< Isaiah 46 >

1 Bel is brokun, Nabo is al to-brokun; her symylacris lijk to wielde beestis and werk beestis ben brokun; youre birthuns
彼勒屈身,尼波彎腰; 巴比倫的偶像馱在獸和牲畜上。 他們所抬的如今成了重馱, 使牲畜疲乏,
2 with heuy charge `til to werynesse weren rotun, and ben al to-brokun togidere; tho miyten not saue the berere, and the soule of hem schal go in to caitifte.
都一同彎腰屈身, 不能保全重馱, 自己倒被擄去。
3 The hous of Jacob, and al the residue of the hous of Israel, here ye me, whiche ben borun of my wombe, whiche ben borun of my wombe.
雅各家,以色列家一切餘剩的要聽我言: 你們自從生下,就蒙我保抱, 自從出胎,便蒙我懷搋。
4 Til to eelde Y my silf, and til to hoor heeris Y schal bere; Y made, and Y schal bere, and Y schal saue.
直到你們年老,我仍這樣; 直到你們髮白,我仍懷搋。 我已造作,也必保抱; 我必懷抱,也必拯救。
5 To whom han ye licned me, and maad euene, and han comparisound me, and han maad lijk?
你們將誰與我相比,與我同等, 可以與我比較,使我們相同呢?
6 Whiche beren togidere gold fro the bagge, and peisen siluer with a balaunce, and hiren a goldsmyth to make a god, and thei fallen doun, and worschipen; thei berynge beren in schuldris,
那從囊中抓金子, 用天平平銀子的人, 雇銀匠製造神像, 他們又俯伏,又叩拜。
7 and settynge in his place; and he schal stonde, and schal not be mouyd fro his place; but also whanne thei crien to hym, he schal not here, and he schal not saue hem fro tribulacioun.
他們將神像抬起,扛在肩上, 安置在定處,它就站立, 不離本位; 人呼求它,它不能答應, 也不能救人脫離患難。
8 Haue ye mynde of this, and be ye aschamed; ye trespassouris, go ayen to the herte.
你們當想念這事,自己作大丈夫。 悖逆的人哪,要心裏思想。
9 Bithenke ye on the formere world, for Y am God, and no God is ouer me, nether is lijk me.
你們要追念上古的事。 因為我是上帝,並無別神; 我是上帝,再沒有能比我的。
10 And Y telle fro the bigynnyng the laste thing, and fro the bigynnyng tho thingis that ben not maad yit; and Y seie, My councel schal stonde, and al my wille schal be don.
我從起初指明末後的事, 從古時言明未成的事, 說:我的籌算必立定; 凡我所喜悅的,我必成就。
11 And Y clepe a brid fro the eest, and the man of my wille fro a ferr lond; and Y spak, and Y schal brynge that thing; Y haue maad of nouyt, and Y schal make that thing.
我召鷙鳥從東方來, 召那成就我籌算的人從遠方來。 我已說出,也必成就; 我已謀定,也必做成。
12 Ye of hard herte, here me, that ben fer fro riytfulnesse.
你們這些心中頑梗、 遠離公義的,當聽我言。
13 Y made nyy myn riytfulnesse, it schal not be drawun afer, and myn helthe shal not tarie; Y schal yyue helthe in Sion, and my glorie in Israel.
我使我的公義臨近,必不遠離。 我的救恩必不遲延; 我要為以色列-我的榮耀, 在錫安施行救恩。

< Isaiah 46 >