< Luka 23 >

1 O nuwuligu kuli den fii ki gedi yeni jesu gufeneeli Pilat kani.
The whole council rose and took him to Pilate.
2 Bi ji den kpaani ki ban jalg'o: ... ti la o nulo ne k o baadi yeni li ŋmadli ti niba siign. O deli ki ban da pa o badiciamo cesa lonpo, ki gɔ sua k o tie U Tienu n gandi yua, o bado.
There they started to accuse him. “We found this man deceiving our nation, telling people not to pay taxes to Caesar, and claiming he is Messiah, a king,” they said.
3 Lani ki Pilat bual'o: ... a tie Suf nba bado yaa? ... K jesu jiin: fini yedi.
“Are you the King of the Jews?” Pilate asked him. “So you say,” replied Jesus.
4 K Pilat maadi o jaandiegun nikpela: n ki la ya tagili n dagdi yeni k tin kpa o ja ne.
Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds, “I don't find this man guilty of any crime.”
5 Ama ki bi kuli niini maadi: o cili hali Galile yo, k tɔgni Sude ki ji pundi ne.
But they insisted, saying, “He is inciting rebellion all over Judea with his teachings, from Galilee to right here in Jerusalem.”
6 Pilat n gbadi ki bi yini Galile, k o buali ki bua bandi o ya bo ñan Galile.
When he heard this, Pilate asked, “Is this man a Galilean?”
7 Wan den bandi k o tie Erod diema yua, k o cedi ki bi gedi yen'o. Laa dana kuli Erodi den ye Serusalem nni.
When he discovered that Jesus came under Herod's jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod who was also in Jerusalem at the time.
8 Erodi pali den mangi yeni wan la jesu, kelima li waagi k o den kpaani ki wan bandi o, kelima o den gbadi ki bi maadi o maama. O den sundi ki wan la ya paligu k o tie.
Herod was very pleased to see Jesus since he had wanted to meet him for a long time. He had heard about Jesus and was hoping to see him perform a miracle.
9 O den tieni buali boncianli, ama jesu den ki jiini lba.
He asked Jesus many questions, but Jesus did not answer him at all.
10 L yogunu k o jaandiegu nikpela yen yiko tundikaaba se ki maadi yeni paama kaa jie.
The chief priests and religious teachers stood there, angrily accusing him.
11 Yeni ki Erodi den taani yeni o mintielinba ki fali'o, bi den lan'o li badliedli. Erodi den cedi ki bi guani yen'o Pilat kani.
Herod and his soldiers treated Jesus with contempt and mocked him. Then they placed a royal robe on him and sent him back to Pilate.
12 Laa ya yogunu, li kɔnli den ye Erodi yen Pilat siiga, lan ya daali, ki bi guani ki mangi.
From that day on Herod and Pilate were friends—before that they had been enemies.
13 Pilat den yin liiga yabi, a nikpela yen bi niba. O den maadi ba:
Pilate called together the chief priests, rulers, and the people,
14 I baa yeni o nulo ne k o wangi ti buolu mi tudma sanu. Ama, n bual'o i kuli siiga, n la tagli ba yaali ki maadi ne kuli o po.
and told them, “You brought this man before me, accusing him of inciting the people to rebellion. I've carefully examined him in your presence, and do not find him guilty of the charges you have brought against him.
15 Erodi mɔ gɔ ki la lba o po ki dugni, o cedi k bi guani yen'o. O nulo ki biid pu kuli k li dagdi yeni wan kpe.
Neither did Herod, for he sent him back to us. He has done nothing that demands he should be put to death.
16 N cedi ban pua'o, ki ŋa'o.
So I will have him flogged and then release him.”
17 [Mi pendima jaanma kuli, a yi luodi dansalyenga.]
18 Ki bi niba yen kuli tandi maadi: ... kpa man'o, ki luodi Barabasa!
But they all shouted together, “Kill this man, and release Barabbas to us.”
