むべし。
Let no one seek his own only, but every one another's benefit.
25 凡肉屋にて売る物は、良心の為に何事をも問はずして食せよ、
Eat then whatever is sold in the shambles, asking no questions for conscience sake:
26 蓋地及び之に満てる物は主の物なり。
for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof:
27 汝等若不信者の中より招かれ、諾して趣く事あらば、供せらるる一切の物を、良心の為に何事をも問はずして食せよ。
and if any of the unbelievers invite you to an entertainment, and ye have a mind to go, whatever is set before you, eat, asking no questions for conscience-sake.
28 人ありて是偶像に献げられたる物なりと云はば、汝等之を告げたる人に對し、また良心に對して之を食する勿れ。
But if any one say to you, This hath been sacrificed to an idol, ---eat it not; for his sake who informed thee, and for conscience-sake: for, as I said, the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof, so that thou mayst have food enough without it.
29 我が所謂る良心は汝のには非ずして其人の良心なり。蓋何為ぞ人の良心に由りて我自由を是非せらるるや。
Conscience I say, not thy own, but the other's; for why is my liberty to be judged by another man's conscience?
30 若我感謝して食せば、何為ぞ我が感謝する所の物に就きて罵らるるや。
And if I partake with thankfulness, why am I blamed for that, for which I give thanks?
31 然れば汝等食ふも飲むも又何事を為すも、総て神の光榮の為にせよ。
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
32 汝等ユデア人にも、異邦人にも、神の教會にも、躓かするものとなる事勿れ。
Behave inoffensively both to the Jews, and to the Greeks, and to the church of God.
33 猶我が己の利益となる事を求めず、多數の人の救はれん為に其有益なる事を求めて、萬事に其心を得んとするが如くせよ。
Even as I also endeavour to please all men in all things, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved.

< コリント人への手紙第一 10 >