< Exodus 14 >

1 Forsothe the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel;
Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe:
2 turne thei ayen, and sette thei tentis euene ayens Fiayroth, which is bitwixe Magdalum and the see, ayens Beelsefon; in the siyt therof ye schulen sette tentis ouer the see.
Lazao amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely mba hivily izy ka hitoby eo akaikin’ i Pi-hahirota, eo anelanelan’ i Migdolasy ny ranomasina; eo akaikin’ i Bala-zefona, dia tandrifiny, no hitobianareo, eo amoron’ ny ranomasina.
3 And Farao schal seie on the sones of Israel, Thei ben maad streit in the lond, the deseert hath closid hem to gidere.
Ary Farao hilaza ny Zanak’ Isiraely hoe: Azon’ ny tamberintany izy ka voahidin’ ny efitra.
4 And Y schal make hard his herte, and he schal pursue you, and Y schal be glorified in Farao, and in al his oost; and Egipcians schulen wite that Y am the Lord; and thei diden so.
Dia hanamafy ny fon’ i Farao Aho, ka hanenjika anareo izy; dia hankalazaina Aho noho ny hataoko amin’ i Farao sy amin’ ny miaramilany rehetra, ka ho fantatry ny Egyptiana fa Izaho no Jehovah. Dia nataon’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely izany.
5 And it was teld to the kyng of Egipcians, that the puple hadde fled; and the herte of Farao and of hise seruauntis was chaungid on the puple, and thei seiden, What wolden we do, that we leften Israel, that it schulde not serue us?
Ary nisy nanambara tamin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta fa efa nandositra ny olona, dia niova ny fon’ i Farao sy ny mpanompony ny amin’ ny olona, ka hoy izy: Inona izao nataontsika izao, no nandefa ny Isiraely hiala tamin’ ny fanompoany antsika isika?
6 Therfor Farao ioynede the chare, and took with him al his puple;
Dia nasainy nofehezina tamin’ ny kalesy ny soavaly, sady nitondra ny vahoakany hanaraka azy izy.
7 and he took sixe hundrid chosyn charis, and what euer thing of charis was in Egipt, and duykis of al the oost.
Ary nitondra kalesy enin-jato voafantina sy ny kalesin’ ny Egyptiana rehetra izy, izay samy nisy mpiady avy izy rehetra.
8 And the Lord made hard `the herte of Farao, kyng of Egipt, and he pursuede the sones of Israel; and thei weren go out in an hiy hond.
Ary Jehovah nanamafy ny fon’ i Farao, mpanjakan’ i Egypta, dia nanenjika ny Zanak’ Isiraely izy, na dia tamin’ ny tanana avo aza no nivoahany.
9 And whanne Egipcians pursueden the steppis of the sones of Israel bifor goynge, thei founden hem in tentis on the see; al the chyualrye and charis of Farao, and al the oost weren in Fiayroth, ayens Beelsefon.
Koa nanenjika azy ny Egyptiana, dia ny soavaly rehetra mitarika ny kalesin’ i Farao sy ny soavaliny fitaingina ary ny miaramilany, ka nahatratra azy nitoby teo amoron’ ny ranomasina, teo anilan’ i Pi-hahirota, tandrifin’ i Balazefona.
10 And whanne Farao hadde neiyed the sones of Israel, reisiden her iyen, and thei sien Egipcians bihynde hem, and dredden greetli; and thei crieden to the Lord,
Ary rehefa mby akaiky Farao, dia natopin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ny masony, ka, indreo, ny Egyptiana tamy manenjika azy; dia raiki-tahotra indrindra ny Zanak’ Isiraely ka nitaraina tamin’ i Jehovah.
11 and seiden to Moises, In hap sepulcris weren not in Egipt, therfor thou hast take vs awei, that we schulen die in wildirnesse? what woldist thou do this, that thou leddist vs out of Egipt?
Ary hoy koa izy tamin’ i Mosesy: Moa tsy nisy fasana va tany Egypta, no nentinao ho faty atỳ an-efitra izahay? Nahoana no nanao izany taminay ianao ka nitondra anay nivoaka avy tany Egypta?
