< 申命記 32 >

1 天よ耳を傾むけよ我語らん地よ吾口の言を聽け
“Listen, O heavens, to what I am saying. Let the earth hear the words of my mouth.
2 わが敎は雨の降るがごとし吾言は露のおくがごとく靀の若艸の上にふるごとく細雨の靑艸の上にくだるが如し
Let my doctrine accumulate like the rain. Let my eloquence form like the dew, like a mist upon the plants, and like water droplets upon the grass.
3 我はヱホバの御名を頌揚ん我らの神に汝ら榮光を歸せよ
For I will invoke the name of the Lord. Acknowledge the magnificence of our God!
4 ヱホバは磐にましましてその御行爲は完くその道はみな正しまた眞實ある神にましまして惡きところ無し只正くして直くいます
The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. God is faithful and without any iniquity. He is just and upright.
5 彼らはヱホバにむかひて惡き事をおこなふ者にてその子にはあらず只これが玷となるのみ其人と爲は邪僻にして曲れり
They have sinned against him, and in their filth they are not his sons. They are a depraved and perverse generation.
6 愚にして智慧なき民よ汝らがヱホバに報ゆること是のごとくなるかヱホバは汝の父にして汝を贖ひまた汝を造り汝を建たまはずや
How can this be the return you would offer to the Lord, O foolish and senseless people? Is he himself not your Father, who has possessed you, and made you, and created you?
7 昔の日を憶え過にし世代の年を念へよ汝の父に問べし彼汝に示さん汝の中の年老に問べし彼ら汝に語らん
Remember the days of antiquity. Consider each generation. Question your father, and he will declare it to you. Question your elders, and they will tell it to you.
8 至高者人の子を四方に散して萬の民にその產業を分ちイスラエルの子孫の數に照して諸の民の境界を定めたまへり
When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he appointed the limits of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.
9 ヱホバの分はその民にしてヤユブはその產業たり
But the Lord’s portion is his people: Jacob, the lot of his inheritance.
10 ヱホバこれを荒野の地に見これに獣の吼る曠野に遇ひ環りかこみて之をいたはり眼の珠のごとくにこれを護りたまへり
He discovered him in a desert land, in a place of horror and a vast wilderness. He led him around and taught him, and he guarded him like the pupil of his eye,
11 鵰のその巣雛を喚起しその子の上に翺翔ごとくヱホバその羽を展て彼らを載せその翼をもてこれを負たまへり
just as an eagle encourages its young to fly, and, flying above them, stretches out its wings, and takes them up, and carries them on its shoulders.
12 ヱホバは只独にてかれを導きたまへり別神はこれとともならざりき
The Lord alone was his leader, and there was no strange god with him.
13 ヱホバかれに地の高處を乗とほらせ田園の產物を食はせ石の中より蜜を吸しめ磐の中より油を吸しめ
He stood him upon an exalted land, so that he might eat the fruits of the fields, so that he might eat honey from the rock, and oil from the hardest stone,
14 牛の乳 羊の乳 羔羊の脂 バシヤンより出る牡羊 牡山羊および小麥の最も佳き者をこれに食はせたまひき汝はまた葡萄の汁の紅き酒を飮り
butter from the herd, and milk from the sheep, with fat from the lambs, and with rams and goats from the sons of Bashan, with the kernel of the wheat, and so that he might drink the undiluted blood of the grape.
15 然るにヱシユルンは肥て踢ことを爲す汝は肥太りて大きくなり己を造りし神を棄て己が救拯の磐を軽んず
The beloved grew fat, and he kicked. Having grown fat and thick and wide, he abandoned God, his Maker, and he withdrew from God, his Savior.
16 彼らは別神をもて之が嫉妬をおこし憎むべき者をもて之が震怒を惹く
They provoked him with strange gods, and they stirred him to anger by their abominations.
17 彼らが犠牲をささぐる者は鬼にして神にあらず彼らが識ざりし鬼神近頃新に出たる者汝らの遠つ親の畏まざりし者なり
They immolated to demons and not to God, to gods whom they did not know, who were new and recent arrivals, whom their fathers did not worship.
18 汝を生し磐をば汝これを棄て汝を造りし神をば汝これを忘る
You have forsaken the God who conceived you, and you have forgotten the Lord who created you.
