< 士師記 6 >

1 イスラエルの子孫またヱホバの目のまへに惡を行ひたればヱホバ七年の間之をミデアン人の手に付したまふ
Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, who delivered them into the hand of Midian for seven years.
2 ミデアン人の手イスラエルにかてりイスラエルの子孫はミデアン人の故をもて山にある窟と洞穴と要害とをおのれのために造れり
And they were greatly oppressed by them. And they made for themselves hollows and caves in the mountains, and very fortified places for defense.
3 イスラエル人蒔種してありける時しもミデアン人アマレキ人及び東方の民上り來りて押寄せ
And when Israel had planted, Midian and Amalek, and the rest of the eastern nations ascended,
4 イスラエル人に向ひて陣を取り地の産物を荒してガザにまで至りイスラエルのうちに生命を維ぐべき物を遺さず羊も驢馬も遺ざりき
and pitching their tents among them, they laid waste to all that was planted, as far as the entrance to Gaza. And they left behind nothing at all to sustain life in Israel, neither sheep, nor oxen, nor donkeys.
5 夫この衆人は家畜と天幕を携へ上り蝗蟲の如くに數多く來れりその人と駱駝は數ふるに勝ず彼ら國を荒さんとて入きたる
For they and all their flocks arrived with their tents, and they filled all places like locusts, an innumerable multitude of men and camels, devastating whatever they touched.
6 かかりしかばイスラエルはミデアン人のために大いに衰へイスラエルの子孫ヱホバに呼れり
And Israel was humbled greatly in the sight of Midian.
7 イスラエルの子孫ミデアン人の故をもてヱホバに呼はりしかば
And he cried out to the Lord, requesting assistance against the Midianites.
8 ヱホバひとりの預言者をイスラエルの子孫に遣りて言はしめたまひけるはイスラエルの神ヱホバ斯くいひたまふ我かつて汝らをエジプトより上らせ汝らを奴隸たるの家より出し
And he sent to them a man who was a prophet, and he said: “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: ‘I caused you to ascend from Egypt, and I led you away from the house of servitude.
9 エジプト人の手およびすべて汝らを虐ぐるものの手より汝らを拯ひいだし汝らの前より彼らを追ひはらひてその邦土を汝らに與へたり
And I freed you from the hand of the Egyptians and from all of the enemies who were afflicting you. And I cast them out at your arrival, and I delivered their land to you.
10 我また汝らに言り我は汝らの神ヱホバなり汝らが住ひ居るアモリ人の國の神を懼るるなかれとしかるに汝らは我が聲に從はざりき
And I said: I am the Lord your God. You shall not fear the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live. But you were not willing to listen to my voice.’”
11 茲にヱホバの使者來りてアビエゼル人ヨアシの所有なるオフラの橡の樹のしたに坐す時にヨアシの子ギデオン、ミデアン人に奪はれざらんために酒榨のなかに麥を打ち居たりしが
Then an Angel of the Lord arrived, and he sat under an oak tree, which was at Ophrah, and which belonged to Joash, the father of the family of Ezri. And while his son Gideon was threshing and cleaning the grain at the winepress, so that he might flee from Midian,
12 ヱホバの使之に現れて剛勇丈夫よヱホバ汝とともに在すといひたれば
the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and he said: “The Lord is with you, most valiant of men.”
13 ギデオン之にいひけるはああ吾が主よヱホバ我らと偕にいまさばなどてこれらのことわれらの上に及びたるやわれらの先祖がヱホバは我らをエジプトより上らしめたまひしにあらずやといひて我らに告たりしその諸の不思議なる行爲は何處にあるや今はヱホバわれらを棄てミデアン人の手に付したまへり
And Gideon said to him: “I beg you, my lord, if the Lord is with us, why have these things happened to us? Where are his miracles, which our fathers described when they said, ‘The Lord led us away from Egypt.’ But now the Lord has forsaken us, and he has delivered us into the hand of Midian.”
14 ヱホバ之を顧みていひたまひけるは汝此汝の力をもて行きミデアン人の手よりイスラエルを拯ひいだすべし我汝を遣すにあらずや
And the Lord looked down upon him, and he said: “Go forth with this, your strength, and you shall free Israel from the hand of Midian. Know that I have sent you.”
