< エゼキエル書 11 >

1 茲に靈我を擧げてヱホバの室の東の門に我を携へゆけり門は東に向ふ視るにその門の入口に二十五人の人あり我その中にアズルの子ヤザニヤおよびベナヤの子ペラテヤ即ち民の牧伯等を見る
Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me to the eastern gate of Yahweh's house, facing east, and behold, in the doorway of the gate there were twenty-five men. I saw Jaazaniah son of Azzur and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, leaders of the people, among them.
2 彼われに言たまひけるは人の子よ此邑において惡き事を考へ惡き計謀をめぐらす者は此人々なり
God said to me, “Son of man, these are the men who devise iniquity, and who decide wicked plans in this city.
3 彼等いふ家を建ることは近からず此邑は鍋にして我儕は肉なりと
They are saying, 'The time to build houses is not now; this city is the pot, and we are the meat.'
4 是故にかれらに預言せよ人の子よ預言すべし
Therefore prophesy against them. Prophesy, son of man.”
5 時にヱホバの靈わが上に降りて我にいひ給ひけるはヱホバかく言ふと言べしイスラエルの家よ汝等は斯いへり汝等の心におこる所の事は我これを知るなり
Then the Spirit of Yahweh fell on me and he said for me to say: This is what Yahweh says, “That is what you are saying, house of Israel; for I know what goes through your mind.
6 汝等は此邑に殺さるる者を増し死人をもて街衢に充せり
You have multiplied the people you have killed in this city and filled its streets with them.
7 是故に主ヱホバ斯いふ汝等が邑の中に置くところのその殺されし者はすなはち肉にして邑は鍋なり然ど人邑の中より汝等を曳いだすべし
Therefore, the Lord Yahweh says this: The people you have killed, whose bodies you have laid in the midst of Jerusalem, are the meat, and this city is the pot. But you are going to be brought out from the midst of this city.
8 汝等は刀劍を懼る我劍を汝等にのぞましめんと主ヱホバいひたまふ
You have feared the sword, so I am bringing the sword upon you—this is the declaration of the Lord Yahweh.
9 我なんぢらを其中よりひき出し外國人の手に付して汝等に罰をかうむらすべし
I will bring you out of the midst of the city, and put you into the hands of foreigners, for I will bring judgment against you.
10 汝等は劍に踣れん我イスラエルの境にて汝等を罰すべし汝等は是によりてわがヱホバなるを知るにいたらん
You will fall by the sword. I will judge you within the borders of Israel so you will know that I am Yahweh.
11 是は汝らの鍋とならず汝らはその中の肉たることを得ざるなりイスラエルの境にて我汝らに罰をかうむらすべし
This city will not be your cooking pot, nor will you be the meat within her midst. I will judge you within the borders of Israel.
12 汝ら即ちわがヱホバなるを知にいたらん汝らはわが憲法に遵はずわが律法を行はずしてその周圍の外國人の慣例のごとくに事をなせり
Then you will know that I am Yahweh, the one whose statutes you have not walked in and whose decrees you have not carried out. Instead, you have carried out the decrees of the nations that surround you.”
13 斯てわが預言しをる時にベナヤの子ペラテヤ死たれば我俯向に伏て大聲に叫び嗚呼主ヱホバよイスラエルの遺餘者を盡く滅ぼさんとしたまふやといふに
It came about that as I was prophesying, Pelatiah son of Benaiah, died. So I fell on my face and cried out with a loud voice and said, “Alas, Lord Yahweh, will you completely destroy the remnant of Israel?”
14 ヱホバの言われに臨みていふ
The word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
15 人の子よ汝の兄弟汝の兄弟たる者は汝の親族の人々にして即ちイスラエルの全家全躰なりヱルサレムに居る人々は是にむかひて汝等は遠くヱホバをはなれて居れ此地はわれらの所有としてあたへらると言ふ
“Son of man, your brothers! Your brothers! The men of your clan and all the house of Israel! All of them are those of whom it is said by those living in Jerusalem, 'They are far away from Yahweh! This land was given to us as our possession.'
16 是故に汝言ふべしヱホバかく言ひたまふ我かれらを遠く逐やりて國々に散したればその往る國々に於て暫時の間かれらの聖所となると
Therefore say, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: Though I have removed them far off among the nations, and though I have scattered them among the lands, yet I have been a sanctuary for them for a little while in the lands where they have gone.'
17 是故に言ふべし主ヱホバかく言たまふ我なんぢらを諸の民の中より集へ汝等をその散されたる國々より聚めてイスラエルの地を汝らに與へん
Therefore say, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: I will gather you from the peoples, and assemble you from the lands where you were scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.'
18 彼等は彼處に到りその諸の汚たる者とその諸の憎むべき者を彼處より取除かん
Then they will go there and remove every detestable thing and every abomination from that place.
19 我かれらに唯一の心を與へ新しき靈を汝らの衷に賦けん我かれらの身の中より石の心を取さりて肉の心を與ヘ
I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them. I will take out the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
20 彼らをしてわが憲法に遵はしめ吾律法を守りて之を行はしむべし彼らはわが民となり我はかれらの神とならん
so that they will walk in my statutes, they will carry out my decrees and do them. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God.
21 然どその汚れたる者とその憎むべき者の心をもておのれの心となす者等は我これが行ふところをその首に報ゆべし主ヱホバこれを言ふ
But to those who walk with affection toward their detestable things and their abominations, I will bring their conduct on their own heads—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.”
22 茲にケルビムその翼をあぐ輪その傍にありイスラエルの神の榮光その上に在す
The cherubim lifted up their wings and the wheels that were beside them, and the glory of the God of Israel was high up over them.
23 ヱホバの榮光つひに邑の中より昇りて邑の東の山に立てり
Then the glory of Yahweh went up from within the midst of the city and stood on the mountain to the east of the city.
24 時に靈われを擧げ神の靈に由りて異象の中に我をカルデヤに携へゆきて俘囚者の所にいたらしむ吾見たる異象すなはちわれを離れて昇れり
The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into Chaldea, to the exiles, in the vision from the Spirit of God, and the vision that I had seen went up from upon me.
25 かくて我ヱホバの我にしめしたまひし言を盡く俘囚者に告たり
Then I declared to the exiles all the things of Yahweh that I had seen.

< エゼキエル書 11 >