< ミカ書 7 >

1 我は禍なるかな 我の景况は夏の菓物を採る時のごとく遺れる葡萄を斂むる時に似たり 食ふべき葡萄あること無く我が心に嗜む初結の無花果あること無し
Woe to me, for I have become just like one who gleans the clusters of the vintage in autumn. There is no cluster of grapes to consume; my soul desired figs out of season.
2 善人地に絶ゆ 人の中に直き者なし 皆血を流さんと伏て伺ひ各々網をもてその兄弟を獵る
The holy ones pass away from the land, and there is no one righteous among men. All wait in ambush for blood; a man hunts his brother to death.
3 兩手は惡を善なすに急がし 牧伯は要求め裁判人は賄賂を取り力ある人はその心の惡き望を言あらはし斯共にその惡をあざなひ合す
The evil of their hands, they call good. The leader is demanding, and the judge is yielding, and the great is speaking the desire of his soul, and they have confused it.
4 彼らの最も善き者も荊棘のごとく最も直き者も刺ある樹の垣より惡し 汝の觀望人の日すなはち汝の刑罰の日いたる 彼らの中に今混亂あらん
Whoever is best among them is like a thorny plant, and he who is righteous is like a thorny hedge. The day of your inspection, your visitation, arrives. Now will be their ruination.
5 汝ら伴侶を信ずる勿れ 朋友を恃むなかれ 汝の懐に寢る者にむかひても汝の口の戸を守れ
Do not be willing to believe a friend. And do not be willing to confide in a commander. From her, who sleeps in your bosom, keep the doors of your mouth closed.
6 男子は父を藐視め女子は母の背き媳は姑に背かん 人の敵はその家の者なるべし
For the son acts with contempt for the father, and the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies are those of his own household.
7 我はヱホバを仰ぎ望み我を救ふ神を望み俟つ 我神われに聽たまふべし
But I will look towards the Lord. I will wait for God, my Savior. My God will hear me.
8 我敵人よ我につきて喜ぶなかれ 我仆るれば興あがる 幽暗に居ればヱホバ我の光となりたまふ
You, my enemy, should not rejoice over me because I have fallen. I will rise up, when I sit in darkness. The Lord is my light.
9 ヱホバわが訴訟を理し我ために審判をおこなひたまふまで我は忍びてその忿怒をかうむらん 其は我これに罪を得たればなり ヱホバつひに我を光明に携へいだし給はん 而して我ヱホバの正義を見ん
I will carry the wrath of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he may judge my case and execute judgment for me. He will lead me into the light. I will behold his justice.
10 わが敵これを見ん 汝の神ヱホバは何處にをるやと我に言る者 恥辱をかうむらん 我かれを目に見るべし 彼は街衢の泥のごとくに踏つけらるべし
And my enemy will look, and she will be covered with confusion, she who says to me, “Where is the Lord your God?” My eyes will look upon her. Now she will be trampled underfoot like the mud of the streets.
11 汝の垣を築く日いたらん 其日には法度遠く徙るべし
The day that your walls will be rebuilt, in that day the law will be far away.
12 その日にはアッスリヤよりエジプトの邑々より人々汝に來りエジプトより河まで海より海まで山より山までの人々汝に來り就ん
In that day also, they will come towards you even from Assur, and even to the fortified cities, and from the fortified cities even to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain.
13 その日地はその居民の故によりて荒はつべし 是その行爲の果報なり
And the land will be in desolation, because of its inhabitants and because of the fruit of their intentions.
14 汝の杖をもて汝の民即ち獨離れてカルメルの中の林にをる汝の産業の羊を牧養ひ之をして古昔の日のごとくバシヤンおよびギレアデにおいて草を食はしめたまへ
With your rod, pasture your people, the flock of your inheritance, living alone in the narrow forest, in the midst of Carmel. They will graze in Bashan and Gilead, as in the ancient days.
15 汝がエジプトの國より出來し日のごとく我ふしぎなる事等を彼にしめさん
As in the days of your departure from the land of Egypt, I will reveal miracles to him.
16 國々の民見てその一切の能力を恥ぢその手を口にあてん その耳は聾となるべし
The nations will look, and they will be confounded at the strength of them all. They will place hand over mouth; their ears will be deaf.
17 彼らは蛇のごとくに塵を餂め地に匍ふ者の如くにその城より振ひて出で戰慄て我らの神ヱホバに詣り汝のために懼れん
They will lick the dust like serpents, and, like the creeping things of the earth, they will be disturbed in their houses. They will dread the Lord our God, and they will fear you.
18 何の神か汝に如ん 汝は罪を赦しその産業の遺餘者の愆を見過したまふなり 神は憐憫を悦ぶが故にその震怒を永く保ちたまはず
What God is like you, who takes away iniquity and passes over the sin of the remnant of your inheritance? No longer will he send forth his fury, because he is willing to be merciful.
19 ふたたび顧みて我らを憐み我らの愆を踏つけ我らの諸の罪を海の底に投しづめたまはん
He will turn back and have mercy on us. He will put away our iniquities, and he will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
20 汝古昔の日われらの先祖に誓ひたりしその眞實をヤコブに賜ひ憐憫をアブラハムに賜はん
You will give the truth to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, which you swore to our fathers from the ancient days.

< ミカ書 7 >