< Κατα Λουκαν 24 >

1 τη δε μια των σαββατων ορθρου βαθεος ηλθον επι το μνημα φερουσαι α ητοιμασαν αρωματα και τινες συν αυταις
And on the first day of the week, very early morning, they came to the sepulcher bringing the spices that they prepared, and some women with them.
2 ευρον δε τον λιθον αποκεκυλισμενον απο του μνημειου
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulcher.
3 και εισελθουσαι ουχ ευρον το σωμα του κυριου ιησου
And having entered in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 και εγενετο εν τω διαπορεισθαι αυτας περι τουτου και ιδου δυο ανδρες επεστησαν αυταις εν εσθησεσιν αστραπτουσαις
And it came to pass while they were bewildered about this, that behold, two men stood near them in shining apparel.
5 εμφοβων δε γενομενων αυτων και κλινουσων το προσωπον εις την γην ειπον προς αυτας τι ζητειτε τον ζωντα μετα των νεκρων
And since they became frightened and bowing down their face to the ground, they said to them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
6 ουκ εστιν ωδε αλλ ηγερθη μνησθητε ως ελαλησεν υμιν ετι ων εν τη γαλιλαια
He is not here, but was raised. Remember how he spoke to you when he was still in Galilee,
7 λεγων οτι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου παραδοθηναι εις χειρας ανθρωπων αμαρτωλων και σταυρωθηναι και τη τριτη ημερα αναστηναι
saying that the Son of man must be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day to rise.
8 και εμνησθησαν των ρηματων αυτου
And they remembered his sayings.
9 και υποστρεψασαι απο του μνημειου απηγγειλαν ταυτα παντα τοις ενδεκα και πασιν τοις λοιποις
And having returned from the sepulcher, they reported all these things to the eleven, and to all the others.
10 ησαν δε η μαγδαληνη μαρια και ιωαννα και μαρια ιακωβου και αι λοιπαι συν αυταις αι ελεγον προς τους αποστολους ταυτα
Now they were Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles.
11 και εφανησαν ενωπιον αυτων ωσει ληρος τα ρηματα αυτων και ηπιστουν αυταις
And their sayings appeared before them as idle talk, and they disbelieved them.
12 ο δε πετρος αναστας εδραμεν επι το μνημειον και παρακυψας βλεπει τα οθονια κειμενα μονα και απηλθεν προς εαυτον θαυμαζων το γεγονος
But having risen, Peter ran to the sepulcher. And having stooped down, he sees the linen cloths laying alone. And he departed, wondering to himself at that which happened.
13 και ιδου δυο εξ αυτων ησαν πορευομενοι εν αυτη τη ημερα εις κωμην απεχουσαν σταδιους εξηκοντα απο ιερουσαλημ η ονομα εμμαους
And behold, two of them were going the same day to a village that was sixty furlongs away from Jerusalem, which name was Emmaus.
14 και αυτοι ωμιλουν προς αλληλους περι παντων των συμβεβηκοτων τουτων
And they conversed with each other about all these things that happened.
15 και εγενετο εν τω ομιλειν αυτους και συζητειν και αυτος ο ιησους εγγισας συνεπορευετο αυτοις
And it came to pass, while they conversed and discussed, that Jesus himself also having approached, went along with them.
16 οι δε οφθαλμοι αυτων εκρατουντο του μη επιγνωναι αυτον
But their eyes were held, not to recognize him.
17 ειπεν δε προς αυτους τινες οι λογοι ουτοι ους αντιβαλλετε προς αλληλους περιπατουντες και εστε σκυθρωποι
And he said to them, What are these words that ye toss back to each other, while walking and are looking sad.
18 αποκριθεις δε ο εις ω ονομα κλεοπας ειπεν προς αυτον συ μονος παροικεις εν ιερουσαλημ και ουκ εγνως τα γενομενα εν αυτη εν ταις ημεραις ταυταις
And one, whose name was Cleopas, having answered, said to him, Thou only visit Jerusalem and do not know the things that happened in it during these days?
