< ダニエル書 3 >

1 茲にネブカデネザル王 一箇の金の像を造れりその高は六十キユビトその横の廣は六キユビトなりき即ちこれをバビロン州のドラの平野に立たり
King Nebuchadnezzar made a statue of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and he set it up in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.
2 而してネブカデネザル王は州牧将軍方伯刑官庫官法官士師および州郡の諸有司を召集めそのネブカデネザル王の立たる像の告成礼に臨ましめんとせり
Then king Nebuchadnezzar sent to gather together the governors, magistrates and judges, generals and sovereigns and commanders, and all the leaders of the regions, to come together for the dedication of the statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar had raised.
3 是においてその州牧将軍方伯刑官庫官法官土師および州郡の諸有司等はネブカデネザル王の立たる像の告成礼に臨みそのネブカデネザル王の立たる像の前に立り
Then the governors, magistrates and judges, generals and sovereigns and nobles, who were appointed to power, and all the leaders of the regions were brought together so as to convene for the dedication of the statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar had raised. And so they stood before the statue that king Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
4 時に傳令者大聲に呼はりて言ふ諸民諸族諸音よ汝らは斯命ぜらる
And a herald proclaimed loudly, “To you it is said, to you peoples, tribes, and languages,
5 汝ら喇叭笙琵琶琴瑟篳篥などの諸の樂器の音を聞く時は俯伏しネブカデネザル王の立たまへる金像を拝すべし
that in the hour when you will hear the sound of the trumpet and the pipe and the lute, the harp and the psaltery, and of the symphony and every kind of music, you must fall down and adore the gold statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar has set up.
6 凡て俯伏て拝せざる者は即時に火の燃る爐の中に投こまるべしと
But if anyone will not bow down and adore, in the same hour he will be cast into a furnace of burning fire.”
7 是をもて諸民等喇叭笙琵琶琴瑟などの諸の樂器の音を聞くや直に諸民諸族諸音みな俯伏しネブカデネザル王の立たる金像を拝したり
After this, therefore, as soon as all the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the pipe and the lute, the harp and the psaltery, and of the symphony and every kind of music, all the peoples, tribes, and languages fell down and adored the gold statue, which king Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
8 そわ寺成カ冲デヤ人等巡みきたりてユダヤ人を讒奏せり
And soon, about the same time, some influential Chaldeans came and accused the Jews,
9 即ち彼らネブカデネザル王に奏聞して言ふ願くは王長壽かれ
and they said to king Nebuchadnezzar, “O king, live forever.
10 王よ汝は命を出して宜へり凡て喇叭笙琵琶琴瑟篳篥などの諸の樂器の音を聞く者はみな俯伏しこの像を拝すべし
You, O king, have established a decree, so that every man who might hear the sound of the trumpet, the pipe and the lute, the harp and the psaltery, and of the symphony and every kind of music, will prostrate himself and adore the gold statue.
11 凡て俯伏し拝せざる者はみな火の燃る鍾の巾に投こまるべしと
But if any man will not fall down and adore, he would be cast into a furnace of burning fire.
12 此に汝が立てバビロン州の事務を司どらせ給へるユダヤ人シヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴあり王よ此人々は汝を尊ばず汝の神々にも事へず汝の立たまへる金像をも拝せざるなりと
Yet there are influential Jews, whom you have appointed over the works of the region of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men, O king, have scorned your decree. They do not worship your gods, and they do not adore the gold statue which you have raised up.”
13 是においてネブカデネザル怒りかつ憤りてシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴを召寄よと命じければ即ちこの人々を王の前に引きたりしに
Then Nebuchadnezzar, in fury and in wrath, commanded that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego should be brought, and so, without delay, they were brought before the king.
14 ネブカデネザルかれらに問て言けるはジヤデラク、メシヤク、アベデネゴよ汝ら我神に事へずまた我が立たる金像を拝せざるは是故意にするなるか
And king Nebuchadnezzar addressed them and said, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you do not worship my gods, nor adore the gold statue, which I have set up?
15 汝らもし何の時にもあれ喇叭笙琵琶琴瑟篳篥などの諸の樂器の音を聞く時に俯伏し我が造れる像を拝することを爲ば可し然ど汝らもし拝することをせずば即時に火の燃る爐の中に投こまるべし何の神か能く汝らをわが手より就ひいだすことをせん
Therefore, if you are prepared now, whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, pipe, lute, harp and psaltery, and of the symphony and every kind of music, prostrate yourselves and adore the statue which I have made. But if you will not adore, in the same hour you will be cast into the furnace of burning fire. And who is the God that will rescue you from my hand?”
