< Job 11 >

1 Forsothe Sophar Naamathites answeride, and seide,
2 Whether he, that spekith many thingis, schal not also here? ether whethir a man ful of wordis schal be maad iust?
这许多的言语岂不该回答吗? 多嘴多舌的人岂可称为义吗?
3 Schulen men be stille to thee aloone? whanne thou hast scorned othere men, schalt thou not be ouercomun of ony man?
你夸大的话岂能使人不作声吗? 你戏笑的时候岂没有人叫你害羞吗?
4 For thou seidist, My word is cleene, and Y am cleene in thi siyt.
你说:我的道理纯全; 我在你眼前洁净。
5 And `Y wolde, that God spak with thee, and openyde hise lippis to thee;
惟愿 神说话; 愿他开口攻击你,
6 to schewe to thee the priuetees of wisdom, and that his lawe is manyfold, and thou schuldist vndurstonde, that thou art requirid of hym to paie myche lesse thingis, than thi wickidnesse disserueth.
并将智慧的奥秘指示你; 他有诸般的智识。 所以当知道 神追讨你 比你罪孽该得的还少。
7 In hap thou schalt comprehende the steppis of God, and thou schalt fynde Almyyti God `til to perfeccioun.
你考察就能测透 神吗? 你岂能尽情测透全能者吗?
8 He is hiyere than heuene, and what schalt thou do? he is deppere than helle, and wherof schalt thou knowe? (Sheol h7585)
他的智慧高于天,你还能做什么? 深于阴间,你还能知道什么? (Sheol h7585)
9 His mesure is lengere than erthe, and brodere than the see.
其量比地长, 比海宽。
10 If he distrieth alle thingis, ethir dryueth streitli `in to oon, who schal ayenseie hym? Ethir who may seie to hym, Whi doest thou so?
他若经过,将人拘禁, 招人受审,谁能阻挡他呢?
11 For he knowith the vanyte of men; and whether he seynge byholdith not wickidnesse?
他本知道虚妄的人; 人的罪孽,他虽不留意,还是无所不见。
12 A veyn man is reisid in to pride; and gessith hym silf borun fre, as the colt of a wilde asse.
空虚的人却毫无知识; 人生在世好像野驴的驹子。
13 But thou hast maad stidefast thin herte, and hast spred abrood thin hondis to hym.
你若将心安正, 又向主举手;
14 If thou doest awei `fro thee the wickidnesse, which is in thin hond, and vnriytfulnesse dwellith not in thi tabernacle,
你手里若有罪孽, 就当远远地除掉, 也不容非义住在你帐棚之中。
15 thanne thou schalt mowe reise thi face with out wem, and thou schalt be stidefast, and thou schalt not drede.
那时,你必仰起脸来毫无斑点; 你也必坚固,无所惧怕。
16 And thou schalt foryete wretchidnesse, and thou schalt not thenke of it, as of watris that han passid.
你必忘记你的苦楚, 就是想起也如流过去的水一样。
17 And as myddai schynynge it schal reise to thee at euentid; and whanne thou gessist thee wastid, thou schalt rise vp as the dai sterre.
你在世的日子要比正午更明, 虽有黑暗仍像早晨。
18 And thou schalt haue trist, while hope schal be set forth to thee; and thou biried schalt slepe sikurli.
你因有指望就必稳固, 也必四围巡查,坦然安息。
19 Thou schalt reste, and `noon schal be that schal make thee aferd; and ful many men schulen biseche thi face.
你躺卧,无人惊吓, 且有许多人向你求恩。
20 But the iyen of wickid men schulen faile; and socour schal perische fro hem, and the hope of hem schal be abhominacyioun of soule.
但恶人的眼目必要失明。 他们无路可逃; 他们的指望就是气绝。

< Job 11 >