19 Bi den luoni Barabasa kelima o den baadi yeni li ŋmadli o dogun i, k gɔ kpa o nulo.
(Barabbas had been put in prison for taking part in a rebellion in the city, and for murder.)
20 Ama Pilat den kpaani wan ŋa jesu k o buali bi niba
Pilate wanted to release Jesus, so spoke to them again.
21 yabi se ki yigni yeni: ban kpaa o, ban kpaa o.
But they kept on shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
22 K o guani ki bual o, o tien be ki li dagdi yen ban kpaa o? N k la tagiliba k li dagdi yeni ban kpaa o, n bi cedi ban pua o, k ŋa o.
Pilate asked them for the third time, “But why? What crime has he committed? I don't find any reason for executing him. So I will have him flogged and then release him.”
23 Yeni, ki bi kuli tandi ki sua k ban kpaa o, ban kpaa o, ki bi tantandi biid Pilat pali boncianli
But they continued insisting with loud shouts, demanding that he be crucified. Their shouting succeeded,
24 Pilat ji den te juodi ki cabi, ki tieni bi buama.
and Pilate gave the sentence they demanded.
25 Pilat den cedi ki bi luodi o nikpali Barabasa, ki tugi yesu ki ten ba ban kpaani yua.
He released the man imprisoned for rebellion and murder, but he sent Jesus to be put to death in accordance with their demands.
26 Ban bo caa yen o, ki bi cendi Simɔ siren ja, k o ñani o kpaabu po, k bi niin o ki wan taani jesu ki wan bugi o dapɔnpɔnli.
As the soldiers led him away, they seized a man called Simon of Cyrene, who had come in from the countryside. They put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.
27 Bi niba boncianli bo ŋua o. Ki bi puobi fabni ki buudi o po.
A large crowd followed him, along with women who were mourning and lamenting him.
28 K o gbagi ki maadi ba: ... jerusalem puoba, da buudi mani n po, ya mua mani i yula po yeni i bila.
Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, don't weep for me. Weep for yourselves and your children.
29 Kelima a dana baadi, k tie pamanli ya puoba ki pia bid, k tie ŋɔlmi, k kpeli ki ŋaani biga po.
For the time is coming when they'll say, ‘Happy are those who are childless, and those who never had babies, and those who never nursed them.’
30 Li yogunu bi ba maadi a juaciama: “baa mani ti po”, ki gɔ maadi a juabila “legni mani po.”
They'll say to the mountains, ‘Fall down on us,’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’
31 Kelima bi ya tiendi dasɔngu mama ne, bi ji ba tieni dakuogu ledi?
For if they do this to wood that is green, what will happen when it's dried out?”
32 Bi bo ba yeni bibiadmu lie, k bo bi taani k kpaa ba yen o.
They also took two others who were criminals to be executed with him.
33 Ban bo pundi ya kaano, ki bi yi li: “yukpabgu”, bi kpaa jesu li dapɔnpɔnli po, wan yeni i bibiadmu lie yeni, yendi o ganga po, o lielo o jienu po.
When they reached the place called the Skull they crucified him together with the criminals, one on his right, and the other on his left.
34 Jesu bo jaandi: ... n baà, tieni sugli bi po, kelima bi ki bani ban tiendi yaali. A minteela den tɔni o tiadi, titia, ki bɔgdi bɔgdi.
Jesus said, “Father, please forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing.” They divided up his clothes by throwing dice for them.
35 O nuwuligu den se ki nua li kuli. k cedi o dogu yudanba den ñuadi k sua: ... wan ka den fabi bi niba, wan ji fabi oba, o ki yedi k o tie U Tienu n lugdi yua kaa!
The people stood and watched and the leaders sneered at Jesus. “He saved others, let him save himself, if he is really God's Messiah, the Chosen One,” they said.
36 A minteela mɔ den se ki la o. B den nagni ki ten o, li damilma,
The soldiers also mocked him, coming up to him and offering him wine vinegar, saying,
37 ki maadi: . a ya bani k a tie suifinba bado, fabi a yuli!
