< エペソ人への手紙 6 >

1 子たる者よ、なんぢら主にありて兩親に順へ、これ正しき事なり。
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is just.
2 『なんぢの父 母を敬へ(これ約束を加へたる誡命の首なり)
Honor your father and your mother. This is the first commandment with a promise:
3 さらばなんぢ幸福を得、また地の上に壽 長からん』
so that it may be well with you, and so that you may have a long life upon the earth.
4 父たる者よ、汝らの子供を怒らすな、ただ主の薫陶と訓戒とをもて育てよ。
And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but educate them with the discipline and correction of the Lord.
5 僕たる者よ、キリストに從ふごとく畏れをののき、眞心をもて肉につける主人に從へ。
Servants, be obedient to your lords according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as to Christ.
6 人を喜ばする者の如く、ただ目の前の事のみを勤めず、キリストの僕のごとく心より神の御旨をおこなひ、
Do not serve only when seen, as if to please men, but act as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.
7 人に事ふる如くせず、主に事ふるごとく快くつかへよ。
Serve with good will, as to the Lord, and not to men.
8 そは奴隷にもあれ、自主にもあれ、各自おこなふ善き業によりて主より其の報を受くることを汝ら知ればなり。
For you know that whatever good each one will do, the same will he receive from the Lord, whether he is servant or free.
9 主人たる者よ、汝らも僕に對し斯く行ひて威嚇を止めよ、そは彼らと汝らとの主は天に在して、偏り視たまふことなきを汝ら知ればなり。
And you, lords, act similarly toward them, setting aside threats, knowing that the Lord of both you and them is in heaven. For with him there is no favoritism toward anyone.
10 終に言はん、汝ら主にありて其の大能の勢威に頼りて強かれ。
Concerning the rest, brothers, be strengthened in the Lord, by the power of his virtue.
11 惡魔の術に向ひて立ち得んために、神の武具をもて鎧ふべし。
Be clothed in the armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the treachery of the devil.
12 我らは血肉と戰ふにあらず、政治・權威、この世の暗黒を掌どるもの、天の處にある惡の靈と戰ふなり。 (aiōn g165)
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the directors of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places. (aiōn g165)
13 この故に神の武具を執れ、汝ら惡しき日に遭ひて仇に立ちむかひ、凡ての事を成就して立ち得んためなり。
Because of this, take up the armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand the evil day and remain perfect in all things.
14 汝ら立つに誠を帶として腰に結び、正義を胸當として胸に當て、
Therefore, stand firm, having been girded about your waist with truth, and having been clothed with the breastplate of justice,
15 平和の福音の備を靴として足に穿け。
and having feet which have been shod by the preparation of the Gospel of peace.
16 この他なほ信仰の盾を執れ、之をもて惡しき者の凡ての火矢を消すことを得ん。
In all things, take up the shield of faith, with which you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one.
17 また救の冑および御靈の劍、すなはち神の言を執れ。
And take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God).
18 常にさまざまの祈と願とをなし、御靈によりて祈り、また目を覺して凡ての聖徒のためにも願ひて倦まざれ。
Through every kind of prayer and supplication, pray at all times in spirit, and so be vigilant with every kind of earnest supplication, for all the saints,
19 又わが口を開くとき言を賜はり、憚らずして福音の奧義を示し、
and also for me, so that words may be given to me, as I open my mouth with faith to make known the mystery of the Gospel,
20 語るべき所を憚らず語り得るように、我がためにも祈れ、我はこの福音のために使者となりて鎖に繋がれたり。
in such a manner that I may dare to speak exactly as I ought to speak. For I act as an ambassador in chains for the Gospel.
21 愛する兄弟、主に在りて忠實なる役者テキコ、我が情況わが爲す所のことを、具に汝らに知らせん。
Now, so that you also may know the things that concern me and what I am doing, Tychicus, a most beloved brother and a faithful minister in the Lord, will make known everything to you.
22 われ彼を遣すは、我が事を汝らに知らせて、汝らの心を慰めしめん爲なり。
I have sent him to you for this very reason, so that you may know the things that concern us, and so that he may console your hearts.
23 願はくは父なる神および主イエス・キリストより賜ふ平安と、信仰に伴へる愛と、兄弟たちに在らんことを。
Peace to the brothers, and charity with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
24 願はくは朽ちぬ愛をもて我らの主イエス・キリストを愛する凡ての者に御惠あらんことを。
May grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ, unto incorruption. Amen.

< エペソ人への手紙 6 >