< Fitowa 40 >

1 Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying—
2 “Ka kafa tabanakul, da Tentin Sujada, a kan rana ta fari ga watan fari.
On the first day of the month, in the first month, shalt thou rear the habitation, of the tent of meeting;
3 Ka sa akwatin Alkawari a cikinsa, sa’an nan ka rufe shi da labule.
and thou shalt put therein, the ark of the testimony, —and shalt screen the ark with the veil;
4 Ka shigar da teburin ka shirya kayayyakin a kansa. Sa’an nan ka shigar da wurin ajiye fitilan ka kuma sa fitilunsa.
and thou shalt bring in the table, and set in order what is to be arranged thereupon, —and thou shalt bring in the lampstand, and mount the lamps thereof;
5 Ka sa bagaden zinariya na ƙona turare a gaban akwatin Alkawari, ka kuma sa labule a ƙofar shiga tabanakul.
and thou shalt place the altar of gold for incense, before the ark of the testimony, —and put up the screen for the opening of the habitation;
6 “Ka ajiye bagade na yin hadaya ta ƙonawa a gaban ƙofar tabanakul, da Tentin Sujada;
and thou shalt place the altar for the ascending-sacrifice, —before the opening of the habitation of the tent of meeting;
7 ka ajiye daron tsakanin Tentin Sujada da bagaden, ka kuma zuba ruwa a cikinsa.
and thou shalt place the laver between the tent of meeting, and the altar, and shalt put therein water,
8 Ka yi fili kewaye da shi, ka kuma sa labule a ƙofar shiga filin.
And thou shalt put up the court round about, and hang up the screen of the gate of the court.
9 “Ka ɗauki man shafewa ka shafe tabanakul da duka abin da yake cikinsa; ka keɓe shi da dukan kayayyakinsa, zai zama tsarkake.
And thou shalt take the oil of anointing, and anoint the habitation and all that is therein, —and shalt hallow it. and all the furniture thereof so shall it be holy.
10 Sa’an nan ka shafe bagaden hadaya ta ƙonawa da kayansa; ka keɓe bagaden, zai zama mai tsarki.
And thou shalt anoint the altar of ascending sacrifice, and all its utensils, —and hallow the altar, so shall the altar be most holy:
11 Ka shafe daron da wurin ajiyarsa, ka kuma keɓe su.
and thou shalt anoint the laver and its stand, —and shalt hallow it.
12 “Ka kawo Haruna da’ya’yansa a ƙofar Tentin Sujada ka wanke su da ruwa.
And thou shalt bring near Aaron and his sons, unto the opening of the tent of meeting, —and shalt bathe them in the water;
13 Sa’an nan ka sa wa Haruna tsarkakun riguna, ka shafe shi, ka kuma keɓe shi don yă yi mini hidima a matsayin firist.
and thou shalt clothe Aaron with the holy garments, —and shalt anoint him and hallow him so shall he minister as priest unto me.
14 Ka kawo’ya’yansa maza ka sa musu taguwoyi.
His sons also, shalt thou bring near, —and shalt clothe them with tunics;
15 Ka shafe su yadda ka shafe mahaifinsu, don su yi mini hidima a matsayin firistoci. Shafe musu man, zai sa su zama firistoci na ɗinɗinɗin, dukan zamanansu.”
and shalt anoint them as thou didst anoint their father, and they shall minister as priests unto me, —so shall their anointing remain to them for an age-abiding priesthood, to their generations.
16 Musa ya aikata dukan kome yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
And Moses did, —according to all that Yahweh had commanded him, so did he.
17 Da haka aka kafa tabanakul, a rana ta fari ga wata na fari a shekara ta biyu.
Thus came it to pass, in the first month, in the second year, on the first of the month, that the habitation was reared.
18 Sa’ad da Musa ya kafa tabanakul, ya sa rammuka a wurinsu, ya sa katakan, ya kuma sa sandunan, ya kakkafa dogayen sandunan.
Yea Moses reared the habitation, and placed its sockets, and fixed its boards, and fastened its bars, —and reared its pillars.
19 Sa’an nan ya shimfiɗa tentin a bisa tabanakul, ya kuma sa murfi a bisa tentin, yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
Then spread he abroad the tent upon the habitation, and put the covering of the tent upon it, above, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
20 Ya ɗauki dokokin Alkawari ya sa a cikin akwatin, ya kuma zura sandunan a zoban akwatin, sa’an nan ya sa murfin kafara a bisansa.
