< Deteronòm 25 >

1 “Si gen yon konfli antre de mesye, epi yo ale devan tribinal lan pou jij yo deside ka yo, yo gen pou jistifye sila ki gen ladwati a, e kondane sila ki mechan an.
If cause is bitwixe ony men, and thei axen iugis, thei schulen yyue the victorie of riytfulnesse to him, whom thei perseyuen to be iust, thei schulen condempne hym of wickidnesse, whom thei perseyuen to be wickid.
2 Konsa, li va rive ke si nonm ki mechan an, merite bat, jij la va fè li kouche, e fè bat li nan prezans li avèk fòs kantite kou ki koresponn avèk koupabilite li a.
Sotheli if thei seen hym that synnede, worthi of betyngis, thei schulen caste him doun, and make to be betun bifor hem; also the maner of betyngis schal be for the mesure of synne,
3 Li kapab bat li karant fwa, men pa plis, jis pou li pa bat li avèk plis kou ke sa, epi frè nou an pa vin degrade nan zye nou.
so oneli that tho passe not the noumbre of fourti, lest thi brother be to-rent viliche bifore thin iyen, and go awei.
4 “Nou pa pou mare bouch a bèf la pandan l ap travay moulen an.
Thou schalt not bynde the `mouth of the oxe tredynge thi fruytis in the corn floor.
5 “Lè frè yo viv ansanm, youn nan yo mouri e li pa gen fis, madanm a sila ki mouri an p ap marye deyò fanmi an ak yon lòt mesye. Frè mari li a va antre nan li, epi pran li pou li menm kòm madanm pou fè devwa a yon frè mari a pou li.
Whanne britheren dwellen to gidere, and oon of hem is deed with out fre children, the wijf of the deed brother schal not be weddid to anothir man, but his brothir schal take hir, and schal reise seed of his brother.
6 Li va rive ke premye ne ke li fè a, li va pran non a frè mouri an, pou non li pa efase soti an Israël.
And he schal clepe the firste gendrid sone `of hir bi the name `of hym, `that is, of the deed brothir, that his name be not don awei fro Israel.
7 “Men si nonm nan pa vle pran madanm frè li a, alò, madanm frè li a va monte vè pòtay kote ansyen yo e di: ‘Frè mari mwen an refize etabli yon non pou frè li an Israël. Li pa dakò pou fè devwa a frè mari mwen.’
Forsothe if he nyle take the wijf of his brother, which is due to hym bi lawe, the womman schal go to the yate of the citee; and sche schal axe the grettere men in birthe, and sche schal seie, `The brother of myn hosebonde nyle reise seed of his brother in Israel, nethir wole take me in to mariage.
8 Alò, ansyen a vil li yo va voye li pale avèk li menm frè a. Epi si li pèsiste e li di: ‘Mwen pa vle pran li,’
And anoon thei schulen make hym to be clepid, and thei schulen axe. If he answerith, Y nyle take hir to wijf;
9 alò, madanm frè li a va vin vè li devan zye a ansyen yo, li va retire sandal li nan pye li, ekrache nan figi li; epi li va deklare: ‘Se konsa sa fèt a mesye ki pa bati kay frè li.’
the womman schal go to hym bifor the eldre men of Israel, and sche schal take awei the schoo, and sche schal spete in to his face, and schal seie, So it schal be doon to the man, that bildith not `the hows of his brother;
10 An Israël, non li va rele: “Lakay a sila yo retire sapat la”.
and `the name of hym schal be clepid in Israel, The hows of the man vnschood.
11 “Si de mesye, yon mesye avèk yon sitwayen parèy li ap lite ansanm, si madanm nan prè pou livre mari li a sila ki ap frape li a, e lonje men l pou sezi pati jenital li,
If twei men han strijf bitwixe hem silf, and oon bigynneth to stryue ayens another, and the wijf of `the tother man wole delyuere hir hosebonde fro the hond of the strongere man, and puttith hond, and `takith the schamefast membris `of hym,
12 alò, nou va koupe men li. Nou pa pou gen pitye pou li menm.
thou schalt kitte awei `the hond of hir, nether thou schalt be bowid on hir bi ony mercy.
13 “Nou pa pou pote nan sak nou plizyè kalite pwa balans, yon gwo avèk yon piti.
Thou schalt not haue in the bagge dyuerse weiytis,
14 Nou pa pou genyen lakay nou plizyè kalite mezi, yon gwo avèk yon piti.
a grettere and a lesse, nether a buyschel more and lesse schal be in thin hows.
15 Nou va gen yon pwa balans ki bon e ki jis. Nou va gen yon mezi ki bon e ki jis, jis pou jou nou yo kapab pwolonje nan peyi ke SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an bannou an.
Thou schalt haue a iust weiyte and trewe, and an euene buyschel `and trewe schal be to thee, that thou lyue in myche tyme on the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
16 Paske tout moun ki fè bagay sa yo, tout moun ki aji avèk enjistis abominab a SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
For the Lord schal haue hym abhomynable that doith these thingis, and he wlatith, `ethir cursith, al vnriytfulnesse.
17 “Sonje sa ke Amalec te fè nou pandan nou te nan chemen pou sòti an Égypte la,
Haue thou mynde what thingis Amalech dide to thee in the weie, whanne thou yedist out of Egipt;
18 kijan li te rankontre nou nan chemen an e te atake pami nou tout sila ki rete dèyè yo lè nou te fatige e san fòs la. Li pa t krent Bondye.
hou he cam to thee, and killide the laste men of thin oost, that saten wery, whanne thou were disesid with hungur and trauel, and he dredde not God.
19 “Pou sa, li va vin rive ke lè SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, vin bannou repo de tout lènmi ki antoure nou yo, nan peyi ke SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, te bannou kòm eritaj pou posede a, nou va efase memwa a Amalec soti anba syèl la. Nou pa pou bliye sa.
Therfor whanne thi Lord God hath youe reste to thee, and hath maad suget alle naciouns `bi cumpas, in the lond which he bihiyte to thee, thou schalt do awei `the name of hym vndur heuene; be thou war lest thou foryete.

< Deteronòm 25 >