< 創世記 37 >

1 ヤコブはカナンの地に住り即ちその父が寄寓し地なり
Now Jacob lived in the land of Canaan, where his father sojourned.
2 ヤコブの傳は左のごとしヨセフ十七歳にしてその兄弟と偕に羊を牧ふヨセフは童子にしてその父の妻ビルハの子およびジルパの子と侶たりしが彼等の惡き事を父につぐ
And these are his generations. Joseph, when he was sixteen years old, was pasturing the flock with his brothers, when he was still a boy. And he was with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, the wives of his father. And he accused his brothers to their father of a most sinful crime.
3 ヨセフは老年子なるが故にイスラエルその諸の兄弟よりも深くこれを愛しこれがために綵る衣を製れり
Now Israel loved Joseph above all his sons, because he had conceived him in his old age. And he made him a tunic, woven of many colors.
4 その兄弟等父がその諸の兄弟よりも深く彼を愛するを見て彼を惡み穩和に彼にものいふことを得せざりき
Then his brothers, seeing that he was loved by his father more than all his other sons, hated him, and they were not able to say anything peacefully to him.
5 茲にヨセフ夢をみてその兄弟に告ければ彼等愈これを惡めり
Then it also happened that he recounted the vision of a dream to his brothers, for which reason a greater hatred began to be nurtured.
6 ヨセフ彼等にいひけるは請ふわが夢たる此夢を聽け
And he said to them, “Listen to my dream that I saw.
7 我等田の中に禾束をむすび居たるにわが禾束おき且立り而して汝等の禾束環りたちてわが禾束を拜せり
I thought we were binding sheaves in the field. And my sheaf seemed to rise up and stand, and your sheaves, standing in a circle, reverenced my sheaf.”
8 その兄弟等之にいひけるは汝眞にわれらの君となるや眞に我等ををさむるにいたるやとその夢とその言のために益これを惡めり
His brothers responded: “Would you be our king? Or will we be subject to your dominion?” Therefore, this matter of his dreams and words provided kindling to their envy and hatred.
9 ヨセフ又一の夢をみて之をその兄弟に述ていひけるは我また夢をみたるに日と月と十一の星われを拜せりと
Likewise, he saw another dream, which he explained to his brothers, saying, “I saw by a dream, as if the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars were reverencing me.”
10 則ちこれをその父と兄弟に述ければ父かれを戒めて彼にいふ汝が夢しこの夢は何ぞや我と汝の母となんぢの兄弟と實にゆきて地に鞠て汝を拜するにいたらんやと
And when he had related this to his father and brothers, his father rebuked him, and he said: “What does it mean to you, this dream that you have seen? Should I, and your mother, and your brothers reverence you upon the earth?”
11 斯しかばその兄弟かれを嫉めり然どその父はこの言をおぼえたり
Therefore, his brothers were envious of him. Yet truly, his father considered the matter silently.
12 茲にその兄弟等シケムにゆきて父の羊を牧ゐたりしかば
And while his brothers were lodging at Shechem, pasturing their father’s flocks,
13 イスラエル、ヨセフにいひけるは汝の兄弟はシケムにて羊を牧をるにあらずや來れ汝を彼等につかはさんヨセフ父にいふ我ここにあり
Israel said to him: “Your brothers are pasturing the sheep at Shechem. Come, I will send you to them.” And when he answered,
14 父かれにいひけるは請ふ往て汝の兄弟と群の恙なきや否を見てかへりて我につげよと彼をヘブロンの谷より遣はしければ遂にシケムに至る。
“I am ready,” he said to him, “Go, and see if everything is prospering with your brothers and the cattle, and report to me what is happening.” So, having been sent from the valley of Hebron, he arrived at Shechem.
15 或人かれに遇ふに彼野にさまよひをりしかば其人かれに問て汝何をたづぬるやといひければ
And a man found him wandering in a field, and he asked him what he was seeking.
16 彼いふ我はわが兄弟等をたづぬ請ふかれらが羊をかひをる所をわれに告よ
So he responded: “I seek my brothers. Tell me where they pasture the flocks.”
17 その人いひけるは彼等は此をされり我かれらがドタンにゆかんといふを聞たりと是に於てヨセフその兄弟の後をおひゆきドタンにて之に遇ふ
And the man said to him: “They have withdrawn from this place. But I heard them saying, ‘Let us go to Dothan.’” Therefore, Joseph continued on after his brothers, and he found them at Dothan.
