< イザヤ書 19 >

1 エジプトにかかる重負のよげんいはく ヱホバははやき雲にのりてエジプトに來りたまふエジプトのもろもろの偶像はその前にふるひをののきエジプト人のこころはその衷にて消ゆかん
The burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord will ascend upon a lofty cloud, and he will enter into Egypt, and the false images of Egypt will be moved before his face, and the heart of Egypt will waste away in its midst.
2 我エジプト人をたけび勇ましめてエジプト人を攻しめん斯てかれら各自その兄弟をせめおのおのその鄰をせめ邑は邑をせめ國はくにを攻べし
And I will cause Egyptian to rush against Egyptian. And they will fight: a man against his brother, and a man against his friend, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.
3 エジプト人の靈魂うせてその中むなしくならんわれその謀略をほろぼすべしかれらは偶像および呪文をとなふるもの巫女魔術者にもとむることを爲ん
And the spirit of Egypt will be ruptured to its very core. And I will cast down their plan violently. And they will seek answers from their false images, and their diviners, and those led by demons, and their seers.
4 われエジプト人を苛酷なる主人の手にわたさんあらあらしき王かれらを治むべし是主萬軍のヱホバの聖言なり
And I will deliver Egypt into the hand of cruel masters, and a strong king will dominate them, says the Lord, the God of hosts.
5 海の水はつき河もまた涸てかわかん
And the waters of the sea will dry up, and the river will be desolate and dry.
6 また河々はくさき臭をはなちエジプトの堭はみな漸次にへりてかわき葦と蘆とかれはてん
And the rivers will fail. The streams of its banks will diminish and dry up. The reed and the bulrush will wither away.
7 ナイルのほとりの草原ナイルの岸にほどちかき所すべてナイルの最寄にまきたる者はことごとく枯てちりうせん
The channel of the river will be stripped down to its source, and everything irrigated by it will dry up and wither and be no more.
8 漁者もまた歎きすべてナイルに釣をたるる者はかなしみ網を水のうへに施ものはおとろふべし
And the fishermen will grieve. And all who cast a hook into the river will mourn. And those who cast a net upon the surface of its waters will languish.
9 練たる麻にて物つくるもの白布を織ものは恥あわて
Those who work with linen, combing and weaving fine textiles, will be confounded.
10 その柱はくだけ一切のやとはれたる者のこころ憂ひかなしまん
And its irrigated places will begin to fail, with all those who make pools to take fish.
11 誠やゾアンの諸侯は愚なりパロの最もかしこき議官のはかりごとは癡鈍べし然ばなんぢら何でパロに
The leaders of Tanis are foolish. The wise counselors of Pharaoh have given foolish counsel. How can you say to Pharaoh: “I am the son of wise men, the son of the kings of antiquity?”
12 あなたの賢い者はどこにおるか。彼らをして、万軍の主がエジプトについて定められたことをあなたに告げ知らしめよ。
Where are your wise men now? Let them announce it to you, and let them reveal what the Lord of hosts intends for Egypt.
13 ゾアンの君たちは愚かとなり、メンピスの君たちは欺かれ、エジプトのもろもろの部族の隅の石たる彼らは、かえってエジプトを迷わせた。
The leaders of Tanis have become foolish. The leaders of Memphis have decayed. They have deceived Egypt, the corner of its people.
14 主は曲った心を彼らのうちに混ぜられた。彼らはエジプトをして、すべてその行うことに迷わせ、あたかも酔った人の物吐くときによろめくようにさせた。
The Lord has mixed a spirit of giddiness into its midst. And they have caused Egypt to err in all its works, like a drunken man who staggers and vomits.
15 エジプトに対しては、頭あるいは尾、しゅろの枝あるいは葦が共になしうるわざはない。
And there will be no work for Egypt that would produce a head or a tail, one who bows down or one who refrains from bowing down.
16 その日、エジプトびとは女のようになり、万軍の主の彼らの上に振り動かされるみ手の前に恐れおののく。
In that day, Egypt will be like women, and they will be stupefied and fearful before the presence of the shaking hand of the Lord of hosts, the hand which he will move over them.
17 ユダの地は、エジプトびとに恐れられ、ユダについて語り告げることを聞くエジプトびとはみな、万軍の主がエジプトびとにむかって定められた計りごとのゆえに恐れる。
And the land of Judah will be a dread to Egypt. Everyone who thinks about it will be terrified before the presence of the plan of the Lord of hosts, the plan which he has decided concerning them.
18 その日、エジプトの地にカナンの国ことばを語り、また万軍の主に誓いを立てる五つの町があり、その中の一つは太陽の町ととなえられる。
In that day, there will be five cities in the land of Egypt which speak the language of Canaan, and which swear by the Lord of hosts. One will be called the City of the Sun.
19 その日、エジプトの国の中に主をまつる一つの祭壇があり、その境に主をまつる一つの柱がある。
In that day, there will be an altar of the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a monument of the Lord beside its borders.
20 これはエジプトの国で万軍の主に、しるしとなり、あかしとなる。彼らがしえたげる者のゆえに、主に叫び求めるとき、主は救う者をつかわして、彼らを守り助けられる。
This shall be a sign and a testimony to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. For they will cry out to the Lord before the face of the tribulation, and he will send them a savior and a defender who will free them.
21 主はご自分をエジプトびとに知らせられる。その日、エジプトびとは主を知り、犠牲と供え物とをもって主に仕え、主に誓願をたててこれを果す。
And the Lord will be acknowledged by Egypt, and the Egyptians will recognize the Lord in that day, and they will worship him with sacrifices and gifts. And they will make vows to the Lord, and they will fulfill them.
22 主はエジプトを撃たれる。主はこれを撃たれるが、またいやされる。それゆえ彼らは主に帰る。主は彼らの願いをいれて、彼らをいやされる。
And the Lord will strike Egypt with a scourge, and he will heal them. And they will return to the Lord. And he will be placated toward them, and he will heal them.
23 その日、エジプトからアッスリヤに通う大路があって、アッスリヤびとはエジプトに、エジプトびとはアッスリヤに行き、エジプトびとはアッスリヤびとと共に主に仕える。
In that day, there will be a way from Egypt to the Assyrians, and the Assyrian will enter into Egypt, and the Egyptian will be with the Assyrians, and the Egyptians will serve Assur.
24 その日、イスラエルはエジプトとアッスリヤと共に三つ相並び、全地のうちで祝福をうけるものとなる。
In that day, will Israel be the third to the Egyptian and the Assyrian, a blessing in the midst of the earth,
25 万軍の主は、これを祝福して言われる、「さいわいなるかな、わが民なるエジプト、わが手のわざなるアッスリヤ、わが嗣業なるイスラエル」と。
which the Lord of hosts has blessed, saying: Blessed be my people of Egypt, and the work of my hands for the Assyrian, but Israel is my inheritance.

< イザヤ書 19 >