And he took and placed the testimony within the ark, and put the staves upon the ark, —and placed the propitiatory upon the ark, above;
21 Sai ya kawo akwatin a cikin tabanakul, ya kuma rataye labulen rufewa ya tsare akwatin Alkawarin, yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
and brought in the ark into the habitation, and put up the screening veil, and screened over the ark of the testimony, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
22 Musa ya sa teburin a Tentin Sujada, a gefen arewa na tabanakul waje da labulen.
And he placed the table in the tent of meeting, —on the side of the habitation northward, —outside the veil;
23 Ya shirya burodin a kai a gaban Ubangiji, yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
and set in order thereupon the arrangement of bread before Yahweh, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
24 Ya sa wurin ajiye fitilan a Tentin Sujada ɗaura da teburin a gefen kudu na tabanakul
And he put the lampstand, in the tent of meeting, over against the table, —on the side of the habitation southward;
25 ya kuma shirya fitilun a gaban Ubangiji, yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
and mounted the lamps before Yahweh, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
26 Musa ya sa bagaden zinariya a cikin Tentin Sujada a gaban labulen
And he put the altar of gold in the tent of meeting, —before the veil;
27 ya ƙone turare mai ƙanshi a kai, yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
and burned thereupon the fragrant incense, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
28 Sa’an nan ya sa labule a ƙofar shiga na tabanakul.
And he put up the screen of the entrance pertaining to the habitation;
29 Ya sa bagaden hadaya ta ƙonawa kusa da ƙofar tabanakul, Tentin Sujada, sa’an nan ya miƙa hadaya ta ƙonawa da hadaya ta gari a kansa, yadda Ubangiji ya umarce shi.
and, the altar of ascending-sacrifice, put he at the entrance of the habitation of the tent of meeting, —and he caused to ascend thereupon the ascending-sacrifice, and the meal-offering, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
30 Ya sa daro tsakanin Tentin Sujada da bagade, ya kuma zuba ruwa a cikinsa don wanki,
And he put the laver, between the tent of meeting, and the altar, —and put therein water for bathing;
31 a cikin kuwa Musa da Haruna da’ya’yansa maza sukan wanke hannunsa da ƙafafunsu.
and Moses and Aaron and his sons thenceforth bathed thereat, —their hands and their feet;
32 Sukan yi wanka a duk sa’ad da suka shiga Tentin Sujada, ko in suka kusaci bagade, yadda Ubangiji ya umarci Musa.
when they were entering into the tent of meeting, and when they were drawing near unto the altar, then used they to bathe, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
33 Sa’an nan Musa ya yi fili kewaye da tabanakul da kuma bagaden, ya rataye labule a ƙofar shiga filin. Da haka Musa ya gama aikin.
And he reared the court round about to the habitation and to the altar, and put up the screen of the gate of the court, —and Moses finished the work.
34 Sa’an nan girgije ya rufe Tentin Sujada sai ɗaukakar Ubangiji ta cika tabanakul.
Then did the cloud cover the tent of meeting, —and, the glory of Yahweh, filled the habitation;
35 Musa bai iya shiga Tentin Sujada ba domin girgije ya riga ya sauka a kansa, ɗaukakar Ubangiji kuwa ta cika tabanakul.
and Moses was not able to enter into the tent of meeting, because the cloud had made its habitation thereupon, —and the glory of Yahweh, filled the habitation.
36 Cikin tafiyar Isra’ilawa duka, sukan kama tafiyarsu ne a duk sa’ad da girgijen ya tashi daga kan tabanakul.
And whensoever the cloud ascended from off the habitation, then did the sons of Israel set forward, in all their journeyings;
37 Idan girgijen bai tashi ba, ba za su tashi ba, sai a ranar da ya tashi.
but if the cloud did not ascend, then did they not set forward—until the day when it did ascend.
38 Gama a cikin tafiyarsu duka, girgijen Ubangiji yana kan tabanakul da rana, da dare kuwa wuta yake cikinsa domin dukan Isra’ilawa su gani.
For, the cloud of Yahweh, was upon the habitation by day, and, a fire, came to be by night therein, —in the sight of all the house of Israel in all their journeyings.

< Fitowa 40 >