19 και ειπεν αυτοις ποια οι δε ειπον αυτω τα περι ιησου του ναζωραιου ος εγενετο ανηρ προφητης δυνατος εν εργω και λογω εναντιον του θεου και παντος του λαου
And he said to them, What? And they said to him, The things about Jesus the Nazarene, who became a prophet, a mighty man in work and word before God and all the people,
20 οπως τε παρεδωκαν αυτον οι αρχιερεις και οι αρχοντες ημων εις κριμα θανατου και εσταυρωσαν αυτον
and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up for condemnation of death, and crucified him.
21 ημεις δε ηλπιζομεν οτι αυτος εστιν ο μελλων λυτρουσθαι τον ισραηλ αλλα γε συν πασιν τουτοις τριτην ταυτην ημεραν αγει σημερον αφ ου ταυτα εγενετο
But we hoped that he is the man who is going to redeem Israel. But even with all these things, it brings this third day today from which time these things happened.
22 αλλα και γυναικες τινες εξ ημων εξεστησαν ημας γενομεναι ορθριαι επι το μνημειον
But also some of our women astonished us, having come to be at the sepulcher early morning.
23 και μη ευρουσαι το σωμα αυτου ηλθον λεγουσαι και οπτασιαν αγγελων εωρακεναι οι λεγουσιν αυτον ζην
And not having found his body, they came, saying also to have seen a vision of agents who say he is alive.
24 και απηλθον τινες των συν ημιν επι το μνημειον και ευρον ουτως καθως και αι γυναικες ειπον αυτον δε ουκ ειδον
And some of those with us went to the sepulcher, and found it this way, just as also the women said, but they did not see him.
25 και αυτος ειπεν προς αυτους ω ανοητοι και βραδεις τη καρδια του πιστευειν επι πασιν οις ελαλησαν οι προφηται
And he said to them, O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets spoke.
26 ουχι ταυτα εδει παθειν τον χριστον και εισελθειν εις την δοξαν αυτου
Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into his glory?
27 και αρξαμενος απο μωσεως και απο παντων των προφητων διηρμηνευεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου
And having begun from Moses and from all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the scriptures the things about himself.
28 και ηγγισαν εις την κωμην ου επορευοντο και αυτος προσεποιειτο πορρωτερω πορευεσθαι
And they came near to the village where they were going, and he pretended to go further.
29 και παρεβιασαντο αυτον λεγοντες μεινον μεθ ημων οτι προς εσπεραν εστιν και κεκλικεν η ημερα και εισηλθεν του μειναι συν αυτοις
And they constrained him, saying, Remain with us, because it is toward evening, and the day has declined. And he went in to remain with them.
30 και εγενετο εν τω κατακλιθηναι αυτον μετ αυτων λαβων τον αρτον ευλογησεν και κλασας επεδιδου αυτοις
And it came to pass during his dining with them, that, having taken the bread, he blessed, and having broken in pieces he gave to them.
31 αυτων δε διηνοιχθησαν οι οφθαλμοι και επεγνωσαν αυτον και αυτος αφαντος εγενετο απ αυτων
And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he became invisible from them.
32 και ειπον προς αλληλους ουχι η καρδια ημων καιομενη ην εν ημιν ως ελαλει ημιν εν τη οδω και ως διηνοιγεν ημιν τας γραφας
And they said to each other, Was not our heart burning within us while he spoke to us on the way, while he opened to us the scriptures?
33 και ανασταντες αυτη τη ωρα υπεστρεψαν εις ιερουσαλημ και ευρον συνηθροισμενους τους ενδεκα και τους συν αυτοις
And having risen up the same hour, they returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven gathered together,
34 λεγοντας οτι ηγερθη ο κυριος οντως και ωφθη σιμωνι
and those who were with them who said, The Lord really was raised, and was seen by Simon.
