< Matio 19 >

1 Jesu n den maadimaadi laa maama kuli ki gbeni, o den fii ki ñani Galile diema nni ki gedi Jude tinga yaaga n ye Judena kpenu kandima.
At the conclusion of this teaching, Jesus withdrew from Galilee, and went into that district of Judea which is on the other side of the Jordan.
2 Ku niligu den hua o. O den paagi a yiama likani.
Great crowds followed him, and he cured them there.
3 Falisieninba den tuogi o ki dia o ku madiagu ki yedi: Naani li balimaama tuo o joa n ñani o pua lan tie yaala kuli po bi?
Presently some Pharisees came up to him, and, to test him, said, ‘Has a man the right to divorce his wife for every cause?’
4 O den goa ki yedi: Yii cogi ke mi cilima o Tagido den tagi o joa leni o pua?
‘Haven’t you read,’ replied Jesus, ‘that at the beginning the Creator “made them male and female,”
5 Li go yedi: Li tie lani yaa po ke o joa baa ña o baa leni o naa kani ki taani leni o pua, bani niba lie yeni n tua gbannanyendi.
and said – “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife, and the man and his wife will become one”?
6 Yeni, baa go tie niba lie ka, bi ji tie yende. U Tienu n taani yaala, o nisaalo n da paadi la.
So that they are no longer two, but one. What God himself, then, has yoked together people must not separate.’
7 Bi den yedi o: Be yaa po ke Musa nan den bili li balimaama nni ke o joa n teni opua li poñatili ki ñani o?
‘Why, then,’ they said, ‘did Moses direct that a man should serve his wife with a notice of separation and divorce her?’
8 O den goa ki yedi: Li tie kelima yi pajuaga po ke Musa den tuo ke yin yaa ñandi yi puoba. Ama hali handuna tagima yogunu laa den tie yeni.
‘Moses, owing to the hardness of your hearts,’ answered Jesus, ‘permitted you to divorce your wives, but that was not so at the beginning.
9 Mini, n waani yi ke yua n ñani o pua ke laa tie kelima mi conconma po, ki go taa potoa kuli, o conbi.
But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of some serious sexual sin, and marries another woman, is guilty of adultery.’
10 O hoadikaaba den yedi o: Li ya tie yeni o joa leni o pua siiga, laa hali o joa n taa pua.
‘If that,’ said the disciples, ‘is the position of a man with regard to his wife, it is better not to marry.’
11 O den goa ki yedi ba: Bi niba kuli ka baa fidi ki ga laa maama, kali U Tienu n puni yaaba li paalu bebe.
‘It is not everyone,’ replied Jesus, ‘who can accept this teaching, but only those who have been enabled to do so.
12 Kelima bi tianba ye ki tie moagilimu kelima bi mali ki tie yeni, bine mo tua moagilimu kelima bi niba n tieni ba la, bine mo tua yeni kelima tanpoli diema po. Yua n baa fidi ki ga laa maama, wan ga.
Some men are incapable of marriage because they were born that way, or have been made so by other people, while there are others who stay single for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. Accept this if you can.’
13 Li yaa puoli bi niba Jesu kani a biwaala ke wan maani o nii bipo ki go jaandi bipo. Bi hoadikaaba denfuni leni yaaba n kpendinni ba.
Then some little children were brought to Jesus, for him to place his hands on them, and pray; but the disciples found fault with those who had brought them.
14 Ama Jesu den yedi: Cedi mani a biwaala n cua n kani ki da deli ba, kelima tanpoli diema tie yaaba n tie nani a biwaala yeni yaa po.
Jesus, however, said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for it is to the childlike that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’
15 O den maani o nii bipo ki fii ki fuadi likani.
So he placed his hands on them, and then went on his way.
