< 1 Kings 14 >

1 In that tyme Abia, sone of Jeroboam, was sijk.
Ngalesosikhathi uAbhiya indodana kaJerobhowamu wagula.
2 And Jeroboam seide to his wijf, Rise thou, and chaunge clothing, that thou be not knowun, that thou art the wijf of Jeroboam; and go thou in to Silo, where Ahia, the prophete, is, which spak to me, that Y schulde regne on this puple.
UJerobhowamu wasesithi kumkakhe: Akusuke uzifihle isimo ukuze bangakwazi ukuthi ungumkaJerobhowamu, uye eShilo; khangela, kukhona lapho uAhiya umprofethi owangitshela ukuthi ngizakuba yinkosi phezu kwalababantu.
3 Also take thou in the hond ten looues, and a cake, and a vessil of hony, and go thou to hym; for he schal schewe to thee, what schal bifalle to this child.
Uthathe izinkwa ezilitshumi esandleni sakho lamaqebelengwana alukhuni lodiwo loluju, uye kuye, yena uzakutshela okuzakwenzeka kulumntwana.
4 The wijf of Jeroboam dide as he seide, and sche roos, and yede in to Silo, and cam in to the hows of Ahia; and he miyte not se, for hise iyen dasewiden for eelde.
UmkaJerobhowamu wasesenza njalo, wasuka waya eShilo, wafika emzini kaAhiya. Kodwa uAhiya wayengelakubona ngoba amehlo akhe ayesenqundekile ngenxa yobudala bakhe.
5 Forsothe the Lord seide to Ahia, Lo! the wijf of Jeroboam entrith, that sche counsele thee on hir sone, which is sijk; thou schalt speke these and these thingis to hir. Therfor whanne sche hadde entrid, and hadde feyned hir silf to be that `womman which sche was not,
INkosi yasisithi kuAhiya: Khangela, umkaJerobhowamu uyeza ukubuza ulutho kuwe ngendodana yakhe, ngoba iyagula. Uzamtshela ukuthi lokuthi. Ngoba kuzakuthi ekungeneni kwakhe, uzazitshaya omunye.
6 Ahia herde the soune of the feet of hir entrynge bi the dore, and he seide, Entre thou, the wijf of Jeroboam; whi feynest thou thee to bee an other womman? Forsothe Y am sent an hard messanger to thee.
Kwasekusithi uAhiya esizwa izisinde zenyawo zakhe lapho engena emnyango wathi: Ngena mkaJerobhowamu; uzitshayelani omunye? Ngoba ngithunywe kuwe ngento enzima.
7 Go thou, and seie to Jeroboam, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, For Y enhaunside thee fro the myddis of the puple, and Y yaf thee duyk on my puple Israel,
Hamba uthi kuJerobhowamu: Itsho njalo iNkosi, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli, ithi: Njengoba ngakuphakamisa uphakathi kwabantu, ngakwenza umbusi phezu kwabantu bami uIsrayeli,
8 and Y kittide the rewme of the hows of Dauid, and Y yaf it to thee, and thou were not as my seruaunt Dauid, that kepte myn heestis, and suede me in al his herte, and dide that that was plesaunt in my siyt;
ngadabula umbuso ngawususa endlini kaDavida, ngawunika wena; kodwa kawubanga njengenceku yami uDavida, owagcina imilayo yami, lowangilandela ngenhliziyo yakhe yonke, ukwenza okuhle kuphela emehlweni ami;
9 but thou wrouytist yuel, ouer alle men that weren bifore thee, and madist to thee alien goddis, and wellid to gidere, that thou schuldist excite me to wrathfulnesse, sotheli thou hast cast forth me bihyndis thi bak.
kodwa wenzile ububi okwedlula bonke ababekhona phambi kwakho, kodwa uhambe wazenzela abanye onkulunkulu lezithombe ezibunjwe ngokuncibilikisa, ukuze ungithukuthelise, wangilahla emva komhlana wakho.
10 Therfor lo! Y schal brynge in yuels on the hows of Jeroboam, and Y schal smyte of Jeroboam `til to a pissere to the wal, and prisoned, and the laste in Israel; and Y schal clense the relikis of the hows of Jeroboam, as dung is wont to be clensid `til to the purete, `ether clennesse;
Ngakho, khangela, ngizakwehlisela ububi endlini kaJerobhowamu, ngiqume asuke kuJerobhowamu ochamela emdulini, ovalelweyo lokhululekileyo koIsrayeli, ngihugule okulandelayo kwendlu kaJerobhowamu, njengomuntu ehugula umquba uze uphele.
11 sotheli doggis schulen ete hem, that schulen die of the hows of Jeroboam in citee; forsothe briddis of the eyr schulen deuoure hem, that schulen die in the feeld; for the Lord spak.
OkaJerobhowamu ofela phakathi komuzi zizamudla izinja, lofela egangeni zizamudla inyoni zamazulu; ngoba iNkosi ikhulumile.