18 ヨセフの彼等に近かざる前に彼ら之を遙に見てこれを殺さんと謀り
And, when they had seen him from afar, before he approached them, they decided to kill him.
19 互にいひけるは視よ作夢者きたる
And they said one to another: “Behold, the dreamer approaches.
20 去來彼をころして阱に投いれ或惡き獸これを食たりと言ん而して彼の夢の如何になるかを觀るべし
Come, let us kill him and cast him into the old cistern. And let us say: ‘an evil wild beast has devoured him.’ And then it will become apparent what his dreams will do for him.”
21 ルベン聞てヨセフを彼等の手より拯ひださんとして言けるは我等これを殺すべからず
But Reuben, on hearing this, strove to free him from their hands, and he said:
22 ルベンまた彼らにいひけるは血をながすなかれ之を曠野の此阱に投いれて手をこれにつくるなかれと是は之を彼等の手よりすくひだして父に歸んとてなりき
“Do not take away his life, nor shed blood. But throw him into this cistern, which is in the wilderness, and so keep your hands harmless.” But he said this, wanting to rescue him from their hands, so as to return him to his father.
23 茲にヨセフ兄弟の許に到りければ彼等ヨセフの衣即ちその着たる綵る衣を褫ぎ
And so, as soon as he came to his brothers, they very quickly stripped him of his tunic, which was ankle-length and woven of many colors,
24 彼を執て阱に投いれたり阱は空にしてその中に水あらざりき
and they cast him into an old cistern, which held no water.
25 斯して彼等坐てパンを食ひ目をあげて見しに一群のイシマエル人駱駝に香物と乳香と沒藥をおはせてエジプトにくだりゆかんとてギレアデより來る
And sitting down to eat bread, they saw some Ishmaelites, travelers coming from Gilead, with their camels, carrying spices, and resin, and oil of myrrh into Egypt.
26 ユダその兄弟にいひけるは我儕弟をころしてその血を匿すも何の益かあらん
Therefore, Judah said to his brothers: “What will it profit us, if we kill our brother and conceal his blood?
27 去來彼をイシマエル人に賣ん彼は我等の兄弟われらの肉なればわれらの手をかれにつくべからずと兄弟等これを善とす
It is better that he be sold to the Ishmaelites, and then our hands will not be defiled. For he is our brother and our flesh.” His brothers agreed to his words.
28 時にミデアンの商旅經過ければヨセフを阱よりひきあげ銀二十枚にてヨセフをイシマエル人に賣り彼等すなはちヨセフをエジプトにたづさへゆきぬ
And when the Midianite merchants were passing by, they drew him from the cistern, and they sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. And these led him into Egypt.
29 茲にルベンかへりて阱にいたり見しにヨセフ阱にをらざりしかばその衣を裂き
And Reuben, returning to the cistern, did not find the boy.
30 兄弟の許にかへりて言ふ童子はをらず嗚呼我何處にゆくべきや
And rending his garments, he went to his brothers and said, “The boy is not present, and so where shall I go?”
31 斯て彼等ヨセフの衣をとり牡山羊の羔をころしてその衣を血に濡し
Then they took his tunic, and they dipped it in the blood of a young goat, which they had killed,
32 その綵る衣を父におくり遣していひけるは我等これを得たりなんぢの子の衣なるや否を知れと
sending those who carried it to their father, and they said: “We found this. See whether it is the tunic of your son or not.”
33 父これを知りていふわが子の衣なり惡き獸彼をくらへりヨセフはかならずさかれしならんと
And when the father acknowledged it, he said: “It is the tunic of my son. An evil wild beast has eaten him; a beast has devoured Joseph.”
34 ヤコブその衣を裂き麻布を腰にまとひ久くその子のためになげけり
And tearing his garments, he was clothed in haircloth, mourning his son for a long time.
35 その子女みな起てかれを慰むれどもその慰謝をうけずして我は哀きつつ陰府にくだりて我子のもとにゆかんといふ斯その父かれのために哭ぬ (Sheol h7585)
Then, when all of his sons gathered together to ease their father’s sorrow, he was not willing to accept consolation, but he said: “I will descend in mourning to my son in the underworld.” And while he persevered in weeping, (Sheol h7585)
36 偖ミデアン人はエジプトにてパロの侍衞の長ポテパルにヨセフを賣り
the Midianites in Egypt sold Joseph to Potiphar, a eunuch of Pharaoh, instructor of the soldiers.

< 創世記 37 >