< 1 Samuel 20 >

1 Maka larilah Daud dari Nayot dekat Rama dan pergi menemui Yonatan, lalu bertanya, "Apa salahku? Kejahatan apa yang telah kulakukan dan apa dosaku terhadap ayahmu sehingga ia mau membunuhku?"
And David went in flight from Naioth in Ramah and came to Jonathan and said, What have I done? What is my crime and my sin against your father that he is attempting to take my life?
2 Jawab Yonatan, "Jangan berkata begitu! Demi TUHAN, engkau tidak akan dibunuh. Ayahku selalu memberitahukan segala rencananya kepadaku, baik yang penting, maupun yang tidak. Jadi tidak mungkin beliau merahasiakan maksudnya itu terhadap aku. Sebab itu, apa yang kaukatakan itu tidak benar!"
And he said to him, Far be the thought: you will not be put to death: see, my father does nothing, great or small, without giving me word of it: would he keep this secret from me? It is not so.
3 Daud menjawab, "Ayahmu tahu benar bahwa engkau sayang kepadaku. Jadi pastilah ia tidak mau memberitahukan hal itu kepadamu supaya engkau jangan sedih. Bagaimanapun juga, demi TUHAN yang hidup, sesungguhnyalah hidupku bagaikan telur di ujung tanduk!"
But David took his oath again and said, Your father sees that I am dear to you; so he says to himself, Let Jonathan have no idea of this, for it will be a grief to him; but as the Lord is living, and as your soul is living, there is only a step between me and death.
4 Lalu berkatalah Yonatan, "Apa saja yang kauminta akan kulakukan."
Then Jonathan said to David, Whatever your desire is, I will do it for you.
5 Daud menjawab, "Begini, besok adalah Pesta Bulan Baru, dan seharusnya aku makan bersama-sama dengan baginda. Tetapi jika engkau setuju, aku akan pergi dan bersembunyi di padang sampai lusa malam.
And David said to Jonathan, Tomorrow is the new moon, and I will not be seated with the king at his table: but let me go to a safe place in the country till the evening.
6 Jika ayahmu menanyakan mengapa aku tidak hadir, katakanlah kepada beliau, bahwa aku telah memohon izin darimu untuk segera pulang ke Betlehem, karena di sana diadakan upacara kurban tahunan bagi seluruh keluargaku.
And if your father takes note of the fact that I am away, say, David made a request to me for himself that he might go to Beth-lehem, to his town: for it is the time when his family make their offering year by year.
7 Jika raja berkata, 'Baiklah,' maka aku akan aman, tetapi jika beliau marah, ketahuilah bahwa beliau sudah mengambil keputusan untuk mencelakakan aku.
If he says, It is well, your servant will be at peace: but if he is angry, then it will be clear to you that he has an evil purpose in mind against me.
8 Aku minta pertolonganmu, karena kita telah mengikat perjanjian di hadapan TUHAN. Namun jika aku bersalah, bunuhlah aku, tetapi janganlah kauserahkan aku kepada ayahmu."
So, then, be kind to your servant; for you have been united with your servant in an agreement made before the Lord: but if there is any wrongdoing in me, put me to death yourself; why take me to your father?
9 Jawab Yonatan, "Jangan khawatir! Jika aku tahu dengan pasti bahwa ayahku telah bertekad untuk mencelakakanmu, tentulah akan kuberitahukan kepadamu."
And Jonathan said, Do not have such a thought: for if I saw that my father was designing evil against you, would I not give you word of it?
10 Kemudian Daud bertanya, "Siapakah yang akan memberitahukan kepadaku seandainya ayahmu menjawabmu dengan geram?"
Then David said to Jonathan, Who will give me word if your father gives you a rough answer?
11 "Marilah kita pergi ke padang," kata Yonatan. Maka pergilah mereka bersama-sama ke padang.
And Jonathan said to David, Come, let us go out into the country. And the two of them went out together into the open country.
12 Lalu Yonatan berkata kepada Daud, "Semoga TUHAN, Allah Israel menjadi saksi kita! Besok pagi atau lusa kira-kira pada waktu seperti sekarang ini, aku akan berusaha mengetahui isi hati ayahku. Jika ia bersikap baik terhadapmu, aku akan mengirim kabar kepadamu.
And Jonathan said to David, May the Lord, the God of Israel, be witness; when I have had a chance of talking to my father, about this time tomorrow, if his feelings to David are good, will I not send and give you the news?
13 Jika ia berniat mencelakakanmu, pasti akan kuberitahukan kepadamu juga supaya engkau dapat menyelamatkan dirimu. Semoga TUHAN membunuhku kalau hal itu tidak kulakukan. Mudah-mudahan TUHAN menolongmu seperti dia telah ditolongnya juga!