12 Whether this is not the word which we spaken to thee in Egipt, `and seiden, Go awei fro vs, that we serue Egipcians? for it is myche betere to serue hem, than to die in wildirnesse.
Tsy izao va no teny nolazainay taminao fony tany Egypta hoe: Aoka izay fa avelao ihany izahay hanompo ny Egyptiana? Fa aleonay manompo ny Egyptiana toy izay ho faty any an-efitra.
13 And Moises seide to the puple, Nyle ye drede, stonde ye, and `se ye the grete werkys of God, whiche he schal do to dai; for ye schulen no more se Egipcians, whiche ye seen now, til in to with outen ende;
Ary hoy Mosesy tamin’ ny olona: Aza matahotra ianareo, mijanòna, fa ho hitanareo ny famonjen’ i Jehovah, izay hataony ho anareo anio; fa ny Egyptiana, izay hitanareo anio, dia tsy ho hitanareo intsony mandrakizay.
14 the Lord schal fiyte for you, and ye schulen be stille.
Jehovah hiady ho anareo, fa ianareo kosa hangina.
15 And the Lord seide to Moises, What criest thou to me? Speke thou to the sones of Israel, that thei go forth; forsothe reise thou thi yerde,
Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Nahoana no mitaraina amiko ianao? lazao amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely mba handroso.
16 and stretche forth thin hond on the see, and departe thou it, that the sones of Israel go in the myddis of the see, by drie place.
Ary aingao ny tehinao, dia ahinjiro ambonin’ ny ranomasina ny tananao, ka saraho ny rano, dia handeha hamaky eo afovoan’ ny ranomasina mandia ny tany maina ny Zanak’ Isiraely.
17 Forsothe Y schal make hard the herte of Egipcians, that thei pursue you, and Y schal be glorified in Farao, and in al the oost of hym, and in the charis, and in the knyytis of hym;
Ary, indro, Izaho hanamafy ny fon’ ny Egyptiana, ka hiditra hanenjika azy izy; dia hankalazaina Aho noho ny hataoko amin’ i Farao sy amin’ ny miaramilany rehetra mbamin’ ny kalesiny sy ny mpitaingin-tsoavaliny,
18 and Egipcians schulen wite that Y am the Lord God, whanne Y schal be glorified in Farao, and in the charis, and in the knyytis of hym.
dia ho fantatry ny Egyptiana fa Izaho no Jehovah, rehefa ankalazaina Aho noho ny ataoko amin’ i Farao sy ny kalesiny sy ny mpitaingin-tsoavaliny.
19 And the aungel of the Lord, that yede bifore the castellis of Israel, took hym silf, and yede bihynde hem; and the piler of cloude yede to gidir with hym, and lefte the formere thingis aftir the bak,
Ary Ilay Anjelin’ Andriamanitra, Izay nandeha teo alohan’ ny tobin’ ny Isiraely, dia nifindra ka nankeo aoriany; ary ny andri-rahona nifindra niala teo alohany dia nijanona teo aoriany
20 and stood bitwixe the `castels of Egipcians and castels of Israel; and the cloude was derk toward Egipcians, and liytnynge `the nyyt toward `the children of Israel, so that in al the tyme of the niyt thei miyten not neiy togidere to hem silf.
ka tonga teo anelanelan’ ny tobin’ ny Egyptiana sy ny tobin’ ny Isiraely: dia teo ihany ny rahona sy ny fahamaizinana, nefa nampahazava ny alina kosa, ka dia tsy nifanatona izy roa tonta mandritra ny alina.
21 And whanne Moises hadde stretchid forth the hond on the see, the Lord took it awei, the while a greet wynde and brennynge blew in al the niyt, and turnede in to dryenesse; and the watir was departid.
Dia nahinjitr’ i Mosesy teo ambonin’ ny ranomasina ny tànany; ary rivotra mahery avy atsinanana no nampisavan’ i Jehovah ny ranomasina mandritra iny alina iny, ka nataony tany maina ny ranomasina, ary dia voasaraka ny rano.
22 And the sones of Israel entriden by the myddis of the drye see; for the watir was as a wal at the riyt side and left side of hem.
