< 詩篇 33 >

1 ただしき者よヱホバによりてよろこべ 讃美はなほきものに適はしきなり
Ye iust men, haue fulli ioye in the Lord; presyng togidere bicometh riytful men.
2 琴をもてヱホバに感謝せよ 十絃のことをもてヱホバをほめうたへ
Knouleche ye to the Lord in an harpe; synge ye to hym in a sautre of ten strengis.
3 あたらしき歌をヱホバにむかひてうたひ歓喜の聲をあげてたくみに琴をかきならせ
Synge ye to hym a newe song; seie ye wel salm to hym in criyng.
4 ヱホバのことばは直く そのすべて行ひたまふところ眞實なればなり
For the word of the Lord is riytful; and alle hise werkis ben in feithfulnesse.
5 ヱホバは義と公平とをこのみたまふ その仁慈はあまねく地にみつ
He loueth merci and doom; the erthe is ful of the merci of the Lord.
6 もろもろの天はヱホバのみことばによりて成り てんの萬軍はヱホバの口の氣によりてつくられたり
Heuenes ben maad stidfast bi the word of the Lord; and `al the vertu of tho bi the spirit of his mouth.
7 ヱホバはうみの水をあつめてうづだかくし深淵を庫にをさめたまふ
And he gaderith togidere the watris of the see as in a bowge; and settith depe watris in tresours.
8 全地はヱホバをおそれ世にすめるもろもろの人はヱホバをおぢかしこむべし
Al erthe drede the Lord; sotheli alle men enhabitynge the world ben mouyd of hym.
9 そはヱホバ言たまへば成り おほせたまへば立るがゆゑなり
For he seide, and thingis weren maad; he comaundide, and thingis weren maad of nouyt.
10 ヱホバはもろもろの國のはかりごとを虚くし もろもろの民のおもひを徒労にしたまふ
The Lord distrieth the counsels of folkis, forsothe he repreueth the thouytis of puplis; and he repreueth the counsels of prynces.
11 ヱホバの謀略はとこしへに立ち そのみこころのおもひは世々にたつ
But the counsel of the Lord dwellith with outen ende; the thouytis of his herte dwellen in generacioun and into generacioun.
12 ヱホバをおのが神とするはさいはひなり ヱホバ嗣業にせんとて撰びたまへるその民はさいはひなり
Blessid is the folk, whose Lord is his God; the puple which he chees into eritage to hym silf.
13 ヱホバ天よりうかがひてすべての人の子を見
The Lord bihelde fro heuene; he siy alle the sones of men.
14 その在すところより地にすむもろもろの人をみたまふ
Fro his dwellyng place maad redi bifor; he bihelde on alle men, that enhabiten the erthe.
15 ヱホバはすべてかれらの心をつくり その作ところをことごとく鑒みたまふ
Which made syngulerli the soules of hem; which vndurstondith all the werkis of hem.
16 王者いくさびと多をもて救をえず勇士ちから大なるをもて助をえざるなり
A kyng is not sauyd bi myche vertu; and a giaunt schal not be sauyd in the mychilnesse of his vertu.
17 馬はすくひに益なく その大なるちからも人をたすくることなからん
An hors is false to helthe; forsothe he schal not be sauyd in the habundaunce, `ether plentee, of his vertu.
18 視よヱホバの目はヱホバをおそるるもの並その憐憫をのぞむもののうへにあり
Lo! the iyen of the Lord ben on men dredynge hym; and in hem that hopen on his merci.
19 此はかれらのたましひを死よりすくひ饑饉たるときにも世にながらへしめんがためなり
That he delyuere her soules fro deth; and feede hem in hungur.
20 われらのたましひはヱホバを侯望めり ヱホバはわれらの援われらの盾なり
Oure soule suffreth the Lord; for he is oure helpere and defendere.
21 われらはきよき名にりたのめり 斯てぞわれらの心はヱホバにありてよろこばん
For oure herte schal be glad in him; and we schulen haue hope in his hooli name.
22 ヱホバよわれら汝をまちのぞめり これに循ひて憐憫をわれらのうへに垂たまへ
Lord, thi merci be maad on vs; as we hopiden in thee.

< 詩篇 33 >