May the Lord's punishment be on Jonathan, if it is my father's pleasure to do you evil and I do not give you word of it and send you away so that you may go in peace: and may the Lord be with you, as he has been with my father.
14 Dan jika aku masih hidup, ingatlah perjanjian kita di hadapan TUHAN dan setialah kepadaku; tetapi jika aku sudah tiada,
And may you, while I am still living, O may you be kind to me, as the Lord is kind, and keep me from death!
15 tunjukkanlah kesetiaanmu kepada keturunanku untuk selama-lamanya. Dan apabila TUHAN membinasakan semua musuhmu,
And let not your mercy ever be cut off from my family, even when the Lord has sent destruction on all David's haters, cutting them off from the face of the earth.
16 janganlah perjanjian antara kita berdua terputus. Jika sampai terputus, Tuhanlah yang akan menghukummu."
And if it comes about that the name of Jonathan is cut off from the family of David, the Lord will make David responsible.
17 Jadi untuk kedua kalinya Yonatan menyuruh Daud berjanji akan mengasihi dia, sebab ia mengasihi Daud seperti dirinya sendiri.
And Jonathan again took an oath to David, because of his love for him: for David was as dear to him as his very soul.
18 Kemudian berkatalah Yonatan kepadanya, "Besok Pesta Bulan Baru. Pasti akan ketahuan bahwa engkau tidak hadir, sebab tempatmu kosong pada meja makan;
Then Jonathan said to him, Tomorrow is the new moon: and it will be seen that you are not present, for there will be no one in your seat.
19 apalagi lusa! Sebab itu, pergilah ke tempat persembunyianmu yang dahulu itu, dan tunggulah di belakang timbunan batu di situ.
And on the third day it will be specially noted, and you will go to the place where you took cover when the other business was in hand, waiting by the hill over there.
20 Lusa aku akan melepaskan tiga anak panah ke arah batu itu, seakan-akan membidik sasaran.
And on the third day I will send arrows from my bow against its side as if at a mark.
21 Lalu akan kusuruh budakku memungut panah-panah itu, dan jika aku berkata kepadanya, 'Ai, panah itu lebih dekat lagi ke mari; ambillah,' itu berarti bahwa engkau aman dan boleh keluar. Aku bersumpah demi TUHAN yang hidup bahwa engkau tidak dalam bahaya apa pun.
And I will send my boy to have a look for the arrow. And if I say to him, See, the arrow is on this side of you; take it up! then you may come; for there is peace for you and no evil, by the living Lord.
22 Tetapi jika aku berkata kepada budakku, 'Ai, panah itu lebih jauh lagi ke sana,' itu berarti TUHAN menyuruh engkau pergi; jadi pergilah.
But if I say to the boy, See, the arrow has gone past you: then go on your way, for the Lord has sent you away.
23 Semoga TUHAN menjaga agar kita selamanya memegang perjanjian antara kita berdua."
As for what you and I were talking of, the Lord is between you and me for ever.
24 Maka bersembunyilah Daud di padang. Pada Pesta Bulan Baru, Raja Saul datang ke perjamuan.
So David went to a secret place in the country: and when the new moon came, the king took his place at the feast.
25 Seperti biasanya dia duduk dekat dinding; Yonatan mengambil tempat di hadapannya, Abner di sebelah Saul, tetapi kursi Daud tetap kosong.
And the king took his seat, as at other times, by the wall: and Jonathan was in front, and Abner was seated by Saul's side, but there was no one in David's seat.
26 Tetapi Saul tidak menyinggung keadaan itu pada hari itu, sebab pikirnya, "Barangkali ia mengalami sesuatu hal, sehingga ia tidak bersih menurut agama."
But Saul said nothing that day, for his thought was, Something has taken place making him unclean; it is clear that he is not clean.
27 Pada hari berikutnya, yaitu hari kedua Bulan Baru, kursi Daud masih kosong juga, lalu bertanyalah Saul kepada Yonatan, "Mengapa kemarin dan hari ini Daud tidak hadir pada perjamuan?"
And on the day after the new moon, that is, the second day, there was still no one in David's seat: and Saul said to his son Jonathan, Why has the son of Jesse not come to the feast yesterday or today?
28 Yonatan menjawab, "Ia telah minta izin kepadaku untuk pergi ke Betlehem.
And answering Saul, Jonathan said, He made a request to me that he might go to Beth-lehem,
29 Katanya, 'Izinkanlah aku pergi, karena keluargaku sedang merayakan pesta kurban di Betlehem, dan aku disuruh datang oleh abangku. Sebab itu, jika kauizinkan, biar aku pergi untuk bertemu dengan sanak saudaraku.' Itulah sebabnya ia tidak hadir pada perjamuan ini, Ayah."
