< コリント人への手紙第一 8 >

1 偶像の供物に就きては我等みな知識あることを知る。知識は人を誇らしめ、愛は徳を建つ。
Now concerning those things that are sacrificed to idols: we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but charity builds up.
2 もし人みづから知れりと思はば、知るべき程の事をも知らぬなり。
But if anyone considers himself to know anything, he does not yet know in the way that he ought to know.
3 されど人もし神を愛せば、その人、神に知られたるなり。
For if anyone loves God, he is known by him.
4 偶像の供物を食ふことに就きては、我ら偶像の世になき者なるを知り、また唯一の神の外には神なきを知る。
But as to the foods that are immolated to idols, we know that an idol in the world is nothing, and that no one is God, except One.
5 神と稱ふるもの、或は天に或は地にありて、多くの神、おほくの主あるが如くなれど、
For although there are things that are called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, (if one even considers there to be many gods and many lords)
6 我らには父なる唯一の神あるのみ、萬物これより出で、我らも亦これに歸す。また唯一の主イエス・キリストあるのみ、萬物これに由り、我らも亦これに由れり。
yet we know that there is only one God, the Father, from whom all things are, and in whom we are, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and by whom we are.
7 されど人みな此の知識あるにあらず、或 人は今もなほ偶像に慣れ、偶像の献物として食する故に、その良心よわくして汚さるるなり。
But knowledge is not in everyone. For some persons, even now, with consent to an idol, eat what has been sacrificed to an idol. And their conscience, being infirm, becomes polluted.
8 我らを神の前に立たしむるものは食物にあらず、されば食するも益なく、食せざるも損なし。
Yet food does not commend us to God. For if we eat, we will not have more, and if we do not eat, we will not have less.
9 されど心して汝らの有てる此の自由を弱き者の躓物とすな。
But be careful not to let your liberty become a cause of sin to those who are weak.
10 人もし知識ある汝が偶像の宮にて食事するを見んに、その人 弱きときは良心そそのかされて偶像の献物を食せざらんや。
For if anyone sees someone with knowledge sitting down to eat in idolatry, will not his own conscience, being infirm, be emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols?
11 さらばキリストの代りて死に給ひし弱き兄弟は、汝の知識によりて亡ぶべし。
And should an infirm brother perish by your knowledge, even though Christ died for him?
12 斯くのごとく汝ら兄弟に對して罪を犯し、その弱き良心を傷めしむるは、キリストに對して罪を犯すなり。
So when you sin in this way against the brothers, and you harm their weakened conscience, then you sin against Christ.
13 この故に、もし食物わが兄弟を躓かせんには、兄弟を躓かせぬ爲に、我は何時までも肉を食はじ。 (aiōn g165)
Because of this, if food leads my brother to sin, I will never eat meat, lest I lead my brother to sin. (aiōn g165)

< コリント人への手紙第一 8 >