< Proverbs 6 >

1 Mi sone, if thou hast bihiyt for thi freend; thou hast fastned thin hoond at a straunger.
我兒,你若為朋友作保, 替外人擊掌,
2 Thou art boundun bi the wordis of thi mouth; and thou art takun with thin owne wordis.
你就被口中的話語纏住, 被嘴裏的言語捉住。
3 Therfor, my sone, do thou that that Y seie, and delyuere thi silf; for thou hast fallun in to the hond of thi neiybore. Renne thou aboute, haste thou, reise thi freend;
我兒,你既落在朋友手中, 就當這樣行才可救自己: 你要自卑,去懇求你的朋友。
4 yyue thou not sleep to thin iyen, nether thin iyeliddis nappe.
不要容你的眼睛睡覺; 不要容你的眼皮打盹。
5 Be thou rauyschid as a doo fro the hond; and as a bridde fro aspiyngis of the foulere.
要救自己,如鹿脫離獵戶的手, 如鳥脫離捕鳥人的手。
6 O! thou slowe man, go to the `amte, ether pissemyre; and biholde thou hise weies, and lerne thou wisdom.
懶惰人哪, 你去察看螞蟻的動作就可得智慧。
7 Which whanne he hath no duyk, nethir comaundour, nether prince;
螞蟻沒有元帥, 沒有官長,沒有君王,
8 makith redi in somer mete to hym silf, and gaderith togidere in heruest that, that he schal ete.
尚且在夏天預備食物, 在收割時聚斂糧食。
9 Hou long schalt thou, slow man, slepe? whanne schalt thou rise fro thi sleep?
懶惰人哪,你要睡到幾時呢? 你何時睡醒呢?
10 A litil thou schalt slepe, a litil thou schalt nappe; a litil thou schalt ioyne togidere thin hondis, that thou slepe.
再睡片時,打盹片時, 抱着手躺臥片時,
11 And nedynesse, as a weigoere, schal come to thee; and pouert, as an armed man. Forsothe if thou art not slow, thi ripe corn schal come as a welle; and nedynesse schal fle fer fro thee.
你的貧窮就必如強盜速來, 你的缺乏彷彿拿兵器的人來到。
12 A man apostata, a man vnprofitable, he goith with a weiward mouth;
無賴的惡徒, 行動就用乖僻的口,
13 he bekeneth with iyen, he trampith with the foot, he spekith with the fyngur,
用眼傳神, 用腳示意, 用指點劃,
14 bi schrewid herte he ymagyneth yuel, and in al tyme he sowith dissenciouns.
心中乖僻, 常設惡謀, 布散紛爭。
15 His perdicioun schal come to hym anoon, and he schal be brokun sodeynli; and he schal no more haue medecyn.
所以,災難必忽然臨到他身; 他必頃刻敗壞,無法可治。
16 Sixe thingis ben, whyche the Lord hatith; and hise soule cursith the seuenthe thing.
耶和華所恨惡的有六樣, 連他心所憎惡的共有七樣:
17 Hiye iyen, a tunge liere, hondis schedinge out innocent blood,
就是高傲的眼, 撒謊的舌, 流無辜人血的手,
18 an herte ymagynynge worste thouytis, feet swifte to renne in to yuel,
圖謀惡計的心, 飛跑行惡的腳,
19 a man bringynge forth lesingis, a fals witnesse; and him that sowith discordis among britheren.
吐謊言的假見證, 並弟兄中布散紛爭的人。
20 Mi sone, kepe the comaundementis of thi fadir; and forsake not the lawe of thi modir.
我兒,要謹守你父親的誡命; 不可離棄你母親的法則,
21 Bynde thou tho continueli in thin herte; and cumpasse `to thi throte.
要常繫在你心上, 掛在你項上。
22 Whanne thou goist, go tho with thee; whanne thou slepist, kepe tho thee; and thou wakynge speke with tho.
你行走,它必引導你; 你躺臥,它必保守你; 你睡醒,它必與你談論。
23 For the comaundement of God is a lanterne, and the lawe is liyt, and the blamyng of techyng is the weie of lijf;
因為誡命是燈,法則是光, 訓誨的責備是生命的道,
24 `that the comaundementis kepe thee fro an yuel womman, and fro a flaterynge tunge of a straunge womman.
能保你遠離惡婦, 遠離外女諂媚的舌頭。
25 Thin herte coueite not the fairnesse of hir; nether be thou takun bi the signes of hir.
你心中不要戀慕她的美色, 也不要被她眼皮勾引。
26 For the prijs of an hoore is vnnethe of o loof; but a womman takith the preciouse soule of a man.
因為,妓女能使人只剩一塊餅; 淫婦獵取人寶貴的生命。
27 Whether a man mai hide fier in his bosum, that hise clothis brenne not;
人若懷裏搋火, 衣服豈能不燒呢?
28 ethir go on colis, and hise feet be not brent?
人若在火炭上走, 腳豈能不燙呢?
29 So he that entrith to the wijf of his neiybore; schal not be cleene, whanne he hath touchid hir.
親近鄰舍之妻的,也是如此; 凡挨近她的,不免受罰。
30 It is not greet synne, whanne a man stelith; for he stelith to fille an hungri soule.
賊因飢餓偷竊充飢, 人不藐視他,
31 And he takun schal yelde the seuenthe fold; and he schal yyue al the catel of his hous, and schal delyuere hym silf.
若被找着,他必賠還七倍, 必將家中所有的盡都償還。
32 But he that is avouter; schal leese his soule, for the pouert of herte.
與婦人行淫的,便是無知; 行這事的,必喪掉生命。
33 He gaderith filthe, and sclaundrith to hym silf; and his schenschip schal not be don awei.
他必受傷損,必被凌辱; 他的羞恥不得塗抹。
34 For the feruent loue and strong veniaunce of the man schal not spare in the dai of veniaunce,
因為人的嫉恨成了烈怒, 報仇的時候決不留情。
35 nether schal assente to the preieris of ony; nether schal take ful many yiftis for raunsum.
甚麼贖價,他都不顧; 你雖送許多禮物,他也不肯干休。

< Proverbs 6 >