16 シヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴ對へて王に言けるはネブカデネザルよこの事においては我ら汝に答ふるに及ばず
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to king Nebuchadnezzar, “It is not right for us to obey you in this matter.
17 もし善らんには王よ我らの事ふる我らの神我らを救ふの能あり彼その火の燃る爐の中と汝の手の中より我らを救ひいださん
For behold our God, whom we worship, is able to rescue us from the oven of burning fire and to free us from your hands, O king.
18 仮令しからざるも王よ知たまへ我らは汝の神々に事へずまた汝の立たる金像を拝せじ
But even if he will not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not worship your gods, nor adore the gold statue, which you have raised up.”
19 是に沿いてネブカデネザル怒氣を充しシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴにむかひてその面の容を變へ即ち爐を常に熱くするよりも七倍熱くせよと命じ
Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with fury and the appearance of his face was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and he commanded that the furnace should be heated to seven times its usual fire.
20 またその軍勢の中の力強き人身を喚てシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴを縛りてこれを火の燃る爐の中に投こめと命じたり
And he ordered the strongest men of his army to bind the feet of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the furnace of burning fire.
21 是をもて此人心はその褲子羽織外套およびその他の服装を着たるままにて縛られて大の燃る爐の中に投こまれたりしが
And immediately these men were bound, and along with their coats, and their hats, and their shoes, and their garments, were cast into the middle of the furnace of burning fire.
22 王の命はなはだ急にして爐は甚だしく熱しゐたれば彼のシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴを引抱へゆける者等はその火焔に焼ころされたり
But the king’s order was so urgent that the furnace was heated excessively. As a result, those men who had cast in Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were killed by the flame of the fire.
23 また此シヤデラク、メシヤク、デベデネゴの三人は縛られたるままにて燃る爐の中に落いりぬ
But these three men, that is, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, having been bound, fell down in the middle of the oven of burning fire.
24 時にネブカデネザル王驚きて急忙しくたちあがり大臣等に言ふ我らは三人を縛りて火の中に役いれざりしや彼ら王にこたへて言ふ王よ然りと
Then king Nebuchadnezzar was astonished, and he quickly got up and said to his nobles: “Did we not cast three men shackled into the midst of the fire?” Answering the king, they said, “True, O king.”
25 王また應へて言ふ我見るに四人の者縲絏解て火の中に歩みをり凡て何の害をも受ずまたその第四の者の容は神の子のごとしと
He answered and said, “Behold, I see four men unbound and walking in the midst of the fire, and no harm is in them, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of God.”
26 ネブカデネザルすなはちその火の燃る爐の口に進みよりて呼て言ふ至高神の僕シヤデラク、メシヤク、アベデネゴよ汝ら出きたれと是においてシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴその火の中より出きたりしかば
Then Nebuchadnezzar approached the entrance of the furnace of burning fire, and he said, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the supreme God, come out and approach.” And immediately Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went out from the midst of the fire.
27 州牧将軍方伯および王の大臣等集まりて比人々を見たり此人々の身は火もこれを害する力なかりきまたその頭の髪は焼けずその衣裳は傷ねず火の臭氣もこれに付ざりき
And when the governors, and the magistrates, and the judges, and the powerful of the king had gathered together, they considered these men because the fire had no power against their bodies, and not a hair of their head had been scorched, and their pants had not been affected, and the smell of the fire had not passed onto them.
28 ネブカデネザルすなはち宣て曰くシヤデラク、メシヤク、アベデネゴの神は讃べき哉彼その使者を遣りて己を頼む僕を救へりまた彼らは自己の神の外には何の神にも事へずまた拝せざらんとて王の命をも用ひず自己の身をも捨んとせり
Then Nebuchadnezzar, bursting out, said, “Blessed is their God, the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel and rescued his servants who believed in him. And they altered the verdict of the king, and they delivered up their bodies, so that they would not serve or adore any god except their God.
29 然ば我今命を下す諸民諸族諸音の中凡てシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベダネゴの神を詈る者あらばその身は切裂れその家は厠にせられん其は是のごとくに救を施す神他にあらざればなりと
Therefore, this decree is established by me: that every people, tribe, and language, whenever they have spoken blasphemy against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, will perish and their homes will be destroyed. For there is no other God who is able to save in this way.”
30 かくて王またシヤデラク、メシヤクおよびアベデネゴの位をすすめてバビロン州にをらしむ
Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the province of Babylon.

< ダニエル書 3 >