15 ギデオン之にいひけるはああ主よ我何をもてかイスラエルを拯ふべき視よわが家はマナセのうちの最も弱きもの我はまた父の家の最も卑賤きものなり
And responding, he said: “I beg you, my lord, with what shall I free Israel? Behold, my family is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in the house of my father.”
16 ヱホバ之にいひたまひけるは我かならず汝とともに在ん汝は一人を撃がごとくにミデアン人を撃つことを得ん
And the Lord said to him: “I will be with you. And so, you shall cut down Midian as if one man.”
17 ギデオン之にいひけるは我もし汝のまへに恩を蒙るならば請ふ我と語る者の汝なる證據を見せたまへ
And he said: “If I have found grace before you, give me a sign that it is you who is speaking to me.
18 ねがはくは我復び汝に來りわが祭物をたづさへて之を汝のまへに供ふるまでここを去たまふなかれ彼いひたまひけるは我汝の還るまで待つべし
And may you not withdraw from here, until I return to you, carrying a sacrifice and offering it to you.” And he responded, “I will wait for your return.”
19 ギデオンすなはち往て山羊の羔を調へ粉一エパをもて無酵パンをつくり肉を筺にいれ羹を壺に盛り橡樹の下にもち出て之を供へたれば
And so Gideon entered, and he boiled a goat, and he made unleavened bread from a measure of flour. And setting the flesh in a basket, and putting the broth of the flesh in a pot, he took it all under the oak tree, and he offered it to him.
20 神の使之にいひたまひけるは肉と無酵パンをとりて此巖のうへに置き之に羹を斟げとすなはちそのごとくに行ふ
And the Angel of the Lord said to him, “Take the flesh and the unleavened bread, and place them on that rock, and pour out the broth upon it.” And when he had done so,
21 ヱホバの使手にもてる杖の末端を出して肉と無酵パンに觸れたりしかば巖より火燃えあがり肉と無酵パンを燒き盡せりかくてヱホバの使去てその目に見ずなりぬ
the Angel of the Lord extended the end of a staff, which he was holding in his hand, and he touched the flesh and the unleavened loaves. And a fire ascended from the rock, and it consumed the flesh and the unleavened loaves. Then the Angel of the Lord vanished from his sight.
22 ギデオン是において彼がヱホバの使者なりしを覺りギデオンいひけるはああ神ヱホバよ我面を合せてヱホバの使者を見たれば將如何せん
And Gideon, realizing that it had been the Angel of the Lord, said: “Alas, my Lord God! For I have seen the Angel of the Lord face to face.”
23 ヱホバ之にいひたまひけるは心安かれ怖るる勿れ汝死ぬることあらじ
And the Lord said to him: “Peace be with you. Do not be afraid; you shall not die.”
24 ここにおいてギデオン彼所にヱホバのために祭壇を築き之をヱホバシヤロムと名けたり是は今日に至るまでアビエゼル人のオフラに存る
Therefore, Gideon built an altar to the Lord there, and he called it, the Peace of the Lord, even to the present day. And while he was still at Ophrah, which is of the family of Ezri,
25 其夜ヱホバ、ギデオンにいひ給ひけるは汝の父の少き牡牛および七歳なる第二の牛を取り汝の父のもてるバアルの祭壇を毀ち其上なるアシラの像を斫り仆し
that night, the Lord said to him: “Take a bull of your father’s, and another bull of seven years, and you shall destroy the altar of Baal, which is your father’s. And you shall cut down the sacred grove which is around the altar.
26 汝の神ヱホバのためにこの堡砦の頂において次序をただしくし祭壇を築き第二の牛を取りて汝が斫り倒せるアシラの木をもて燔祭を供ぐべし
And you shall build an altar to the Lord your God, at the summit of this rock, on which you placed the sacrifice before. And you shall take the second bull, and you shall offer a holocaust upon a pile of the wood, which you shall cut down from the grove.”
27 ギデオンすなはちその僕十人を携へてヱホバのいひたまひしごとく行へりされど父の家のものどもおよび邑の人を怖れたれば晝之をなすことを得ず夜に入りて之を爲り
Therefore, Gideon, taking ten men from his servants, did just as the Lord had instructed him. But fearing his father’s household, and the men of that city, he was not willing to do it by day. Instead, he completed everything by night.
