< Isaiah 44 >

1 And now, Jacob, my seruaunt, here thou, and Israel, whom I chees.
我的僕人雅各, 我所揀選的以色列啊, 現在你當聽。
2 The Lord makynge and foryyuynge thee, thin helpere fro the wombe, seith these thingis, My seruaunt, Jacob, nyle thou drede, and thou moost riytful, whom Y chees.
造作你,又從你出胎造就你, 並要幫助你的耶和華如此說: 我的僕人雅各, 我所揀選的耶書崙哪, 不要害怕!
3 For Y schal schede out watris on the thirsti, and floodis on the dry lond; Y schal schede out my spirit on thi seed, and my blessyng on thi generacioun.
因為我要將水澆灌口渴的人, 將河澆灌乾旱之地。 我要將我的靈澆灌你的後裔, 將我的福澆灌你的子孫。
4 And thei schulen buriowne among erbis, as salewis bisidis rennynge watris.
他們要發生在草中, 像溪水旁的柳樹。
5 This man schal seie, Y am of the Lord, and he schal clepe in the name of Jacob; and this man schal write with his hoond to the Lord, and schal be licned in the name of Israel.
這個要說:我是屬耶和華的; 那個要以雅各的名自稱; 又一個要親手寫:歸耶和華的, 並自稱為以色列。
6 The Lord, kyng of Israel, and ayenbiere therof, the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y am the firste and Y am the laste, and with outen me is no God.
耶和華-以色列的君, 以色列的救贖主-萬軍之耶和華如此說: 我是首先的,我是末後的; 除我以外再沒有真神。
7 Who is lijk me? clepe he, and telle, and declare ordre to me, sithen Y made elde puple; telle he to hem thingis to comynge, and that schulen be.
自從我設立古時的民, 誰能像我宣告,並且指明,又為自己陳說呢? 讓他將未來的事和必成的事說明。
8 Nyle ye drede, nether be ye disturblid; fro that tyme Y made thee for to here, and Y telde; ye ben my witnessis. Whethir a God is with out me, and a formere, whom Y knew not?
你們不要恐懼,也不要害怕。 我豈不是從上古就說明指示你們嗎? 並且你們是我的見證! 除我以外,豈有真神嗎? 誠然沒有磐石,我不知道一個!
9 Alle the fourmeris of an idol ben no thing, and the moost louyd thingis of hem schulen not profite; thei ben witnessis of tho, that tho seen not, nether vndurstonden, that thei be schent.
10 Who fourmyde a god, and yetide an ymage, not profitable to ony thing?
11 Lo! alle the parteneris therof schulen be schent; for the smythis ben of men. Whanne alle schulen come, thei schulen stonde, and schulen drede, and schulen be schent togidere.
12 A smith wrouyte with a file; he fourmyde it in coolis, and in hameris, and he wrouyte with the arm of his strengthe. He schal be hungri, and he schal faile; he schal not drynke watre, and he schal be feynt.
13 A carpenter stretchide forth a reule, he fourmyde it with an adese; he made it in the corner places, and he turnede it in cumpas; and he made the ymage of a man, as a fair man, dwellynge in the hous.
14 He kittide doun cedris, he took an hawthorn, and an ook, that stood among the trees of the forest; he plauntide a pyne apple tre, which he nurschide with reyn,
15 and it was maad in to fier to men. He took of tho, and was warmed, and he brente, and bakide looues; but of the residue he wrouyte a god, and worschipide it, and he made a grauun ymage, and he was bowid bifore that.
16 He brente the myddil therof with fier, and of the myddil therof he sethide fleischis, and eet; he sethide potage, and was fillid; and he was warmed, and he seide, Wel!
17 Y am warmed; Y siy fier. Forsothe the residue therof he made a god, and a grauun ymage to hym silf; he is bowide bifore that, and worschipith that, and bisechith, and seith, Delyuere thou me, for thou art my god.
18 Thei knewen not, nether vndurstoden, for thei han foryete, that her iye se not, and that thei vndurstonde not with her herte.
19 Thei bythenken not in her soule, nether thei knowen, nether thei feelen, that thei seie, Y brente the myddil therof in fier, and Y bakide looues on the coolis therof, and Y sethide fleischis, and eet; and of the residue therof schal Y make an idol? schal Y falle doun bifore the stok of a tree?
20 A part therof is aische; an vnwijs herte schal worschipe it, and he schal not delyuere his soule, nether he schal seie, A strong leesyng is in my riythond.
21 Thou, Jacob, and Israel, haue mynde of these thingis, for thou art my seruaunt; Y formyde thee, Israel, thou art my seruaunt; thou schalt not foryete me.
雅各,以色列啊, 你是我的僕人,要記念這些事。 以色列啊,你是我的僕人, 我造就你必不忘記你。
22 Y dide awei thi wickidnessis as a cloude, and thi synnes as a myist; turne thou ayen to me, for Y ayenbouyte thee.
我塗抹了你的過犯,像厚雲消散; 我塗抹了你的罪惡,如薄雲滅沒。 你當歸向我,因我救贖了你。
23 Ye heuenes, herie, for the Lord hath do merci; the laste partis of erth, synge ye hertli song; hillis, sowne ye preisyng; the forest and ech tre therof, herie God; for the Lord ayenbouyte Jacob, and Israel schal haue glorie.
諸天哪,應當歌唱, 因為耶和華做成這事。 地的深處啊,應當歡呼; 眾山應當發聲歌唱; 樹林和其中所有的樹都當如此! 因為耶和華救贖了雅各, 並要因以色列榮耀自己。
24 The Lord, thin ayenbiere, and thi fourmere fro the wombe, seith these thingis, Y am the Lord, makynge alle thingis, and Y aloone stretche forth heuenes, and stablische the erthe, and noon is with me;
從你出胎,造就你的救贖主-耶和華如此說: 我-耶和華是創造萬物的, 是獨自鋪張諸天、鋪開大地的。 誰與我同在呢?
25 and Y make voide the signes of false dyuynours, and Y turne in to woodnesse dyuynours, that dyuynen by sacrifices offrid to feendis; and Y turne wise men bacward, and Y make her science fonned.
使說假話的兆頭失效, 使占卜的癲狂, 使智慧人退後, 使他的知識變為愚拙;
26 And the Lord reisith the word of his seruaunt, and fillith the councel of hise messangeris; and Y seie, Jerusalem, thou schalt be enhabitid; and to the citees of Juda, Ye schulen be bildid, and Y schal reise the desertis therof;
使我僕人的話語立定, 我使者的謀算成就。 論到耶路撒冷說:必有人居住; 論到猶大的城邑說:必被建造, 其中的荒場我也必興起。
27 and Y seie to the depthe, Be thou desolat, and Y shal make drie thi floodis;
對深淵說:你乾了吧! 我也要使你的江河乾涸。
28 and Y seie to Cirus, Thou art my scheepherde, and thou schalt fille al my wille; and Y seie to Jerusalem, Thou schalt be bildid; and to the temple, Thou schalt be foundid.
論塞魯士說:他是我的牧人, 必成就我所喜悅的, 必下令建造耶路撒冷, 發命立穩聖殿的根基。

< Isaiah 44 >