< Job 3 >

1 Aftir these thingis Joob openyde his mouth,
2 and curside his dai, and seide, Perische the dai in which Y was borun,
3 and the nyyt in which it was seid, The man is conceyued.
願我生的那日 和說懷了男胎的那夜都滅沒。
4 Thilke dai be turnede in to derknessis; God seke not it aboue, and be it not in mynde, nethir be it liytned with liyt.
願那日變為黑暗; 願上帝不從上面尋找它; 願亮光不照於其上。
5 Derknessis make it derk, and the schadewe of deeth and myist occupie it; and be it wlappid with bittirnesse.
願黑暗和死蔭索取那日; 願密雲停在其上; 願日蝕恐嚇它。
6 Derk whirlwynde holde that niyt; be it not rikynyd among the daies of the yeer, nethir be it noumbrid among the monethes.
願那夜被幽暗奪取, 不在年中的日子同樂, 也不入月中的數目。
7 Thilke nyyt be soleyn, and not worthi of preisyng.
願那夜沒有生育, 其間也沒有歡樂的聲音。
8 Curse thei it, that cursen the dai, that ben redi to reise Leuyathan.
願那咒詛日子且能惹動鱷魚的 咒詛那夜。
9 Sterris be maad derk with the derknesse therof; abide it liyt, and se it not, nethir the bigynnyng of the morwetid risyng vp.
願那夜黎明的星宿變為黑暗, 盼亮卻不亮, 也不見早晨的光線;
10 For it closide not the doris of the wombe, that bar me, nethir took awei yuels fro min iyen.
因沒有把懷我胎的門關閉, 也沒有將患難對我的眼隱藏。
11 Whi was not Y deed in the wombe? whi yede Y out of the wombe, and perischide not anoon?
我為何不出母胎而死? 為何不出母腹絕氣?
12 Whi was Y takun on knees? whi was Y suclid with teetis?
為何有膝接收我? 為何有奶哺養我?
13 For now Y slepynge schulde be stille, and schulde reste in my sleep,
14 with kyngis, and consuls of erthe, that bilden to hem soleyn places;
15 ethir with prynces that han gold in possessioun, and fillen her housis with siluer;
或與有金子、將銀子裝滿了房屋的王子 一同安息;
16 ethir as a `thing hid not borun Y schulde not stonde, ethir whiche conseyued sien not liyt.
或像隱而未現、不到期而落的胎, 歸於無有,如同未見光的嬰孩。
17 There wickid men ceessiden of noise, and there men maad wery of strengthe restiden.
在那裏惡人止息攪擾, 困乏人得享安息,
18 And sum tyme boundun togidere with out disese thei herden not the voys of the wrongful axere.
被囚的人同得安逸, 不聽見督工的聲音。
19 A litil man and greet man be there, and a seruaunt free fro his lord.
大小都在那裏; 奴僕脫離主人的轄制。
20 Whi is liyt youun to the wretche, and lijf to hem that ben in bitternesse of soule?
受患難的人為何有光賜給他呢? 心中愁苦的人為何有生命賜給他呢?
21 Whiche abiden deeth, and it cometh not;
他們切望死,卻不得死; 求死,勝於求隱藏的珍寶。
22 as men diggynge out tresour and ioien greetly, whanne thei han founde a sepulcre?
他們尋見墳墓就快樂, 極其歡喜。
23 Whi is liyt youun to a man, whos weie is hid, and God hath cumpassid hym with derknessis?
人的道路既然遮隱, 上帝又把他四面圍困, 為何有光賜給他呢?
24 Bifore that Y ete, Y siyhe; and as of watir flowynge, so is my roryng.
我未曾吃飯就發出歎息; 我唉哼的聲音湧出如水。
25 For the drede, which Y dredde, cam to me; and that, that Y schamede, bifelde.
因我所恐懼的臨到我身, 我所懼怕的迎我而來。
26 Whether Y dissymilide not? whether Y was not stille? whether Y restide not? and indignacioun cometh on me.
我不得安逸,不得平靜, 也不得安息,卻有患難來到。

< Job 3 >