35 και αυτοι εξηγουντο τα εν τη οδω και ως εγνωσθη αυτοις εν τη κλασει του αρτου
And they reported the things on the road, and how he was made known to them during the breaking of the bread.
36 ταυτα δε αυτων λαλουντων αυτος ο ιησους εστη εν μεσω αυτων και λεγει αυτοις ειρηνη υμιν
And as they spoke these things, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and says to them, Peace to you.
37 πτοηθεντες δε και εμφοβοι γενομενοι εδοκουν πνευμα θεωρειν
But having been startled, and having become frightened, they presumed to see a spirit.
38 και ειπεν αυτοις τι τεταραγμενοι εστε και δια τι διαλογισμοι αναβαινουσιν εν ταις καρδιαις υμων
And he said to them, Why are ye troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
39 ιδετε τας χειρας μου και τους ποδας μου οτι αυτος εγω ειμι ψηλαφησατε με και ιδετε οτι πνευμα σαρκα και οστεα ουκ εχει καθως εμε θεωρειτε εχοντα
See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Handle me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as ye see me having.
40 και τουτο ειπων επεδειξεν αυτοις τας χειρας και τους ποδας
And having said this, he displayed to them his hands and feet.
41 ετι δε απιστουντων αυτων απο της χαρας και θαυμαζοντων ειπεν αυτοις εχετε τι βρωσιμον ενθαδε
And while they still disbelieved from joy and wondering, he said to them, Have ye anything to eat here?
42 οι δε επεδωκαν αυτω ιχθυος οπτου μερος και απο μελισσιου κηριου
And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and from a bees honeycomb.
43 και λαβων ενωπιον αυτων εφαγεν
And having taken it, he ate before them.
44 ειπεν δε αυτοις ουτοι οι λογοι ους ελαλησα προς υμας ετι ων συν υμιν οτι δει πληρωθηναι παντα τα γεγραμμενα εν τω νομω μωσεως και προφηταις και ψαλμοις περι εμου
And he said to them, These are the words that I spoke to you while still being with you, that it is necessary for all things that are written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the psalms about me to be fulfilled.
45 τοτε διηνοιξεν αυτων τον νουν του συνιεναι τας γραφας
Then he opened their mind to understand the scriptures.
46 και ειπεν αυτοις οτι ουτως γεγραπται και ουτως εδει παθειν τον χριστον και αναστηναι εκ νεκρων τη τριτη ημερα
And he said to them, Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day,
47 και κηρυχθηναι επι τω ονοματι αυτου μετανοιαν και αφεσιν αμαρτιων εις παντα τα εθνη αρξαμενον απο ιερουσαλημ
and to proclaim in his name repentance and remission of sins for all the nations, having begun from Jerusalem.
48 υμεις δε εστε μαρτυρες τουτων
And ye are witnesses of these things.
49 και ιδου εγω αποστελλω την επαγγελιαν του πατρος μου εφ υμας υμεις δε καθισατε εν τη πολει ιερουσαλημ εως ου ενδυσησθε δυναμιν εξ υψους
And behold, I send forth the promise of my Father upon you. But stay ye in the city until ye are clothed with power from on high.
50 εξηγαγεν δε αυτους εξω εως εις βηθανιαν και επαρας τας χειρας αυτου ευλογησεν αυτους
And he led them outside as far as to Bethany, and having lifted up his hands, he blessed them.
51 και εγενετο εν τω ευλογειν αυτον αυτους διεστη απ αυτων και ανεφερετο εις τον ουρανον
And it came to pass while he blessed them, he parted from them, and was brought up into heaven.
52 και αυτοι προσκυνησαντες αυτον υπεστρεψαν εις ιερουσαλημ μετα χαρας μεγαλης
And having worshiping him, they returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
53 και ησαν διαπαντος εν τω ιερω αινουντες και ευλογουντες τον θεον αμην
and they were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Truly.

< Κατα Λουκαν 24 >