Dia nandeha teo afovoan’ ny ranomasina nandia ny tany maina ny Zanak’ Isiraely; ary ny rano dia tonga fefy ho azy teo amin’ ny ankavanany sy teo amin’ ny ankaviany.
23 And Egipcians pursueden, and entriden aftir hem, al the ridyng of Farao, hise charis, and knyytis, bi the myddis of the see.
Dia nanenjika azy ny Egyptiana ka niditra nanaraka azy teo afovoan’ ny ranomasina, dia ny soavalin’ i Farao rehetra sy ny kalesiny ary ny mpitaingin-tsoavaliny.
24 And the wakyng of the morewtid cam thanne, and lo! the Lord bihelde on the castels of Egipcians, bi a piler of fier, and of cloude, and killide the oost of hem; and he destriede the wheelis of charis,
Ary tamin’ ny fiambenana maraina dia nijery ny tobin’ ny Egyptiana tao amin’ ny andri-afo sy ny rahona Jehovah ka nampifanaritaka ny tobin’ ny Egyptiana.
25 and tho weren borun in to the depthe. Therfor Egipcians seiden, Fle we Israel; for the Lord fiytith for hem ayenus vs.
Ary nanala ny kodian’ ny kalesiny Izy ka nampahasarotra ny nandehanany, dia hoy ny Egyptiana: Aoka handositra ny tavan’ ny Isiraely isika, fa Jehovah no miady amin’ ny Egyptiana ho an’ ireo.
26 And the Lord seide to Moises, Holde forth thin hond on the see, that the watris turne ayen to Egipcians, on the charis, and knyytis of hem.
Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Ahinjiro eo ambonin’ ny ranomasina ny tananao, mba hikatonan’ ny rano amin’ ny Egyptiana mbamin’ ny kalesiny sy ny mpitaingin-tsoa valiny.
27 And whanne Moises hadde hold forth the hoond ayens the see, it turnede ayen first in the morewtid to the formere place; and whanne Egipcians fledden, the watris camen ayen, and the Lord wlappide hem in the myddis of the floodis.
Dia nahinjitr’ i Mosesy teo ambonin’ ny ranomasina ny tànany, ka nikatona ho tahaka ny teo ny ranomasina, rehefa nadiva ho maraina ny andro; ary ny Egyptiana nandositra, kanjo nitsena ny rano ihany izy, dia narian’ i Jehovah teo afovoan’ ny ranomasina ny Egyptiana.
28 And the watris turneden ayen, and hiliden the charis, and knyytis of al the oost of Farao, which sueden, and entriden in to the see; sotheli not oon of hem was alyue.
Ary dia nikatona ny rano ka nanarona ny kalesy sy ny mpitaingin-tsoavaly, dia ny miaramilan’ i Farao rehetra izay niditra teo amin’ ny ranomasina nanenjika ny Zanak’ Isiraely; koa tsy nisy niangana na dia iray akory aza.
29 Forsothe the sones of Israel yeden thorouy the myddis of the drye see, and the watris weren to hem as for a wal, on the riyt side and left side.
Fa ny Zanak’ Isiraely kosa nandeha tamin’ ny tany maina teo afovoan’ ny ranomasina; ary ny rano dia tonga fefy ho azy teo amin’ ny ankavanany sy teo amin’ ny ankaviany.
30 And in that dai the Lord delyuerede Israel fro the hond of Egipcians, and thei sien Egipcians deed on the brynke of the see,
Izany no namonjen’ i Jehovah ny Isiraely tamin’ izany andro izany mba tsy ho azon’ ny Egyptiana; ary hitan’ ny Isiraely teny amoron’ ny ranomasina ny fatin’ ny Egyptiana.
31 and thei seiyen the greet hond which the Lord hadde vsid ayens hem; and the puple dredde the Lord, and thei bileueden to the Lord, and to Moises his seruaunt.
Ary rehefa hitan’ ny Isiraely ny asa lehibe izay nataon’ ny tànan’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny Egyptiana, dia natahotra an’ i Jehovah ny olona ka nino an’ i Jehovah sy Mosesy mpanompony.

< Exodus 14 >