16 O joa den cua Jesu kani ki buali o: Canba, n baa tieni be yaa bonhanle ki baa yaa miali n kan gbeni? (aiōnios g166)
A man came up to Jesus, and said, ‘Teacher, what good thing must I do to obtain eternal life?’ (aiōnios g166)
17 Jesu den goa ki buali o: be yaa po ke a buali nni yaala n hani po? Yendo bebe n ye ki hani. A ya bua ki baa yaa miali n kan gbeni, han yaa tiendi li balimaama n bili yaala. O den buali o: Lile.
‘Why ask me about goodness?’ answered Jesus. ‘There is but One who is good. If you want to enter the life, keep the commandments.’
18 Jesu den goa ki yedi o: Han da kpa o nilo, han da conbi, han da tieni mi seedifaama, han da su.
‘What commandments?’ asked the man. ‘These,’ answered Jesus, – ‘“You must not kill. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not say what is false about others.
19 Han jigini a baa leni a naa, ki go bua a nisaalilielo nani han bua a yuli maama yeni.
Honour your father and your mother.” And “You must love your neighbour as you love yourself.”’
20 O jawaalo yeni den yedi o: N kubi lankuli. N go poadi be?
‘I have observed all these,’ said the young man. ‘What is still wanting in me?’
21 Jesu den yedi o: A ya bua ki yaa hani cain, han gedi ki ban kuadi han pia a luoda li ligi, lane a baa pia halimani tanpoil po. Lani, han cua ki hoadi nni.
‘If you wish to be perfect,’ answered Jesus, ‘go and sell your property, and give to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven; then come and follow me.’
22 O jawaalo yeni n den gbadi laa maamna, o den tagini ki ban caa leni li pabiidili kelima o halimano den yaba.
On hearing these words, the young man went away distressed, for he had great possessions.
23 Lane Jesu den yedi o hoadikaaba: N waani yi i moamoani, li baa pa boncianla o piado po wan kua tanpoli diema nni.
At this, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘I tell you that a rich person will find it hard to enter the kingdom of heaven!
24 N go yedi yi, ku yuoyuogu n tagini mi kpalipienbonma nni dingi ki cie o piado n kua U Tienu diema nni.
I say again, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven!’
25 Bi hoadikaaban den gbadi lani, li den paki ba boncianla ke bi yedi: Li yaa tie yeni, hme nan baa fidi ki tindi?
On hearing this, the disciples exclaimed in great astonishment, ‘Who then can possibly be saved?’
26 Jesu den diidi ba ki yedi: Bi nisaaliba n kan fidi la, ama U Tienu wani fidi li bonla kuli.
But Jesus looked at them, and said, ‘With people this is impossible, but with God everything is possible.’ Then Peter turned and said to Jesus,
27 Lanwani Pieli den yedi o: Diid ki la, ti den ha likuli ki hoadi a. Li nan baa tua tipo lede?
‘But we – we left everything, and followed you; what, then, will we have?’
28 Jesu den goa ki yedi ba: N waani yi i moamoani, li bonla kuli ya goa ki pandi yaa yogunu, ke o Joa Bijua mo kali o bali kalikaanu po leni ti kpiagidi kuli, yinba yaaba n hoa nni, yi mono baa kali piiga n bali kalikaani lie po ki jia Isalele piiga n buoliedi buudi.
‘I tell you,’ answered Jesus, ‘that at the new creation, when the Son of Man takes his seat on his throne of glory, you who followed me will be seated on twelve thrones, as judges of the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 Yua mo n fii ki ha o diena, yaaka o naataanjaba, yaaka o naataanpola, yaaka o baa, yaaka o naa, yaaka o bila, yaaka o kuani kelima n yeli po, o baa baa likuli taalima kobiga kobiga, ki go baa yaa miali n kan gbeni. (aiōnios g166)
Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or land, for my sake, will receive many times as much, and will gain eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
30 Ama liiga yaaba siiga boncianla baa tua puoli yaaba, puoli yaaba siiga mo, boncianla baa tua liiga yaaba.
But many who are first now will then be last, and those who are last will be first.

< Matio 19 >