< Isaiah 16 >

1 Lord, sende thou out a lomb, the lordli gouernour of erthe, fro the stoon of desert to the hil of the douyter of Sion.
你們當將羊羔奉給那地掌權的, 從西拉往曠野,送到錫安城的山。
2 And it schal be as a foule fleynge, and briddis fleynge awei fro the nest, so schulen be the douytris of Moab in the passyng ouer of Arnon.
摩押的居民在亞嫩渡口, 必像遊飛的鳥,如拆窩的雛。
3 Take thou councel, constreyne thou councel; sette thou as niyt thi schadewe in myddai, hide thou hem that fleen, and bitraye thou not men of vnstidfast dwellyng.
求你獻謀略,行公平, 使你的影子在午間如黑夜, 隱藏被趕散的人,不可顯露逃民。
4 My fleeris awei schulen dwelle at thee. Moab, be thou the hidyng place of hem fro the face of distriere. For whi dust is endid, the wretchid is wastid; he that defoulide the lond failude.
求你容我這被趕散的人和你同居。 至於摩押,求你作他的隱密處, 脫離滅命者的面。 勒索人的歸於無有, 毀滅的事止息了, 欺壓人的從國中除滅了,
5 And the kyngis seete schal be maade redi in merci, and he schal sitte on it in treuthe, in the tabernacle of Dauid, demynge, and sekynge doom, and yeldynge swiftli that that is iust.
必有寶座因慈愛堅立; 必有一位誠誠實實坐在其上, 在大衛帳幕中施行審判, 尋求公平,速行公義。
6 We han herd the pride of Moab, he is ful proud; his pride, and his boost, and his indignacioun is more than his strengthe.
我們聽說摩押人驕傲, 是極其驕傲; 聽說他狂妄、驕傲、忿怒; 他誇大的話是虛空的。
7 Therfor Moab schal yelle to Moab, al Moab shal yelle to hem that ben glad on the wallis of bakun tijl stoon; speke ye her woundis.
因此,摩押人必為摩押哀號; 人人都要哀號。 你們摩押人要為吉珥‧哈列設的葡萄餅哀歎, 極其憂傷。
8 For whi the subarbis of Esebon and the vyner of Sabama ben forsakun. The lordis of hethene men han kit doun the siouns therof; thei camen `til to Jaser, thei erriden in desert. The bowis therof ben forsakun, thei passiden the see.
因為希實本的田地 和西比瑪的葡萄樹都衰殘了。 列國的君主折斷其上美好的枝子; 這枝子長到雅謝延到曠野, 嫩枝向外探出,直探過鹽海。
9 On this thing Y schal wepe in the weping of Jaser, and on the vyner of Sabama. Esebon and Eleale, Y schal fille thee with my teer; for the vois of defouleris fellen on thi vyndage, and on thi heruest.
因此,我要為西比瑪的葡萄樹哀哭, 與雅謝人哀哭一樣。 希實本、以利亞利啊, 我要以眼淚澆灌你; 因為有交戰吶喊的聲音 臨到你夏天的果子, 並你收割的莊稼。
10 And gladnesse and ful out ioiyng schal be takun awei fro Carmele; and noon schal make ful out ioye, nether schal synge hertli song in vyneris. He that was wont to wringe out, schal not wrynge out wyn in a pressour; Y haue take awei the vois of wryngeris out.
從肥美的田中奪去了歡喜快樂; 在葡萄園裏必無歌唱,也無歡呼的聲音。 踹酒的在酒醡中不得踹出酒來; 我使他歡呼的聲音止息。
11 On this thing my wombe schal sowne as an harpe to Moab, and myn entrails to the wal of bakun tiel stoon.
因此,我心腹為摩押哀鳴如琴; 我心腸為吉珥‧哈列設也是如此。
12 And it schal be, whanne it schal appere, that Moab hath trauelid on hise places, it schal entre to hise hooli thingis, that it biseche, and it schal not be worth.
13 This is the word which the Lord spak to Moab fro that tyme.
14 And now the Lord spak, seiynge, In thre yeer that weren as the yeeris of an hirid man, the glorie of Moab schal be takun awei on al the myche puple; and ther schal be left in it as a litil rasyn, and a litil, and not myche.

< Isaiah 16 >