19 ヱホバこれを見その男子女子を怒りてこれを棄たまふ
The Lord saw, and he was stirred to anger. For his own sons and daughters provoked him.
20 すなはち曰たまはく我わが面をかれらに隱さん我かれらの終を觀ん彼らはみな背き悖る類の者眞實あらざる子等なり
And he said: ‘I will hide my face from them, and I will consider their very end. For this is a perverse generation, and they are unfaithful sons.
21 彼らは神ならぬ者をもて我に嫉妬を起させ虚き者をもて我を怒らせたれば我も民ならぬ者をもて彼らに嫉妬を起させ愚なる民をもて彼らを怒らせん
They have provoked me with that which was not God, and they have angered me with their emptiness. And so, I will provoke them with that which is not a people, and I will anger them with a foolish nation.
22 即ちわが震怒によりて火燃いで深き陰府に燃いたりまた地とその產物とを燒つくし山々の基をもやさん (Sheol h7585)
A fire has been kindled in my fury, and it will burn even to the deepest Hell, and it will devour the earth with its produce, and it will burn the foundations of the mountains. (Sheol h7585)
23 我禍災をかれらの上に積かさね吾矢をかれらにむかひて射つくさん
I will heap evils upon them, and I will expend my arrows among them.
24 彼らは饑て痩おとろへ熱の病患と惡き疫とによりて滅びん我またかれらをして獣の歯にかからしめ地に匍ふ者の毒にあたらしめん
They will be consumed by famine, and birds with a very bitter bite will devour them. I will send forth the teeth of wild beasts among them, along with the fury of creatures that scurry across the ground, and of serpents.
25 外には劒内には恐惶ありて少き男をも少き女をも幼兒をも白髮の人をも滅ぼさん
Outside, the sword will devastate them; and inside, there will be dread, as much for the young man as for the maiden, and as much for the newborn as for the old man.
26 我は曰ふ我彼等を吹掃ひ彼らの事をして世の中に記憶らるること無らしめんと
I said: Where are they? I will cause their memory to cease from among men.
27 然れども我は敵人の怒を恐る即ち敵人どれを見あやまりて言ん我らの手能くこれを爲り是はすべてヱホバの爲るにあらずと
But because of the wrath of the enemies, I have delayed it. Otherwise, perhaps their enemies would be arrogant and would say: “Our exalted hand, and not the Lord, has done all these things.”
28 彼らはまつたく智慧なき民なりその中には知識ある者なし
They are a nation without counsel and without prudence.
29 嗚呼彼らもし智慧あらば之を了りてその身の終を思慮らんものを
I wish that they would be wise and understanding, and would provide for the very end.’
30 彼らの磐これを賣ずヱホバごれを付さずば爭か一人にて千人を逐ひ二人にて萬人を敗ることを得ん
How is it that one pursues a thousand, and two chases ten thousand? Is it not because their God has sold them, and because the Lord has enclosed them?
31 彼らの磐は我らの磐にしかず我らの敵たる者等も然認めたり
For our God is not like their gods. And our enemies are judges.
32 彼らの葡萄の樹はソドムの葡萄の樹またゴモラの野より出たる者その葡萄は毒葡萄その球は苦し
Their vines are of the vines of Sodom, but from the suburbs of Gomorrah. Their grapes are the grapes of gall, and their grape clusters are most bitter.
33 その葡萄酒は蛇の毒のごとく蝮の惡き毒のごとし
Their wine is the gall of snakes, and it is the incurable venom of asps.
34 是は我の許に蓄へあり我の庫に封じこめ有にあらずや
‘Have not these things been stored up with me, and sealed up amid my treasures?
35 彼らの足の躚かん時に我仇をかへし應報をなさんその災禍の日は近く其がために備へられたる事は迅速にいたる
Vengeance is mine, and I will repay them in due time, so that their foot may slip and fall. The day of perdition is near, and the time rushes to appear.’
36 ヱホバつひにその民を鞫きまたその僕に憐憫をくはへたまはん其は彼らの力のすでに去うせて繋がれたる者も繋がれざる者もあらずなれるを見たまへばなり
The Lord will judge his people, and he will take pity on his servants. He will see that their hand has been weakened, and that those who have been enclosed have likewise failed, and that those who have been left behind have been consumed.
