< Amos 8 >

1 The Lord God schewide to me these thingis; and lo! an hook of applis.
2 And the Lord seide, What seist thou, Amos? And Y seide, An hook of applis. And the Lord seide to me, The ende is comun on my puple Israel; Y schal no more putte to, that Y passe bi hym.
3 And the herris, ether twistis, of the temple schulen greetli sowne in that dai, seith the Lord God. Many men schulen die, silence schal be cast forth in ech place.
4 Here ye this thing, whiche al to-breken a pore man, and maken nedi men of the lond for to faile;
你們這些要吞吃窮乏人、 使困苦人衰敗的,當聽我的話!
5 and ye seien, Whanne schal heruest passe, and we schulen sille marchaundises? and the sabat, and we schulen opene wheete? that we make lesse the mesure, and encreesse the cicle, and `vndur put gileful balauncis;
你們說:月朔幾時過去, 我們好賣糧; 安息日幾時過去, 我們好擺開麥子; 賣出用小升斗, 收銀用大戥子, 用詭詐的天平欺哄人,
6 that we welde bi siluer nedi men and pore men for schoon, and we sille outcastyngis of wheete?
好用銀子買貧寒人, 用一雙鞋換窮乏人, 將壞了的麥子賣給人。
7 The Lord swoor ayens the pride of Jacob, Y schal not foryete til to the ende alle the werkis of hem.
耶和華指着雅各的榮耀起誓說: 他們的一切行為,我必永遠不忘。
8 Whether on this thing the erthe schal not be mouyd togidere, and eche dwellere therof schal mourene? And it schal stie vp as al the flood, and schal be cast out, and schal flete awei as the stronde of Egipt.
地豈不因這事震動? 其上的居民不也悲哀嗎? 地必全然像尼羅河漲起, 如同埃及河湧上落下。
9 And it schal be, seith the Lord, in that dai the sunne schal go doun in myddai, and Y schal make the erthe for to be derk in the dai of liyt.
主耶和華說:到那日, 我必使日頭在午間落下, 使地在白晝黑暗。
10 And Y schal conuerte youre feeste daies in to mourenyng, and alle youre songis in to weilyng; and Y schal brynge yn on ech bac of you a sak, and on ech heed of you ballidnesse; and Y schal put it as the mourenyng of oon bigetun sone, and the laste thingis therof as a bittir dai.
我必使你們的節期變為悲哀, 歌曲變為哀歌。 眾人腰束麻布,頭上光禿, 使這場悲哀如喪獨生子, 至終如痛苦的日子一樣。
11 Lo! the daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal sende out hungur in to erthe; not hungur of breed, nether thirst of watir, but of herynge the word of God.
主耶和華說:日子將到, 我必命饑荒降在地上。 人飢餓非因無餅,乾渴非因無水, 乃因不聽耶和華的話。
12 And thei schulen be mouyd to gidere fro the see til to the see, and fro the north til to the eest thei schulen cumpasse, sekynge the word of the Lord, and thei schulen not fynde.
他們必飄流,從這海到那海, 從北邊到東邊,往來奔跑, 尋求耶和華的話,卻尋不着。
13 In that dai faire maidens schulen faile, and yonge men in thirst, whiche sweren in trespas of Samarie,
當那日,美貌的處女 和少年的男子必因乾渴發昏。
14 and seien, Dan, thi god lyueth, and the weie of Bersabee lyueth; and thei schulen falle, and thei schulen no more rise ayen.
那指着撒馬利亞牛犢起誓的說: 但哪,我們指着你那裏的活神起誓; 又說:我們指着別是巴的神道起誓。 這些人都必仆倒,永不再起來。

< Amos 8 >