< イザヤ書 46 >

1 ベルは伏し、ネボはかがみ、彼らの像は獣と家畜との上にある。あなたがたが持ち歩いたものは荷となり、疲れた獣の重荷となった。
Bel is bent down, Nebo is falling; their images are on the beasts and on the cattle: the things which you took about have become a weight to the tired beast.
2 彼らはかがみ、彼らは共に伏し、重荷となった者を救うことができずかえって、自分は捕われて行く。
They are bent down, they are falling together: they were not able to keep their images safe, but they themselves have been taken prisoner.
3 「ヤコブの家よ、イスラエルの家の残ったすべての者よ、生れ出た時から、わたしに負われ、胎を出た時から、わたしに持ち運ばれた者よ、わたしに聞け。
Give ear to me, O family of Jacob, and all the rest of the people of Israel, who have been supported by me from their birth, and have been my care from their earliest days:
4 わたしはあなたがたの年老いるまで変らず、白髪となるまで、あなたがたを持ち運ぶ。わたしは造ったゆえ、必ず負い、持ち運び、かつ救う。
Even when you are old I will be the same, and when you are grey-haired I will take care of you: I will still be responsible for what I made; yes, I will take you and keep you safe.
5 あなたがたは、わたしをだれにたぐい、だれと等しくし、だれにくらべ、かつなぞらえようとするのか。
Who in your eyes is my equal? or what comparison will you make with me?
6 彼らは袋からこがねを注ぎ出し、はかりをもって、しろがねをはかり、金細工人を雇って、それを神に造らせ、これにひれ伏して拝む。
As for those who take gold out of a bag, and put silver in the scales, they give payment to a gold-worker, to make it into a god; they go down on their faces and give it worship.
7 彼らはこれをもたげて肩に載せ、持って行って、その所に置き、そこに立たせる。これはその所から動くことができない。人がこれに呼ばわっても答えることができない。また彼をその悩みから救うことができない。
They put him on their backs, and take him up, and put him in his fixed place, from which he may not be moved; if a man gives a cry for help to him, he is unable to give an answer, or get him out of his trouble.
8 あなたがたはこの事をおぼえ、よく考えよ。そむける者よ、この事を心にとめよ、
Keep this in mind and be shamed; let it come back to your memory, you sinners.
9 いにしえよりこのかたの事をおぼえよ。わたしは神である、わたしのほかに神はない。わたしは神である、わたしと等しい者はない。
Let the things which are past come to your memory: for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like me;
10 わたしは終りの事を初めから告げ、まだなされない事を昔から告げて言う、『わたしの計りごとは必ず成り、わが目的をことごとくなし遂げる』と。
Making clear from the first what is to come, and from past times the things which have not so far come about; saying, My purpose is fixed, and I will do all my pleasure;
11 わたしは東から猛禽を招き、遠い国からわが計りごとを行う人を招く。わたしはこの事を語ったゆえ、必ずこさせる。わたしはこの事をはかったゆえ、必ず行う。
Sending for a bird of strong flight from the east, the man of my purpose from a far country; I have said it, and I will give effect to it; the thing designed by me will certainly be done.
12 心をかたくなにして、救に遠い者よ、わたしに聞け。
Give ear to me, you feeble-hearted, who have no faith in my righteousness:
13 わたしはわが救を近づかせるゆえ、その来ることは遠くない。わが救はおそくない。わたしは救をシオンに与え、わが栄光をイスラエルに与える」。
My righteousness is near, it is not far off; salvation will come quickly; and I will make Zion free, and give Israel my glory.

< イザヤ書 46 >