< ヨエル書 2 >

1 汝らシオンにて喇叭を吹け 我聖山にて音たかく之を吹鳴せ 國の民みな慄ひわななかん そはヱホバの日きたらんとすればなり すでに近づけり
Blow a horn in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord comes, for near is
2 この日は黒くをぐらき日雲むらがるまぐらき日にしてしののめの山々にたなびくが如し 數おほく勢さかんなる民むれいたらん かかる者はいにしへよりありしことなく後の代々の年にもあることなかるべし
the day of darkness and gloom, the day of cloud and thick darkness! Like the light of dawn scattered over the mountains, a people great and powerful; its like has not been from of old, neither will be any more after it, even to the years of coming ages.
3 火彼らの前を焚き火熖かれらの後にもゆ その過さる前は地エデンのごとくその過ぎしのちは荒はてたる野の如し 此をのがれうるもの一としてあることなし
Before them the fire devours, and behind them a flame burns; like the garden of Eden is the land before them, and after them it is a desolate desert, nothing escapes them.
4 彼らの状は馬のかたちのごとく其馳ありくことは軍馬のごとし
Their appearance is as the appearance of horses, and like horsemen they charge.
5 その山の嶺にとびをどる音は車の轟聲がごとし また火の稗株をやくおとの如くしてその様強き民の行伍をたてて戰陣にのぞむに似たり
Like the sound of chariots on the tops of the mountains they leap, like the crackle of flames devouring stubble, like a mighty people preparing for battle.
6 そのむかふところ諸民戰慄きその面みな色を失ふ
Peoples are in anguish before them, all faces grow pale.
7 彼らは勇士の如くに趨あるき軍人のごとくに石垣に攀のぼる 彼ら各おのが道を進みゆきてその列を亂さず
Like mighty men they run, like warriors they mount up a wall, they march each by himself, they break not their ranks,
8 彼ら互に推あはず各その道にしたがひて進み行く 彼らは刄に觸るとも身を害はず
none jostles the other. They march each in his path. They fall upon the weapons without breaking.
9 彼らは邑をかけめぐり石垣の上に奔り家に攀登り盗賊のごとくに窓より入る
They scour the city, they run on the wall. They climb up into the houses. Like a thief they enter the windows.
10 そのむかふところ地ゆるぎ天震ひ日も月も暗くなり星その光明を失ふ
Earth trembles before them, the sky quakes, the sun and moon become dark, and the stars withdraw their shining;
11 ヱホバその軍勢の前にて聲をあげたまふ 其軍旅はなはだ大なればなり 其言を爲とぐる者は強し ヱホバの日は大にして甚だ畏るべきが故に誰かこれに耐ふることを得んや
and the Lord utters his voice before his army, for his host is exceedingly great. Mighty is he who performs his word. For great is the day of the Lord, it is terrible, who can endure it?
12 然どヱホバ言たまふ 今にても汝ら斷食と哭泣と悲哀とをなし心をつくして我に歸れ
But now this is the message of the Lord: Turn to me with all your heart, and with fasting and weeping and mourning,
13 汝ら衣を裂かずして心を裂き汝等の神ヱホバに歸るべし 彼は恩惠あり憐憫ありかつ怒ることゆるく愛憐大にして災害をなすを悔いたまふなり
rend your hearts and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God; for he indeed is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and plenteous in love, and relents of the evil.
14 誰か彼のあるひは立歸り悔て祝福をその後にとめのこし汝らをして素祭と灌祭とをなんぢらの神ヱホバにささげしめ給はじと知んや
Who knows but he will turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him, a cereal and drink-offering for the Lord your God.
15 汝らシオンにて喇叭を吹きならし斷食を定め公會をよびつどへ
Blow a horn in Zion, sanctify a fast, summon an assembly,
16 民を集めその會を潔くし老たる人をあつめ孩童と乳哺子を集め新郎をその室より呼いだし新婦をその密室より呼いだせ
gather the people, make holy the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and the infants at the breast. Let the bridegroom come forth from his chamber, and the bride from her bridal tent.