28 邑の衆朝興出て視にバアルの祭壇は摧け其の上なるアシラの像は斫仆されて居り新に築る祭壇に第二の牛の供へてありしかば
And when the men of that town had risen up in the morning, they saw the altar of Baal destroyed, and the sacred grove cut down, and the second bull set upon the altar, which then had been built.
29 たがひに此は誰が所爲ぞやと言ひつつ尋ね問ひけるに此はヨアシの子ギデオンの所爲なりといふものありたれば
And they said one to another, “Who has done this?” And when they inquired everywhere as to the author of the deed, it was said, “Gideon, the son of Joash, did all these things.”
30 邑の人々ヨアシにむかひ汝の子を曳き出して死なしめよそは彼バアルの祭壇を摧き其上に在しアシラの像を斫仆したればなりといふ
And they said to Joash: “Bring forward your son here, so that he may die. For he has destroyed the altar of Baal, and he has cut down the sacred grove.”
31 ヨアシおのれの周圍に立るすべてのものにいひけるは汝らはバアルの爲に爭論ふや汝らは之を救はんとするや之が爲に爭論ふ者は朝の中に死べしバアルもし神ならば人其祭壇を摧きたれば自ら爭論ふ可なりと
But he responded to them: “Could you be the avengers of Baal, so that you fight on his behalf? Whoever is his adversary, let him die before the light arrives tomorrow; if he is a god, let him vindicate himself against him who has overturned his altar.”
32 是をもて人衆ギデオンその祭壇を摧きたればバアル自ら之といひあらそはんといひて此日かれをヱルバアル(バアルいひあらそはん)と呼なせり
From that day, Gideon was called Jerubbaal, because Joash had said, “Let Baal avenge himself against him who has overturned his altar.”
33 茲にミデアン人アマレク人および東方の民相集まりて河を濟りヱズレルの谷に陣を取しが
And so, all of Midian, and Amalek, and the eastern peoples were gathered together. And crossing the Jordan, they encamped in the valley of Jezreel.
34 ヱホバの靈ギデオンに臨みてギデオン箛を吹たればアビエゼル人集りて之に從ふ
But the Spirit of the Lord entered Gideon, who, sounding the trumpet, summoned the house of Abiezer so that he might follow him.
35 ギデオン徧くマナセに使者を遣りしかばマナセ人また集りて之に從ふ彼またアセル、ゼブルン及びナフタリに使者を遣りしにその人々も上りて之を迎ふ
And he sent messengers into all of Manasseh, who also followed him, and other messengers into Asher, and Zebulun, and Naphtali, who went to meet him.
36 ギデオン神にいひけるは汝かつていひたまひしごとくわが手をもてイスラエルを救はんとしたまはば
And Gideon said to God: “If you will save Israel by my hand, just as you have said:
37 視よ我一箇の羊の毛を禾塲におかん露もし羊毛にのみおきて地はすべて燥きをらば我之れによりて汝がかつて言たまひし如く吾が手をもてイスラエルを救ひたまふを知んと
I will set this wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there will be dew only on the fleece, and all the ground is dry, I will know that by my hand, as you have said, you will free Israel.”
38 すなはち斯ありぬ彼明る朝早く興きいで羊毛をかき寄てその毛より露を搾りしに鉢に滿つるほどの水いできたる
And so it was done. And rising in the night, wringing out the fleece, he filled a vessel with the dew.
39 ギデオン神にいひけるは我にむかひて怒を發したまふなかれ我をしていま一回いはしめたまへねがはくは我をして羊の毛をもていま一回試さしめたまへねがはくは羊毛のみを燥して地には悉く露あらしめたまへと
And again he said to God: “Let not your fury be enkindled against me, if I test once more, seeking a sign in the fleece. I pray that only the fleece may be dry, and all the ground may be wet with dew.”
40 その夜神かくの如くに爲したまふすなはち羊毛のみ燥きて地には凡て露ありき
And that night, God did as he had requested. And it was dry only on the fleece, and there was dew on all the ground.

< 士師記 6 >