< エペソ人への手紙 2 >

1 汝ら前には咎と罪とによりて死にたる者にして、
And you were once dead in your sins and offenses,
2 この世の習慣に從ひ、空中の權を執る宰、すなはち不 從順の子らの中に今なほ働く靈の宰にしたがひて歩めり。 (aiōn g165)
in which you walked in times past, according to the age of this world, according to the prince of the power of this sky, the spirit who now works in the sons of distrust. (aiōn g165)
3 我等もみな前には彼らの中にをり、肉の慾に從ひて日をおくり、肉と心との欲する隨をなし、他の者のごとく生れながら怒の子なりき。
And we too were all conversant in these things, in times past, by the desires of our flesh, acting according to the will of the flesh and according to our own thoughts. And so we were, by nature, sons of wrath, even like the others.
4 されど神は憐憫に富み給ふが故に、我らを愛する大なる愛をもて、
Yet still, God, who is rich in mercy, for the sake of his exceedingly great charity with which he loved us,
5 咎によりて死にたる我等をすら、キリスト・イエスに由りてキリストと共に活し、(汝らの救はれしは恩惠によれり)
even when we were dead in our sins, has enlivened us together in Christ, by whose grace you have been saved.
6 共に甦へらせ、共に天の處に坐せしめ給へり。
And he has raised us up together, and he has caused us to sit down together in the heavens, in Christ Jesus,
7 これキリスト・イエスに由りて我らに施したまふ仁慈をもて、其の恩惠の極めて大なる富を、來らんとする後の世々に顯さんとてなり。 (aiōn g165)
so that he may display, in the ages soon to arrive, the abundant wealth of his grace, by his goodness toward us in Christ Jesus. (aiōn g165)
8 汝らは恩惠により、信仰によりて救はれたり、是おのれに由るにあらず、神の賜物なり。
For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, for it is a gift of God.
9 行爲に由るにあらず、これ誇る者のなからん爲なり。
And this is not of works, so that no one may glory.
10 我らは神に造られたる者にして、神の預じめ備へ給ひし善き業に歩むべく、キリスト・イエスの中に造られたるなり。
For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has prepared and in which we should walk.
11 されば記憶せよ、肉によりては異邦人にして、手にて肉に行ひたるかの割禮ありと稱ふる者に無 割禮と稱へらるる汝ら、
Because of this, be mindful that, in times past, you were Gentiles in the flesh, and that you were called uncircumcised by those who are called circumcised in the flesh, something done by man,
12 曩にはキリストなく、イスラエルの民 籍に遠く、約束に屬する諸般の契約に與りなく、世に在りて希望なく、神なき者なりき。
and that you were, in that time, without Christ, being foreign to the way of life of Israel, being visitors to the testament, having no hope of the promise, and being without God in this world.
13 されど前に遠かりし汝ら今キリスト・イエスに在りて、キリストの血によりて近づくことを得たり。
But now, in Christ Jesus, you, who were in times past far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
14 彼は我らの平和にして、己が肉により、樣々の誡命の規より成る律法を廢して、二つのものを一つとなし、怨なる隔の中籬を毀ち給へり。これは二つのものを己に於て一つの新しき人に造りて平和をなし、
For he is our peace. He made the two into one, by dissolving the intermediate wall of separation, of opposition, by his flesh,
15 彼は我らの平和にして、己が肉により、樣々の誡命の規より成る律法を廢して、二つのものを一つとなし、怨なる隔の中籬を毀ち給へり。これは二つのものを己に於て一つの新しき人に造りて平和をなし、
emptying the law of commandments by decree, so that he might join these two, in himself, into one new man, making peace
16 十字架によりて怨を滅し、また之によりて二つのものを一つの體となして神と和がしめん爲なり。
and reconciling both to God, in one body, through the cross, destroying this opposition in himself.
17 かつ來りて、遠かりし汝 等にも平和を宣べ、近きものにも平和を宣べ給へり。
And upon arriving, he evangelized peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near.
18 そはキリストによりて我ら二つのもの一つ御靈にありて父に近づくことを得たればなり。
For by him, we both have access, in the one Spirit, to the Father.
19 されば汝 等はもはや旅人また寄寓人にあらず、聖徒と同じ國人また神の家族なり。
Now, therefore, you are no longer visitors and new arrivals. Instead, you are citizens among the saints in the household of God,
20 汝らは使徒と預言者との基の上に建てられたる者にして、キリスト・イエス自らその隅の首石たり。
having been built upon the foundation of the Apostles and of the Prophets, with Jesus Christ himself as the preeminent cornerstone.
21 おのおのの建造物、かれに在りて建て合せられ、彌増に聖なる宮、主のうちに成るなり。
In him, all that has been built is framed together, rising up into a holy temple in the Lord.
22 汝 等もキリストに在りて共に建てられ、御靈によりて神の御住となるなり。
In him, you also have been built together into a habitation of God in the Spirit.

< エペソ人への手紙 2 >