< 詩篇 22 >

1 わが神わが神なんぞ我をすてたまふや 何なれば遠くはなれて我をすくはず わが歎きのこゑをきき給はざるか
“To the chief musician upon Ayeleth-hashachar, a psalm of David.” My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from saving me, and from the words of my loud complaint?
2 ああわが神われ晝よばはれども汝こたへたまはず 夜よばはれどもわれ平安をえず
O my God! I call in the day-time, but thou answerest not; and in the night I find no rest.
3 然はあれイスラエルの讃美のなかに住たまふものよ汝はきよし
But thou art holy, O thou that dwellest amidst the praises of Israel.
4 われらの列祖はなんぢに依賴めり かれら依賴みたればこれを助けたまへり
In thee did our fathers trust: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.
5 かれら汝をよびて援をえ汝によりたのみて恥をおへることなかりき
Unto thee they cried, and were delivered: in thee they trusted, and were not put to shame.
6 然はあれどわれは蟲にして人にあらず 世にそしられ民にいやしめらる
But I am a worm, and not a man, a reproach of men, and despised of people.
7 すべてわれを見るものはわれをあざみわらひ 口唇をそらし首をふりていふ
All those who see me laugh me to scorn: they draw open their lips, they shake their head, [saying, ]
8 かれはヱホバによりたのめりヱホバ助くべし ヱホバかれを悦びたまふが故にたすくべしと
“Let him throw himself on the Lord, that he may deliver him: he will save him, for he delighteth in him.”
9 されど汝はわれを胎内よりいだし給へるものなり わが母のふところにありしとき旣になんぢに依賴ましめたまへり
Yea, thou art he that took me from the womb: thou hast been my trust when I hung on my mother's breasts.
10 我うまれいでしより汝にゆだねられたり わが母われを生しときより汝はわが神なり
Upon thee was I cast from my birth: from my mother's womb art thou my God.
11 われに遠ざかりたまふなかれ 患難ちかづき又すくふものなければなり
Oh be not far from me [now]; for distress is near; for there is none to help.
12 おほくの牡牛われをめぐりバサンの力つよき牡牛われをかこめり
Many steers have encompassed me: the strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
13 かれらは口をあけて我にむかひ物をかきさき吼うだく獅のごとし
They have opened wide against me their mouth, [as] a ravenous and roaring lion.
14 われ水のごとくそそぎいだされ わがもろもろの骨ははづれ わが心は蝋のごとくなりて腹のうちに鎔たり
Like water am I poured out, and all my bones are disjointed: my heart is become like wax, it is melted in the midst of my entrails.
15 わが力はかわきて陶器のくだけのごとく わが舌は齶にひたつけり なんぢわれを死の塵にふさせたまへり
Like a potsherd is my strength dried up; and my tongue cleaveth to my palate; and into the dust of death hast thou laid me down.
16 そは犬われをめぐり惡きものの群われをかこみてわが手およびわが足をさしつらぬけり
For dogs have encompassed me; the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: like lions [they threaten] my hands and my feet.
17 わが骨はことごとく數ふるばかりになりぬ 惡きものの目をとめて我をみる
I may number all my bones: [while] they stare and look upon me.
18 かれらたがひにわが衣をわかち我がしたぎを鬮にす
They divide my clothes among themselves, and for my garment do they cast lots.
19 ヱホバよ遠くはなれ居たまふなかれ わが力よねがはくは速きたりてわれを授けたまへ
But thou, O Lord, be not far from me: O [thou who art] my strength, hasten to my aid.
20 わがたましひを劍より助けいだし わが生命を犬のたけきいきほひより脱れしめたまへ
Deliver from the sword my life, from the power of the dog my solitary soul.
21 われを獅の口また野牛のつのより救ひいだしたまへ なんぢ我にこたへたまへり
Save me from the lion's mouth; as thou hast answered me from the horns of the reem.
22 われなんぢの名をわが兄弟にのべつたへ なんぢを會のなかにて讃たたへん
I will relate thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
23 ヱホバを懼るるものよヱホバをほめたたへよ ヤコブのもろもろの裔よヱホバをあがめよ イスラエルのもろもろのすゑよヱホバを畏め
Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and be in dread of him, all ye the seed of Israel.
24 ヱホバはなやむものの辛苦をかろしめ棄たまはず これに聖顔をおほふことなくしてその叫ぶときにききたまへばなり
For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poor; neither hath he hidden his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.
25 大なる會のなかにてわが汝をほめたたふるは汝よりいづるなり わが誓ひしことはヱホバをおそるる者のまへにてことごとく償はん
Of thee shall be my praise in a great assembly: my vows will I pay in the presence of those who fear him.
26 謙遜者はくらひて飽ことをえ ヱホバをたづねもとむるものはヱホバをほめたたへん 願くはなんぢらの心とこしへに生んことを
The meek shall eat and be satisfied; they who seek him shall praise the Lord: may your heart live for ever.
27 地のはては皆おもひいだしてヱホバに歸りもろもろの國の族はみな前にふしをがむべし
All the ends of the world shall remember and return unto the Lord: and all the families of the nations shall bow themselves down before thee.
28 國はヱホバのものなればなり ヱホバはもろもろの國人をすべをさめたまふ
For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he governeth the nations.
29 地のこえたるものは皆くらひてヱホバををがみ塵にくだるものと己がたましひを存ふること能はざるものと皆そのみまへに拝跪かん
All they that eat the fat of the earth shall bow themselves down; before him shall bend the knee all that are going down into the dust; for none can keep alive his own soul.
30 たみの裔のうちにヱホバにつかる者あらん 主のことは代々にかたりつたへらるべし
Distant ages shall serve him; there shall be related of the Lord unto future generations.
31 かれら來りて此はヱホバの行爲なりとてその義を後にうまるる民にのべつたへん
They will come, and will tell his righteousness unto a people yet unborn, that he hath done this.

< 詩篇 22 >