17 而してヱホバに事ふる祭司等は廊と祭壇の間にて泣て言へ ヱホバよ汝の民を赦したまへ 汝の産業を恥辱しめらるるに任せ之を異邦人に治めさする勿れ 何ぞ異邦人をして彼らの神は何處にあると言しむべけんや
Between the porch and the altar, let the priests, the ministers of the Lord weep aloud, let them say: Spare, the Lord, your people. Make not your heritage an object of reproach, for the heathen to mock them. Why should it be said among the nations, “Where is their God?”
18 然せばヱホバ己の地にために嫉妬を起しその民を憐みたまはん
Then the Lord became deeply concerned for his land, and took pity upon his people,
19 ヱホバ應へてその民に言たまはん 視よ我穀物とあたらしき酒と油を汝におくる 汝ら之に飽ん 我なんぢらをして重ねて異邦人の中に恥辱を蒙らしめじ
and the Lord answered and said to his people: I will send you corn, wine, and oil. You will be satisfied. I will not make you again an object of scorn among the nations,
20 我北よりきたる軍を遠く汝らより離れしめうるほひなき荒地に逐やらん 其前軍を東の海にその後軍を西の海に入れん その臭味立ちその惡臭騰らん 是大なる事を爲たるに因る
I will remove far from you the northern foe, and I will drive it into a land barren and desolate, its front into the eastern sea, and its rear to the western sea. And from it a stench will arise. He has done great things!
21 地よ懼るる勿れ 喜び樂しめ ヱホバ大なる事を行ひたまふなり
Fear not, land, exult. Rejoice for the Lord has done great things!
22 野の獸よ懼るる勿れ あれ野の牧草はもえいで樹は果を結び無花果樹葡萄樹はその力をめざすなり
Fear not, animals of the field. For the pastures of the wilderness are putting forth new grass, for the trees bear their fruit, fig tree and vine yield full harvest.
23 シオンの子等よ 汝らの神ヱホバによりて樂め喜べ ヱホバは秋の雨を適當なんぢらに賜ひまた前のごとく秋の雨と春の雨とを汝らの上に降せたまふ
Be glad, then, children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the early rain in just measure, and poured down upon you the winter rain, and sent the latter rain as before.
24 打塲には穀物盈ち甕にはあたらしき酒と油溢れん
The threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.
25 我が汝らに遣しし大軍すなはち群ゐる蝗なめつくす蝗喫ほろぼす蝗噬くらふ蝗の触あらせる年を我汝らに賠はん
I will repay you for the years which the swarming locust has eaten. The hopping, the destroying, and the cutting locusts, my great army which I sent among you, and my people will never again be put to shame.
26 汝らは食ひ食ひて飽き よのつねならずなんぢらを待ひたまひし汝らの神ヱホバの名をほめ頌へん 我民はとこしへに辱しめらるることなかるべし
You will eat your food and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt so wonderfully by you,
27 かくて汝らはイスラエルの中に我が居るを知り汝らの神ヱホバは我のみにて外に無きことを知らん 我民は永遠に辱かしめらるることなかるべし
and you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, that I am the Lord your God and none else, and my people will never again be put to shame.
28 その後われ吾靈を一切の人に注がん 汝らの男子女子は預言せん 汝らの老たる人は夢を見 汝らの少き人は異象を見ん
Afterwards, I will pour out my spirit on everyone. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions,
29 その日我またわが靈を僕婢に注がん
and even on your male and female slaves in those days, I will pour out my spirit.
30 また天と地に徴證を顯さん 即ち血あり火あり煙の柱あるべし
And I will show signs in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
31 ヱホバの大なる畏るべき日の來らん前に日は暗く月は血に變らん
The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.
32 凡てヱホバの名を龥ぶ者は救はるべし そはヱホバの宣ひし如くシオンの山とヱルサレムとに救はれし者あるべければなり 其遺れる者の中にヱホバの召し給へるものあらん
But whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, even as the Lord has said, and among the fugitives those whom the Lord calls.

< ヨエル書 2 >