< エレミヤ書 17 >

1 ユダの罪は鐵の筆金剛石の尖をもてしるされその心の碑と汝らの祭壇の角に鐫らるるなり
The synne of Juda is writun with an irone poyntel, in a nail of adamaunt; it is writun on the breede of the herte of hem, and in the hornes of the auteris of hem.
2 彼らはその子女をおもふが如くに靑木の下と高岡のうへなるその祭壇とアシラをおもふ
Whanne the sones of hem bithenken on her auteris, and woodis, and on the trees ful of boowis, makynge sacrifice in the feld in hiye munteyns,
3 われ野に在る我山と汝の資產と汝のもろもろの財產および汝の四方の境の内なる汝の罪を犯せる崇邱を擄掠物とならしめん
Y schal yyue thi strengthe and alle thi tresouris in to rauyschyng, thin hiye thingis for synnes in alle thin endis.
4 わが汝にあたへし產業より汝手をはなさん又われ汝をして汝の識ざる地に於て汝の敵につかへしめんそは汝ら我をいからせて限なく燃る火を發したればなり
And thou schalt be left aloone fro thin eritage which Y yaf to thee; and Y schal make thee to serue thin enemyes, in the lond which thou knowist not; for thou hast kyndlid fier in my strong veniaunce, it schal brenne til in to with outen ende.
5 ヱホバかくいひたまふおほよそ人を恃み肉をその臂とし心にヱホバを離るる人は詛るべし
The Lord seith these thingis, Cursid is the man that trestith in man, and settith fleisch his arm, and his herte goith awei fro the Lord.
6 彼は荒野に棄られたる者のごとくならん彼は善事のきたるをみず荒野の燥きたる處鹽あるところ人の住ざる地に居らん
For he schal be as bromes in desert, and he schal not se, whanne good schal come; but he schal dwelle in drynesse in desert, in the lond of saltnesse, and vnabitable.
7 おほよそヱホバをたのみヱホバを其恃とする人は福なり
Blessid is the man that tristith in the Lord, and the Lord schal be his trist.
8 彼は水の旁に植たる樹の如くならん其根を河にのべ炎熱きたるも恐るるところなしその葉は靑く亢旱の年にも憂へずして絕ず果を結ぶべし
And he schal be as a tre, which is plauntid ouer watris, which sendith hise rootis to moisture; and it schal not drede, whanne heete schal come; and the leef therof schal be greene, and it schal not be moued in the tyme of drynesse, nether ony tyme it schal faile to make fruyte.
9 心は萬物よりも僞る者にして甚だ惡し誰かこれを知るをえんや
The herte of man is schrewid, and `may not be souyt; who schal knowe it?
10 われヱホバは心腹を察り腎腸を試みおのおのに其途に順ひその行爲の果によりて報ゆべし
Y am the Lord sekynge the herte, and preuynge the reynes, and Y yyue to ech man after his weye, and aftir the fruyt of his fyndyngis.
11 鷓鴣のおのれの生ざる卵をいだくが如く不義をもて財を獲る者あり其人は命の半にてこれに離れその終に愚なる者とならん
A partriche nurschide tho thingis whiche sche bredde not; he made richessis, and not in doom; in the myddis of hise daies he schal forsake tho, and in hise laste tyme he schal be vnwijs.
12 榮の位よ原始より高き者わが聖所たる者
The seete of glorie of hiynesse was at the bigynnyng the place of oure halewyng, the abidyng of Israel.
13 イスラエルの望なるヱホバよ凡て汝を離るる者は辱められん我を棄る者は土に錄されん此はいける水の源なるヱホバを離るるによる
Lord, alle thei that forsaken thee, schulen be schent; thei that goen aweie fro thee, schulen be writun in erthe, for thei han forsake the Lord, a veyne of quyk watirs.
14 ヱホバよ我を醫し給へ然らばわれ愈んわれを救ひたまへさらば我救はれん汝はわが頌るものなり
Lord, heele thou me, and Y schal be heelid; make thou me saaf, and Y schal be saaf; for thou art myn heriyng.
15 彼ら我にいふヱホバの言は何にあるやいま之をのぞましめよと
Lo! thei seien to me, Where is the word of the Lord? come it.
