< Psalms 18 >

1 To victorie, the word of the Lord to Dauid; which spak the wordis of this song, in the dai in which the Lord delyuerede hym fro the hond of alle hise enemyes, and fro the hond of Saul; and he seide: Lord, my strengthe, Y schal loue thee; the Lord is my stidfastnesse, and my refuyt, and mi deliuerere.
Nakupenda, Yahwe, nguvu yangu.
2 Mi God is myn helpere; and Y schal hope in to hym. My defendere, and the horn of myn helthe; and myn vptakere.
Yahwe ni mwamba wangu, ngome yangu, yeye ambaye aniwekae kweye usalama; yeye ni Mungu wangu, mwamba wangu; ninapata kimbilio kwake. Yeye ni ngao yangu, pembe ya wokovu wangu, na ngome yangu.
3 I schal preise, and ynwardli clepe the Lord; and Y schal be saaf fro myn enemyes.
Nitamuita Yahwe kwa sababu anastahili kusifiwa, na nitaokolewa kutoka kwa adui zangu.
4 The sorewis of deth cumpassiden me; and the strondis of wickidnesse disturbliden me.
Kamba za mauti zilinizunguka, na mafuriko yakimbiayo yalinielemea.
5 The sorewis of helle cumpassiden me; the snaris of deeth `bifor ocupieden me. (Sheol h7585)
Kamba za kuzimu zilinizunguka; mitego ya mauti ilininasa. (Sheol h7585)
6 In my tribulacioun Y inwardli clepide the Lord; and Y criede to my God. And he herde my vois fro his hooli temple; and my cry in his siyt entride in to hise eeris.
dhiki yangu nilimuita Yahwe; Niliita msaada kwa Mungu. Naye alisikia sauti yangu kutoka hekaluni mwake; kuita kwangu msaada kulienda mpaka uweponi mwake; na kuingia masikioni pake.
7 The erthe was mouede togidere, and tremblede togidere; the foundementis of hillis weren troblid togidere, and weren moued togidere; for he was wrooth to hem.
Kisha nchi ikatikisika na kutetemeka; misingi ya milima pia ilitetemeka na kutikiswa kwa sababu Mungu alikuwa amekasirika.
8 Smoke stiede in the ire of hym, and fier brente out fro his face; coolis weren kyndlid of hym.
Moshi ulifuka kutoka kwenye pua zake, na moto mkali ulitokea mdomoni mwake. Makaa yaliwashwa kwa moto huo.
9 He bowide doun heuenes, and cam doun; and derknesse was vndur hise feet.
Yeye alizifunua mbingu na alishuka chini, na giza nene lilikuwa chini ya miguu yake.
10 And he stiede on cherubym, and flei; he fley ouer the pennes of wyndis.
Alipanda kwenye kerubi na akaruka; alinyiririka kwenye mabawa ya upepo.
11 And he settide derknesses his hidyng place, his tabernacle `in his cumpas; derk water was in the cloudes of the lowere eir.
Yahwe alilifanya giza kuwa hema likimzunguka yeye, wingu la mvua zito katika mbingu.
12 Ful cleer cloudis passiden in his siyt; hail and the coolis of fier.
Mawe ya barafu na makaa ya moto yalianguka kutoka katika mwangaza kabla yake.
13 And the Lord thundrid fro heuene; and the hiyeste yaf his vois, hail and the coolis of fier `camen doun.
Yahwe aliongea katika mbingu! Sauti ya aliye juu ilisikika.
14 And he sente hise arowis, and distriede tho men; he multipliede leytis, and disturblide tho men.
Yeye aliifyatua mishale yake na kuwatawanya adui zake; na radi nyingi zenye mwanga alizitawanya katika maeneo tofauti tofauti.
15 And the wellis of watris apperiden; and the foundementis of the erthe weren schewid. Lord, of thi blamyng; of the brething of the spirit of thin ire.
Ndipo mifereji ya maji ilitokea; misingi ya dunia ikadhihirishwa kwa mlio wa pigo lako, Yahwe kwa sauti ya pumzi ya pua zako.
16 He sente fro the hiyeste place, and took me; and he took me fro many watris.
Yeye alishuka chini kutokea juu; akanishikilia mimi! Akanivuta nje ya maji yafurikayo.
