< Ecclesiastes 10 >

1 Flies `that dien, leesen the swetnesse of oynement. Litil foli at a tyme is preciousere than wisdom and glorie.
死蒼蠅使做香的膏油發出臭氣; 這樣,一點愚昧也能敗壞智慧和尊榮。
2 The herte of a wijs man is in his riyt side; and the herte of a fool is in his left side.
智慧人的心居右; 愚昧人的心居左。
3 But also a fool goynge in the weie, whanne he is vnwijs, gessith alle men foolis.
並且愚昧人行路顯出無知, 對眾人說,他是愚昧人。
4 If the spirit of hym, that hath power, stieth on thee, forsake thou not thi place; for heeling schal make gretteste synnes to ceesse.
掌權者的心若向你發怒, 不要離開你的本位, 因為柔和能免大過。
5 An yuel is, which Y siy vndur the sunne, and goith out as bi errour fro the face of the prince; a fool set in hiy dignyte,
我見日光之下有一件禍患, 似乎出於掌權的錯誤,
6 and riche men sitte bynethe.
就是愚昧人立在高位; 富足人坐在低位。
7 I siy seruauntis on horsis, and princes as seruauntis goynge on the erthe.
我見過僕人騎馬, 王子像僕人在地上步行。
8 He that diggith a diche, schal falle in to it; and an eddre schal bite hym, that distrieth an hegge.
挖陷坑的,自己必掉在其中; 拆牆垣的,必為蛇所咬。
9 He that berith ouer stoonys, schal be turmentid in tho; and he that kittith trees, schal be woundid of tho.
鑿開石頭的,必受損傷; 劈開木頭的,必遭危險。
10 If yrun is foldid ayen, and this is not as bifore, but is maad blunt, it schal be maad scharp with myche trauel; and wisdom schal sue aftir bisynesse.
鐵器鈍了,若不將刃磨快,就必多費氣力; 但得智慧指教,便有益處。
11 If a serpent bitith, it bitith in silence; he that bacbitith priueli, hath no thing lesse than it.
未行法術以先,蛇若咬人, 後行法術也是無益。
12 The wordis of the mouth of a wijs man is grace; and the lippis of an vnwijs man schulen caste hym doun.
智慧人的口說出恩言; 愚昧人的嘴吞滅自己。
13 The bigynnyng of hise wordis is foli; and the laste thing of his mouth is the worste errour.
他口中的言語起頭是愚昧; 他話的末尾是奸惡的狂妄。
14 A fool multiplieth wordis; a man noot, what was bifore hym, and who mai schewe to hym that, that schal come aftir hym?
愚昧人多有言語, 人卻不知將來有甚麼事; 他身後的事誰能告訴他呢?
15 The trauel of foolis shal turment hem, that kunnen not go in to the citee.
凡愚昧人,他的勞碌使自己困乏, 因為連進城的路,他也不知道。
16 Lond, wo to thee, whos kyng is a child, and whose princes eten eerli.
邦國啊,你的王若是孩童, 你的群臣早晨宴樂, 你就有禍了!
17 Blessid is the lond, whos kyng is noble; and whose princis eten in her tyme, to susteyne the kynde, and not to waste.
邦國啊,你的王若是貴冑之子, 你的群臣按時吃喝, 為要補力,不為酒醉, 你就有福了!
18 The hiynesse of housis schal be maad low in slouthis; and the hous schal droppe in the feblenesse of hondis.
因人懶惰,房頂塌下; 因人手懶,房屋滴漏。
19 In leiyyng thei disposen breed and wyn, that thei drynkynge ete largeli; and alle thingis obeien to monei.
設擺筵席是為喜笑。 酒能使人快活; 錢能叫萬事應心。
20 In thi thouyt bacbite thou not the kyng, and in the priuete of thi bed, curse thou not a riche man; for the briddis of heuene schulen bere thi vois, and he that hath pennys, schal telle the sentence.
你不可咒詛君王, 也不可心懷此念; 在你臥房也不可咒詛富戶。 因為空中的鳥必傳揚這聲音, 有翅膀的也必述說這事。

< Ecclesiastes 10 >