< コリント人への手紙第二 11 >

1 願はくは汝 等わが少しの愚を忍ばんことを。請ふ我を忍べ。
I wish that you would endure a small amount of my foolishness, so as to bear with me.
2 われ神の熱心をもて汝らを慕ふ、われ汝らを潔き處女として一人の夫なるキリストに献げんとて、之に許嫁したればなり。
For I am jealous toward you, with the jealousy of God. And I have espoused you to one husband, offering you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
3 されど我が恐るるは、蛇の惡巧によりてエバの惑されし如く、汝らの心 害はれてキリストに對する眞心と貞操とを失はん事なり。
But I am afraid lest, as the serpent led astray Eve by his cleverness, so your minds might be corrupted and might fall away from the simplicity which is in Christ.
4 もし人きたりて我らの未だ宣べざる他のイエスを宣ぶる時、また汝らが未だ受けざる他の靈を受け、未だ受け容れざる他の福音を受くるときは、汝ら能く之を忍ばん。
For if anyone arrives preaching another Christ, one whom we have not preached; or if you receive another Spirit, one whom you have not received; or another Gospel, one which you have not been given: you might permit him to guide you.
5 我は何事にもかの大使徒たちに劣らずと思ふ。
For I consider that I have done nothing less than the great Apostles.
6 われ言に拙けれども知識には然らず、凡ての事にて全く之を汝らに顯せり。
For although I may be unskilled in speech, yet I am not so in knowledge. But, in all things, we have been made manifest to you.
7 われ汝らを高うせんために自己を卑うし、價なくして神の福音を傳へたるは罪なりや。
Or did I commit a sin by humbling myself so that you would be exalted? For I preached the Gospel of God to you freely.
8 我は他の教會より奪ひ取り、その俸給をもて汝らに事へたり。
I have taken from other churches, receiving a stipend from them to the benefit of your ministry.
9 又なんぢらの中に在りて乏しかりしとき、誰をも煩はさず、マケドニヤより來りし兄弟たち我が窮乏を補へり。斯く凡ての事に汝らを煩はすまじと愼みたるが、此の後もなほ愼まん。
And when I was with you and in need, I was burdensome to no one. For the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied whatever was lacking to me. And in all things, I have kept myself, and I will keep myself, from being burdensome to you.
10 我に在るキリストの誠實によりて言ふ、我この誇をアカヤの地方にて阻まるる事あらじ。
The truth of Christ is in me, and so this glorying shall not be broken away from me in the regions of Achaia.
11 これ何 故ぞ、汝らを愛せぬに因るか、神は知りたまふ。
Why so? Is it because I do not love you? God knows I do.
12 我わが行ふ所をなほ行はん、これ機會をうかがふ者の機會を斷ち、彼 等をしてその誇る所につき我らの如くならしめん爲なり。
But what I am doing, I will continue to do, so that I may take away an opportunity from those who desire an opportunity by which they may glory, so as to be considered to be like us.
13 かくの如きは僞 使徒また詭計の勞動人にして、己をキリストの使徒に扮へる者どもなり。
For false apostles, such as these deceitful workers, are presenting themselves as if they were Apostles of Christ.
14 これ珍しき事にあらず、サタンも己を光の御使に扮へば、
And no wonder, for even Satan presents himself as if he were an Angel of light.
15 その役者らが義の役者のごとく扮ふは大事にはあらず、彼 等の終局はその業に適ふべし。
Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers present themselves as if they were ministers of justice, for their end shall be according to their works.
16 われ復いはん、誰も我を愚と思ふな。もし然おもふとも、少しく誇る機を我にも得させん爲に、愚なる者として受け容れよ。
I say again. And let no one consider me to be foolish. Or, at least, accept me as if I were foolish, so that I also may glory a small amount.
17 今いふ所は主によりて言ふにあらず、愚なる者として大膽に誇りて言ふなり。
What I am saying is not said according to God, but as if in foolishness, in this matter of glorying.
18 多くの人、肉によりて誇れば、我も誇るべし。
Since so many glory according to the flesh, I will glory also.
19 汝らは智き者なれば喜びて愚なる者を忍ぶなり。
For you freely accept the foolish, though you yourselves claim to be wise.
20 人もし汝らを奴隷とすとも、食ひ盡すとも、掠めとるとも、驕るとも、顏を打つとも、汝らは之を忍ぶ。
For you permit it when someone guides you into servitude, even if he devours you, even if he takes from you, even if he is extolled, even if he strikes you repeatedly on the face.
21 われ恥ぢて言ふ、我らは弱き者の如くなりき。されど人の雄々しき所は我もまた雄々し、われ愚にも斯く言ふなり。
I speak according to disgrace, as if we had been weak in this regard. In this matter, (I speak in foolishness) if anyone dares, I dare also.
22 彼らヘブル人なるか、我も然り、彼らイスラエル人なるか、我も然り、彼らアブラハムの裔なるか、我も然り。
They are Hebrews; so am I. They are Israelites; so am I. They are the offspring of Abraham; so am I.
23 彼らキリストの役者なるか、われ狂へる如く言ふ、我はなほ勝れり。わが勞は更におほく、獄に入れられしこと更に多く、鞭うたれしこと更に夥だしく、死に瀕みたりしこと屡次なりき。
They are the ministers of Christ (I speak as if I were less wise); more so am I: with many more labors, with numerous imprisonments, with wounds beyond measure, with frequent mortifications.
24 ユダヤ人より四十に一つ足らぬ鞭を受けしこと五度、
On five occasions, I received forty stripes, less one, from the Jews.
25 笞にて打たれしこと三たび、石にて打たれしこと一たび、破船に遭ひしこと三度にして、一晝夜 海にありき。
Three times, I was beaten with rods. One time, I was stoned. Three times, I was shipwrecked. For a night and a day, I was in the depths of the sea.
26 しばしば旅行して河の難、盜賊の難、同族の難、異邦人の難、市中の難、荒野の難、海上の難、僞 兄弟の難にあひ、
I have made frequent journeys, through dangerous waters, in danger of robbers, in danger from my own nation, in danger from the Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the wilderness, in danger in the sea, in danger from false brothers,
27 勞し、苦しみ、しばしば眠らず、飢ゑ渇き、しばしば斷食し、凍え、裸なりき。
with hardships and difficulties, with much vigilance, in hunger and thirst, with frequent fasts, in cold and nakedness,
28 ここに擧げざる事もあるに、なほ日々われに迫る諸 教會の心勞あり。
and, in addition to these things, which are external: there is my daily earnestness and solicitude for all the churches.
29 誰か弱りて我 弱らざらんや、誰か躓きて我 燃えざらんや。
Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is scandalized, and I am not being burned?
30 もし誇るべくは、我が弱き所につきて誇らん。
If it is necessary to glory, I will glory of the things that concern my weaknesses.
31 永遠に讃むべき者、すなはち主イエスの神また父は、我が僞らざるを知り給ふ。 (aiōn g165)
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying. (aiōn g165)
32 ダマスコにてアレタ王の下にある總督、われを捕へんとてダマスコ人の町を守りたれば、
At Damascus, the governor of the nation under Aretas the king, watched over the city of the Damascenes, so as to apprehend me.
33 我は籠にて窓より石垣傳ひに縋り下されて其の手を脱れたり。
And, through a window, I was let down along the wall in a basket; and so I escaped his hands.

< コリント人への手紙第二 11 >