< ヨブ 記 7 >

1 それ人の世にあるは戰鬪にあるがごとくならずや 又其日は傭人の日のごとくなるにあらずや
The life of a man on the earth is a battle, and his days are like the days of a hired hand.
2 奴僕の暮を冀がふが如く傭人のその價を望むがごとく
Just as a servant desires the shade, and just as the hired hand looks forward to the end of his work,
3 我は苦しき月を得させられ 憂はしき夜をあたへらる
so also have I had empty months and have counted my burdensome nights.
4 我臥ば乃はち言ふ 何時夜あけて我おきいでんかと 曙まで頻に輾轉ぶ
If I lie down to sleep, I will say, “When will I rise?” And next I will hope for the evening and will be filled with sorrows even until darkness.
5 わが肉は蟲と土塊とを衣服となし 我皮は愈てまた腐る
My flesh is clothed with particles of rottenness and filth; my skin is dried up and tightened.
6 わが日は機の梭よりも迅速なり 我望む所なくし之を送る
My days have passed by more quickly than threads are cut by a weaver, and they have been consumed without any hope.
7 想ひ見よ わが生命が氣息なる而已 我目は再び福祉を見ること有じ
Remember that my life is wind, and my eye will not return to see good things.
8 我を見し者の眼かさねて我を見ざらん 汝目を我にむくるも我は已に在ざるべし
Neither will the sight of man gaze upon me; your eyes are upon me, and I will not endure.
9 雲の消て逝がごとく陰府に下れる者は重ねて上りきたらじ (Sheol h7585)
Just as a cloud is consumed and passes away, so he who descends to hell will not ascend. (Sheol h7585)
10 彼は再びその家に歸らず 彼の郷里も最早かれを認めじ
He will not return again to his house, nor will his own place know him any longer.
11 然ば我はわが口を禁めず 我心の痛によりて語ひ わが神魂の苦しきによりて歎かん
And because of this, I will not restrain my mouth. I will speak in the affliction of my spirit. I will converse from the bitterness of my soul.
12 我あに海ならんや鰐ならんや 汝なにとて我を守らせおきたまふぞ
Am I an ocean or a whale, that you have encircled me in a prison?
13 わが牀われを慰め わが寢床わが愁を解んと思ひをる時に
If I say, “My bed will comfort me, and I will find rest, speaking with myself on my blanket,”
14 汝夢をもて我を驚かし 異象をもて我を懼れしめたまふ
then you will frighten me with dreams, and strike dread through visions,
15 是をもて我心は氣息の閉んことを願ひ 我この骨よりも死を冀がふ
so that, because of these things, my soul would choose hanging, and my bones, death.
16 われ生命を厭ふ 我は永く生るをことを願はず 我を捨おきたまへ 我日は氣のごときなり
I despair; by no means will I live any longer. Spare me, for my days are nothing.
17 人を如何なる者として汝これを大にし 之を心に留
What is man, that you should praise him? Or why do you place your heart near him?
18 朝ごとに之を看そなはし 時わかず之を試みたまふや
You visit him at dawn, and you test him unexpectedly.
19 何時まで汝われに目を離さず 我が津を咽む間も我を捨おきたまはざるや
How long will you not spare me, nor release me to ingest my saliva?
20 人を鑒みたまふ者よ我罪を犯したりとて汝に何をか爲ん 何ぞ我を汝の的となして我にこの身を厭はしめたまふや
I have sinned; what should I do for you, O keeper of men? Why have you set me against you, so that I have become burdensome even to myself?
21 汝なんぞ我の愆を赦さず我罪を除きたまはざるや 我いま土の中に睡らん 汝我を尋ねたまふとも我は在ざるべし
Why do you not steal away my sin, and why do you not sweep away my iniquity? Behold, now I will sleep in the dust, and if you seek me in the morning, I will not remain.

< ヨブ 記 7 >