< Sòm 91 >

1 Moun ki chache pwoteksyon bò kote Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la, moun ki rete kache anba zèl Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a
He that dwellith in the help of the hiyeste God; schal dwelle in the proteccioun of God of heuene.
2 ka di Seyè a: -Se ou ki tout defans mwen. Se ou ki tout pwoteksyon mwen. Ou se Bondye mwen. Se nan ou mwen mete tout konfyans mwen.
He schal seie to the Lord, Thou art myn vptaker, and my refuit; my God, Y schal hope in him.
3 Se li menm ki p'ap kite ou pran nan pèlen, ki p'ap kite maladi ki pou touye ou tonbe sou ou.
For he delyuered me fro the snare of hunteris; and fro a scharp word.
4 L'ap kouvri ou anba zèl li. Anyen p'ap rive ou kote ou kache a. L'ap toujou kenbe pawòl li: Se sa ki pwoteksyon ou, se sa ki defans ou.
With hise schuldris he schal make schadowe to thee; and thou schalt haue hope vnder hise fetheris.
5 Ou pa bezwen pè bagay k'ap fè moun pè lannwit, ni kè ou pa bezwen kase pou malè ki ka rive ou lajounen.
His treuthe schal cumpasse thee with a scheld; thou schalt not drede of nyytis drede.
6 Ou pa bezwen pè move maladi k'ap tonbe sou moun nan mitan lannwit, ni epidemi k'ap touye moun gwo midi.
Of an arowe fliynge in the dai, of a gobelyn goynge in derknessis; of asailing, and a myddai feend.
7 Mil (1.000) moun te mèt tonbe sou bò gòch ou, dimil (10.000) sou bò dwat ou, anyen p'ap rive ou.
A thousynde schulen falle doun fro thi side, and ten thousynde fro thi riytside; forsothe it schal not neiye to thee.
8 W'ap rete konsa, w'ap gade, w'a wè jan y'ap bay mechan yo sa yo merite.
Netheles thou schalt biholde with thin iyen; and thou schalt se the yelding of synneris.
9 Paske ou pran Seyè a pou defans ou, paske ou pran Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la pou pwoteksyon ou,
For thou, Lord, art myn hope; thou hast set thin help altherhiyeste.
10 okenn malè p'ap rive ou, okenn mechan p'ap ka pwoche bò kot kay ou.
Yuel schal not come to thee; and a scourge schal not neiye to thi tabernacle.
11 Bondye ap pase zanj li yo lòd pou yo veye sou ou, pou yo pwoteje ou kote ou pase.
For God hath comaundid to hise aungels of thee; that thei kepe thee in alle thi weies.
12 Y'ap pote ou nan men yo. pou ou pa kase zòtèy pye ou sou okenn wòch.
Thei schulen beere thee in the hondis; leste perauenture thou hirte thi foot at a stoon.
13 W'ap mache sou lyon ak sou sèpan, w'ap kraze jenn ti lyon yo ak eskòpyon yo anba pye ou.
Thou schalt go on a snake, and a cocatrice; and thou schalt defoule a lioun and a dragoun.
14 Bondye di: M'ap sove moun ki renmen mwen, m'ap pwoteje moun ki konnen mwen.
For he hopide in me, Y schal delyuere hym; Y schal defende him, for he knew my name.
15 Lè l' rele m', m'ap reponn li. Lè l' nan tray, m'ap la avèk li. M'ap delivre l', m'ap fè yo respekte l'.
He criede to me, and Y schal here him, Y am with him in tribulacioun; Y schal delyuere him, and Y schal glorifie hym.
16 M'ap fè l' viv lontan, m'a fè l' wè jan m'ap delivre l'.
I schal fille hym with the lengthe of daies; and Y schal schewe myn helthe to him.

< Sòm 91 >