17 He delyuerede me fro my strongeste enemyes; and fro hem that hatiden me, fro thei weren coumfortid on me.
Aliniokoa kutoka kwa maadui zangu wenye nguvu, kutoka kwa wale ambao walinichukia mimi, kwa kuwa walikuwa na nguvu sana kuliko mimi.
18 Thei camen bifor me in the dai of my turment; and the Lord was maad my defendere.
Wao walikuja kinyume na mimi katika siku ile ya dhiki yangu lakini Mungu alikuwa msaada wangu!
19 And he ledde out me in to breede; he maad me saaf, for he wolde me.
Yeye aliniweka huru katika eneo pana la wazi; yeye aliniokoa kwa sababu alipenezwa nami.
20 And the Lord schal yelde to me bi my riytfulnesse; and he schal yelde to me bi the clennesse of myn hondis.
Yahwe amenitunuku mimi kwa sababu ya haki yangu; yeye amenirejesha mimi kwa sababu mikono yangu ilikuwa misafi.
21 For Y kepte the weies of the Lord; and Y dide not vnfeithfuli fro my God.
Kwa kuwa nimezitunza njia za Yahwe na sijafanya uovu wa kumgeuka Mungu wangu.
22 For alle hise domes ben in my siyt; and Y puttide not awei fro me hise riytfulnessis.
Kwa kuwa amri zake zote za haki zimekuwa mbele yangu; kama asemavyo, sijaenda kinyume nazo.
23 And Y schal be vnwemmed with hym; and Y schal kepe me fro my wickidnesse.
Pia nimekuwa sina hatia mbele zake, na nimejiweka mwenyewe mbali na dhambi.
24 And the Lord schal yelde to me bi my riytfulnesse; and bi the clennesse of myn hondis in the siyt of hise iyen.
Hivyo Yahwe amenirejesha kwa sababu ya haki yangu, na kwa sababu mikono yangu ilikuwa safi mbele ya macho yake.
25 With the hooli, thou schalt be hooli; and with `a man innocent, thou schalt be innocent.
Kwa yeyote aliye mwaminifu, jionyeshe wenyewe kuwa mwaminifu; kwa mtu asiye na lawama, jionyeshe mwenyewe kuwa usiye na lawama.
26 And with a chosun man, thou schalt be chosun; and with a weiward man, thou schalt be weiward.
Kwa yeyote aliye msafi, jionyeshe mwenyewe safi; bali ni mjanja kwa yeyote aliye geuzwa.
27 For thou schalt make saaf a meke puple; and thou schalt make meke the iyen of proude men.
Kwa kuwa wewe huwaokoa watu walio taabishwa, lakini wewe huwashusha chini wale wenye majivuno, yaani macho yaliyo jinua!
28 For thou, Lord, liytnest my lanterne; my God, liytne thou my derknessis.
Kwa kuwa wewe huipa mwanga taa yangu; Yahwe Mungu wangu hutia mwanga giza langu.
29 For bi thee Y schal be delyuered fro temptacioun; and in my God Y schal `go ouer the wal.
Kwa kuwa kwa kupitia wewe ninaweza kuruka juu ya kiwazo kilichowekwa; kupitia Mungu ninaweza kuruka juu ya ukuta.
30 Mi God, his weie is vndefoulid, the speches of the Lord ben examyned bi fier; he is defendere of alle men hopynge in hym.
Kama kwa Mungu: njia yake ni kamilifu. Neno la Yahwe ni safi! Yeye ni ngao kwa yeyote anaye kimbilia katika yeye.
31 For whi, who is God out takun the Lord? ethir who is God outakun oure God?
Kwa kuwa nani ni Mungu ispokuwa Yahwe? Nani ndiye mwamba ispokuwa Mungu wetu?
32 God that hath gird me with vertu; and hath set my weie vnwemmed.
Ni Mungu anitiaye nguvu ndani yangu kama vile mkanda, ambaye humweka mtu mwenye lawama katika njia yake.
33 Which made perfit my feet as of hertis; and ordeynynge me on hiye thingis.
Yeye hunifanya miguu yangu kuwa myepesi kama mbawala na kuniweka mahali pa juu!