16 われ牧者の職を退かずして汝にしたがひ又禍の日を願はざりき汝これを知りたまふ我唇よりいづる者は汝の面の前にあり
And Y am not disturblid, suynge thee scheepherd, and Y desiride not the dai of man, thou woost. That that yede out of my lippis was riytful in thi siyt.
17 汝我を懼れしむる者となり給ふ勿れ禍の時に汝は我避場なり
Be thou not to drede to me; thou art myn hope in the dai of turment.
18 我を攻る者を辱しめ給へ我を辱しむるなかれ彼らを怖れしめよ我を怖れしめ給ふなかれ禍の日を彼らに來らしめ滅亡を倍して之を滅し給へ
Be thei schent, that pursuen me, and be Y not schent; drede thei, and drede not Y; brynge in on hem a dai of turment, and defoule thou hem bi double defouling.
19 ヱホバ我にかくいひ給へり汝ゆきてユダの王等の出入する民の門及びヱルサレムの諸の門に立て
The Lord seith these thingis to me, Go thou, and stonde in the yate of the sones of the puple, bi whiche the kingis of Juda entren and goen out, and in alle the yatis of Jerusalem.
20 彼らにいへ此門より入る所のユダの王等とユダのすべての民とヱルサレムに住るすべての者よ汝らヱホバの言をきけ
And thou schalt seie to hem, Here the word of the Lord, ye kingis of Juda, and al Judee, and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem, that entren bi these yatis.
21 ヱホバかくいひたまふ汝ら自ら愼め安息日に荷をたづさへてヱルサレムの門にいる勿れ
The Lord God seith these thingis, Kepe ye youre soulis, and nyle ye bere birthuns in the dai of sabat, nether bringe in bi the yatis of Jerusalem.
22 また安息日に汝らの家より荷を出す勿れ諸の工作をなす勿れ我汝らの先祖に命ぜしごとく安息日を聖くせよ
And nyle ye caste birthuns out of youre housis in the dai of sabat, and ye schulen not do ony werk; halewe ye the dai of sabat, as Y comaundide to youre fadris.
23 されど彼らは遵はず耳を傾けずまたその項を強くして聽ず訓をうけざるなり
And thei herden not, nether bowiden doun her eere, but thei maden hard her nol, that thei schulden not here me, and that thei schulden not take chastisyng.
24 ヱホバいひ給ふ汝らもし謹愼て我にきき安息日に荷をたづさへてこの邑の門にいらず安息日を聖くなして諸の工作をなさずば
And it schal be, if ye heren me, seith the Lord, that ye bere not in birthuns bi the yatis of this citee in the dai of sabat, and if ye halewen the dai of sabat, that ye do not werk ther ynne,
25 ダビデの位に坐する王等牧伯たちユダの民ヱルサレムに住る者車と馬に乗てこの邑の門よりいることをえんまた此邑には限なく人すまはん
kingis and princes sittynge on the seete of Dauid schulen entre bi the yatis of this citee, and stiynge in charis and horsis; thei, and the princis of hem, the men of Juda, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem; and this citee schal be enhabitid withouten ende.
26 また人々ユダの邑とヱルサレムの四周およびベニヤミンの地と平地と山と南の方よりきたり燔祭 犠牲 素祭 馨香 謝祭を携へてヱホバの室にいらん
And thei schulen come fro the citees of Juda, and fro the cumpas of Jerusalem, and fro the lond of Beniamyn, and fro feeldi places, and fro hilli places, and fro the south, beringe brent sacrifice, and slayn sacrifice, and encense; and thei schulen bringe offring in to the hous of the Lord.
27 されど汝らもし我に聽ずして安息日を聖くせず安息日に荷をたづさへてヱルサレムの門にいらばわれ火をその門の内に燃してヱルサレムの殿舍を燬んその火は滅ざるべし
Forsothe if ye heren not me, that ye halewe the dai of sabat, and that ye bere not a birthun, and that ye bringe not in bi the yatis of Jerusalem in the dai of sabat, Y schal kyndle fier in the yatis therof; and it schal deuoure the housis of Jerusalem, and it schal not be quenchid.

< エレミヤ書 17 >