Saying, Our family is making an offering in the town, and my brothers have given me orders to be there: so now, if I have grace in your eyes, let me go away and see my brothers. This is why he has not come to the king's table.
30 Mendengar itu Saul menjadi marah sekali kepada Yonatan dan berkata kepadanya, "Anak haram jadah! Sekarang aku tahu bahwa engkau memihak kepada Daud dan membuat malu dirimu serta ibumu!
Then Saul was moved to wrath against Jonathan, and he said to him, You son of an evil and uncontrolled woman, have I not seen how you have given your love to the son of Jesse, to your shame and the shame of your mother?
31 Tidak sadarkah engkau bahwa selama Daud hidup engkau tidak akan mungkin menjadi raja atas negeri ini? Sekarang suruhlah orang mencari dia dan membawanya kemari, sebab dia harus mati!"
For while the son of Jesse is living on the earth, your position is unsafe and your kingdom is in danger. So make him come here to me, for it is certainly right for him to be put to death.
32 Maka jawab Yonatan, "Mengapa ia harus mati? Dosanya apa?"
And Jonathan, answering his father Saul, said to him, Why is he to be put to death? What has he done?
33 Mendengar itu Saul melemparkan tombaknya kepada Yonatan hendak membunuhnya. Maka tahulah Yonatan bahwa ayahnya memang sungguh-sungguh berniat hendak membunuh Daud.
And Saul, pointing his spear at him, made an attempt to give him a wound: from which it was clear to Jonathan that his father's purpose was to put David to death.
34 Dengan marah sekali Yonatan meninggalkan meja perjamuan dan ia tidak makan apa-apa pada hari kedua Pesta Bulan Baru itu. Ia sangat prihatin memikirkan Daud yang telah dihina oleh Saul ayahnya.
So Jonathan got up from the table, burning with wrath, and took no part in the feast the second day of the month, being full of grief for David because his father had put shame on him.
35 Keesokan harinya Yonatan pergi ke padang untuk bertemu dengan Daud seperti yang telah mereka rencanakan bersama. Ia membawa seorang anak laki-laki, budaknya,
Now in the morning, Jonathan went out into the fields at the time he had said to David, and he had a little boy with him.
36 lalu berkata kepadanya, "Ayo, pungutlah panah-panah yang akan kupanahkan." Sedang anak itu berlari, Yonatan memanahkan sebuah panah melewati anak itu.
And he said to the boy, Go and get the arrow I let loose from my bow. And while the boy was running, he sent an arrow past him.
37 Ketika anak itu sampai ke tempat jatuhnya panah itu, Yonatan berseru kepadanya, "Ai, panah itu lebih jauh lagi ke sana!
And when the boy came to the place where the arrow was, Jonathan, crying out after the boy, said, Has it not gone past you?
38 Cepat sedikit, jangan melamun!" Anak itu memungut panah itu dan kembali kepada tuannya.
And Jonathan went on crying out after the boy, Be quick, do not keep waiting about, go quickly. And Jonathan's boy got the arrow and came back to his master.
39 Ia sama sekali tidak mengerti maksud kata-kata Yonatan itu, hanya Yonatan dengan Daudlah yang mengerti.
But the boy had no idea what was going on; only Jonathan and David had knowledge of it.
40 Kemudian Yonatan memberikan alat pemanahnya kepada anak itu dan menyuruh dia kembali ke kota.
And Jonathan gave his bow and arrows to the boy, and said to him, Take these and go back to the town.
41 Setelah anak itu pergi, Daud keluar dari belakang timbunan batu itu, lalu sujud tiga kali. Baik dia maupun Yonatan, kedua-duanya menangis ketika mereka saling berciuman. Kesedihan Daud lebih besar daripada kesedihan Yonatan.
And when the boy had gone, David came from his secret place by the hill, and falling to the earth went down on his face three times: and they gave one another a kiss, weeping together, till David's grief was the greater.
42 Kemudian berkatalah Yonatan kepada Daud, "Semoga Allah menolongmu. TUHAN akan menjamin bahwa kita dan keturunan kita selalu memegang perjanjian kita berdua di hadapan Allah." Setelah itu pergilah Daud, dan Yonatan pun pulang ke kota.
And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, for we two have taken an oath, in the name of the Lord, saying, The Lord will be between me and you, and between my seed and your seed for ever. Then David went away, and Jonathan went into the town.

< 1 Samuel 20 >