34 Which techith myn hondis to batel; and thou hast set myn armys as a brasun bouwe.
Yeye hufunza viganja vyangu kwa ajili ya vita na mikono yangu kupiga upinde wa shaba.
35 And thou hast youe to me the kyueryng of thin helthe; and thi riythond hath vptake me. And thi chastisyng amendide me in to the ende; and thilke chastisyng of thee schal teche me.
Wewe umenipa mimi ngao ya wokovu. Mkono wako wa kuume umenisaidia, na neema yako imenifanya kuwa mkubwa.
36 Thou alargidist my paaces vndur me; and my steppis ben not maad vnstidefast.
Wewe umetengeneza nafasi pana kwa ajili ya miguu yangu ili miguu yangu isiteleze.
37 Y schal pursue myn enemyes, and Y schal take hem; and Y schal not turne til thei failen.
Ninawashawishi adui zangu na kuwakamata; nami sikurudi nyuma mpaka walipo haribiwa.
38 I schal al to-breke hem, and thei schulen not mowe stonde; thei schulen falle vndur my feet.
Niliwashambulia hata hawakuweza kuamka; nao wameangukia chini ya miguu yangu.
39 And thou hast gird me with vertu to batel; and thou hast `supplauntid, ether disseyued, vndur me men risynge ayens me.
Kwa kuwa unanitia nguvu kama mshipi kwa ajili ya vita; wewe unawaweka chini yangu wale ambao wanainuka kinyume na mimi.
40 And thou hast youe myn enemyes abac to me; and thou hast distried `men hatynge me.
Wewe ulinipa visogo vya maadui zangu; niliwaagamiza wale walio nichukia.
41 Thei crieden, and noon was that maad hem saaf; `thei crieden to the Lord, and he herde not hem.
Wao waliita msaada lakini hakuna aliye wasaidia; walimuita Yahwe, lakini hakuwaitikia.
42 And Y schal al to-breke hem, as dust bifor the face of wynd; Y schal do hem awei, as the cley of stretis.
Niliwapiga wao katika vipande vidogo vidogo kama vile vumbi mbele ya upepo; niliwatupa nje kama udongo mtaani.
43 Thou schalt delyuere me fro ayenseiyngis of the puple; thou schalt sette me in to the heed of folkis.
Wewe uliniokoa mimi kutoka katika migogoro ya watu. wewe umenifanya kichwa juu ya mataifa. Watu ambao sikuwahi kuwafahamu huntumikia.
44 The puple, which Y knewe not, seruede me; in the herynge of eere it obeiede to me.
Pindi tu waliposikia kuhusu mimi, wao walinitii; wageni walilazimishwa kunisujudu.
45 Alien sones lieden to me, alien sones wexiden elde; and crokiden fro thi pathis.
Wageni walitoka kwenye ngome yao wakitetemeka.
46 The Lord lyueth, and my God be blessid; and the God of myn helthe be enhaunsid.
Yahwe anaishi; mwamba wangu usifiwe. Ainuliwe Mungu wa wokovu wangu.
47 God, that yauest veniaunces to me, and makist suget puplis vndur me; my delyuerere fro my wrathful enemyes.
Yeye ni Mungu ambaye hutelekeza visasi kwa ajili yangu, ambaye huwatiisha mataifa chini yangu.
48 And thou schalt enhaunse me fro hem, that risen ayens me; thou schalt delyuere me fro a wickid man.
Nimewekwa huru kutoka kwa adui zangu! wewe uliniinua juu ya wale walioinuka kunyume na mimi! Wewe uliniokoa kutoka kwa watu wenye vurugu.
49 Therfor, Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee among naciouns; and Y schal seie salm to thi name.
Kwa hiyo nitakushukuru wewe, Yahwe, kati ya mataifa; Nitaliimbia sifa jina lako!
50 Magnyfiynge the helthis of his kyng; and doynge merci to his crist Dauid, and to his seed til in to the world.
Mungu hutoa ushindi mkuu kwa mfalme wake, na yeye huonyesha uaminifu wa agano lake kwa mpakwa mafuta wake, kwa Daudi na ukoo wake milele.

< Psalms 18 >