“If you're the King of the Jews, then save yourself.”
38 Bi den diani ki tabni o yuli po k sua: “o ne tie Suifinba bado.”
Above Jesus was a sign on which it was written, “This is the King of the Jews.”
39 I bibiadmu siiga, o yendi den sugdi jesu ki maadi a ki tie U Tienu tondo kaa? (U Tienu n lugdi yua)
One of the criminals hanging there joined in the insults against Jesus. “Aren't you the Messiah?” he asked. “Then save yourself—and us too!”
40 O lielo den ŋmian o: . a ki jie U Tienu?
But the other criminal disagreed and argued with him, “Don't you fear God even when you're suffering the same punishment?” he asked.
41 tinba wan dagdi yenli: ti pa, ti biid panli, ama, o nulo ne ki pia tagiliba kuli.
“For us the sentence is right since we're being punished for what we did, but this man didn't do anything wrong.”
42 K o pugni ki maadi: ... jesu, ya tiani n po, ya yogunu k a do a baa kani
Then he said, “Jesus, please remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
43 Ki jesu maadi o: ... yen i mɔni, dine mɔno, a baa ye yen n aljada n,
Jesus replied, “I promise you today you will be with me in paradise.”
44 Li den tie yensiinu nni, k u dogu kuli gaa ki bondi, li bonbonli den waagi nani kudi ta yeni.
By this time it was around noon and darkness fell over the whole land until three in the afternoon.
45 O Yienu ji dee nua, k o jaandiegu cabciangu padi siiga nni.
The sun's light was shut out, and the Temple veil was torn in two.
46 Yeni ki jesu yigni: ... n baa, n kubndi n naano a nugu nni. Wan maadi ki gbeni k o kpe.
Jesus called out in a loud voice, “Father, I place myself in your hands.” Having said this he breathed his last.
47 Rom minteelkpeli n la li kuli k o dondi U Tienu k maadi: ... yeni i mɔni, o ja ne bo tie U Tienu biga.
When the centurion saw what had happened he praised God and said, “Surely this man was innocent.”
48 Ban den la yaali n tieni kuli, o nuwuligu den lebdi ki kuni ki pua bi pala po.
When all the crowds that had come to watch saw what happened they went home beating their chests in grief.
49 Jesu donlinba yen bi pua yaabi n den ŋua jesu hali Galile den se fagma ki diidi li kuli.
But all those who knew Jesus, including the women who'd followed him from Galilee, watched from a distance.
50 Ja ba den ye ki bi yi u Sosef, o bo tie suifinba taanli yua, o den ki pia tagiliba kuli,
There was a man called Joseph who was good and honest. He was a member of the council,
51 o den ki cengi bii ki tie Suifinba n suani yaali kuli. O den maani ki caa Arimate yen Sude dogun ki gu U Tienu baama.
but he hadn't agreed with its decisions and actions. He came from the Jewish town of Arimathea, and was waiting expectantly for the kingdom of God.
52 O den gedi ki mia Pilat jesu gbanu(o kpiemo).
Joseph went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.
53 Wan den jiin o li dapɔnpɔnli po, k o finfin o a caba, ki duan o li kuli nni. Naani k ba baa ki pi kpiemo daan.
Once he'd taken it down, he wrapped it in a linen cloth. He laid Jesus in an unused tomb cut into the rock.
54 Li den tie ŋaljuma, ki sua k saba da ki cindi.
It was preparation day and the Sabbath would soon begin.
55 Bi puoba yaabi den ŋua jesu hali Galile, bo ciani Sosef, bi den diidi li kuli, ki la ban pi jesu maama.
The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee had followed Joseph and had seen the tomb where Jesus' body had been laid.
56 Li puoli po ki lebdi ki kuni, ki pan bobni, ya kpanma nulu mani yeni tolali. Bi den gu Saba daali nani yiko n buali maama.
They returned home and prepared spices and ointments. But on the Sabbath they rested, observing the commandment.

< Luka 23 >