37 ヱホバ言たまはん彼らの神々は何處にをるや彼らが賴める磐は何處ぞや
And he shall say: ‘Where are their gods, in whom they had confidence?
38 即ちその犠牲の膏油を食ひその灌祭の酒を飮たる者は何處にをるや其等をして起て汝らを助けしめ汝らを護しめよ
They ate the fat of their victims, and they drank the wine of their libations. So let these rise up, and bring relief to you, and protect you in your distress.
39 汝ら今觀よ我こそは彼なり我の外には神なし殺すこと活すこと撃こと愈すことは凡て我是を爲す我手より救ひ出すことを得る者あらず
See that I am alone, and there is no other god beside me. I will kill, and I will cause to live. I will strike, and I will heal. And there is no one who is able to rescue from my hand.
40 我天にむかひて手をあげて言ふ我は永遠に活く
I will lift up my hand to heaven, and I will say: I live in eternity.
41 我わが閃爍く刃を磨ぎ審判をわが手に握る時はかならず仇をわが敵にかへし我を惡む者に返報をなさん
When I sharpen my sword like lightning, and my hand takes hold of judgment, then I will render vengeance to my enemies, and I will repay those who hate me.
42 我わが箭をして血に酔しめ吾劍をして肉を食しめん即ち殺るる者と擄らるる者の血を之に飮せ敵の髮おほき首の肉をこれに食はせん
I will inebriate my arrows with blood, and my sword will devour flesh: from the blood of the slain and from the captive, from the exposed head of the enemies.’
43 國々の民よ汝らヱホバの民のために歓悦をなせ其はヱホバその僕の血のために返報をなしその敵に仇をかへしその地とその民の汚穢をのぞきたまへばなり
You nations, praise his people! For he will avenge the blood of his servants. And he will distribute vengeance to their enemies. And he will be merciful to the land of his people.”
44 モーセ、ヌンの子ヨシユアとともに到りてこの歌の言をことごとく民に誦きかせたり
Therefore, Moses went and spoke all the words of this canticle to the ears of the people, both he and Joshua, the son of Nun.
45 モーセこの言語をことごとくイスラエルの一切の人に告をはりて
And he completed all these words, speaking to all of Israel.
46 これに言けるは我が今日なんぢらに對ひて證するこの一切の言語を汝ら心に蔵め汝らの子等にこの律法の一切の言語を守りおこなふことを命ずべし
And he said to them: “Set your hearts upon all the words which I am testifying to you this day. So shall you command your sons, to keep, and to do, and to fulfill all the things that have been written in this law.
47 抑この言は汝らには虚しき言にあらず是は汝らの生命なりこの言によりて汝らはそのヨルダンを濟りゆきて獲ところの地にて汝らの生命を永うすることを得るなり
For these things have not been entrusted to you to no purpose, but so that each one would live by them, and so that, in doing these, you may continue for a long time in the land, which you will enter upon crossing the Jordan in order to possess it.”
48 この日にヱホバ、モーセに告て言たまはく
And the Lord spoke to Moses on the same day, saying:
49 汝ヱリコに對するモアブの地のアバリム山に登りてネボ山にいたり我がイスラエルの子孫にあたへて產業となさしむるカナンの地を觀わたせよ
“Ascend this mountain, Abarim, (that is, of crossings) onto Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho, and look upon the land of Canaan, which I will deliver to the sons of Israel to obtain it. And you shall die upon the mountain.
50 汝はその登れる山に死て汝の民に列ならん是汝の兄弟アロンがホル山に死てその民に列りしごとくなるべし
After climbing it, you will be joined to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor, and was placed with his people.
51 是は汝らチンの曠野なるカデシのメリバの水の邊においてイスラエルの子孫の中間にて我に悖りイスラエルの子孫の中に我の聖きことを顯さざりしが故なり
For you trespassed against me in the midst of the sons of Israel, at the Waters of Contradiction, in Kadesh, in the desert of Sin. And you did not sanctify me among the sons of Israel.
52 然ども汝は我がイスラエルの子孫に與ふる地を汝の前に觀わたすことを得ん但しその地には汝いることを得じ
You shall see the land opposite you, which I will give to the sons of Israel, but you shall not enter into it.”

< 申命記 32 >