12 Therfor rise thou, and go in to thin hows; and in thilke entryng of thi feet in to the citee the child schal die.
Ngakho wena suka, uye endlini yakho; ekungeneni kwenyawo zakho emzini umntwana uzakufa.
13 And al Israel schal biweile him, and schal birie; for this child aloone of Jeroboam schal be borun in to sepulcre, for a good word is foundun on hym of the Lord God of Israel, in the hows of Jeroboam.
Njalo uIsrayeli wonke uzamlilela amngcwabe; ngoba nguye kuphela koJerobhowamu ozakuza engcwabeni, ngoba kutholakala kuye into elungileyo ngaseNkosini uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli endlini kaJerobhowamu.
14 Forsothe the Lord schal ordeyne to hym a kyng on Israel, that schal smyte the hows of Jeroboam, in this dai and in this tyme;
Futhi uJehova uzazivusela inkosi phezu kukaIsrayeli, ezaquma indlu kaJerobhowamu ngalolosuku. Kodwa kuyini? Lakhathesi.
15 and the Lord God of Israel schal smyte, as a reed in the water is wont to be mouyd; and he schal drawe out Israel fro this good lond, which he yaf to her fadris, and he schal wyndewe hem ouer the flood, for thei maden to hem woodis, that thei schulden terre the Lord to ire.
Njalo iNkosi izamtshaya uIsrayeli njengomhlanga uzunguzeka emanzini, iquphule uIsrayeli elizweni leli elihle, eyalinika oyise, ibachithachithe ngaphetsheya komfula, ngenxa yokuthi bazenzela izixuku, bayithukuthelisa iNkosi.
16 And the Lord God schal bitake Israel to hise enemyes, for the synnes of Jeroboam, that synnede, and made Israel to do synne.
Njalo izanikela uIsrayeli ngenxa yezono zikaJerobhowamu, owonayo, wenza uIsrayeli one.
17 Therfor the wijf of Jeroboam roos, and yede, and cam in to Thersa; whanne sche entride in to the threschfold of the hows, the child was deed.
UmkaJerobhowamu wasesuka wahamba, wafika eTiriza. Lapho efika embundwini wendlu, umfana wafa.
18 And thei birieden hym; and al Israel biweilide hym, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak in the hoond of his seruaunt, Ahia the prophet.
Basebemngcwaba; loIsrayeli wonke wamlilela, njengokwelizwi leNkosi eyalikhuluma ngesandla senceku yayo uAhiya umprofethi.
19 Forsothe, lo! the residue of wordis of Jeroboam, how he fauyt, and how he regnede, ben writun in the book of wordis of the daies of kyngis of Israel.
Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaJerobhowamu, ukuthi walwa njani, lokuthi wabusa njani, khangela, zibhaliwe egwalweni lwemilando yamakhosi akoIsrayeli.
20 Forsothe the daies, in whiche Jeroboam regnede, ben two and twenti yeer; and Jeroboam slepte with hise fadris, and Nadab, his sone, regnede for hym.
Lensuku uJerobhowamu abusa ngazo zaziyiminyaka engamatshumi amabili lambili, walala laboyise, njalo uNadabi indodana yakhe waba yinkosi esikhundleni sakhe.
21 Forsothe Roboam, the sone of Salomon, regnede in Juda; Roboam was of oon and fourti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede seuentene yeer in Jerusalem, the citee which the Lord chees of alle the lynagis of Israel, that he schulde sette his name there. Sotheli the name of his moder was Naama Amanyte.
URehobhowamu indodana kaSolomoni wabusa-ke koJuda. URehobhowamu wayeleminyaka engamatshumi amane lanye lapho esiba yinkosi, wabusa iminyaka elitshumi lesikhombisa eJerusalema, umuzi iNkosi eyayiwukhethile kuzo zonke izizwe zakoIsrayeli, ukubeka khona ibizo layo. Lebizo likanina lalinguNahama umAmonikazi.
22 And Juda dide yuel bifor the Lord, and thei terriden hym to ire on alle thingis, whiche her fadris diden in her synnes, bi whiche thei synneden.
UJuda wasesenza okubi emehlweni eNkosi; bayivusa ubukhwele, ngezono zabo abazonayo, okwedlula konke oyise ababekwenzile, ngezono zabo abazonayo.
23 For also thei bildiden to hem silf auters, and ymagis, and wodis, on eche hiy hil, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis.
Ngoba labo bazakhela izindawo eziphakemeyo, lezinsika eziyizithombe, lezixuku, phezu kwalo lonke uqaqa oluphakemeyo, langaphansi kwaso sonke isihlahla esiluhlaza.
24 But also `men of wymmens condiciouns weren in the lond, and thei diden alle abhominaciouns of hethene men, whiche the Lord al to-brak bifor the face of the sones of Israel.
Kwakukhona-ke elizweni lezinkotshana. Benza njengokwezinengiso zezizwe iNkosi eyayizixotshile elifeni phambi kwabantwana bakoIsrayeli.
25 Forsothe in the fifthe yeer of the rewme of Roboam, Sesach, the kyng of Egipt, styede in to Jerusalem;
Kwasekusithi ngomnyaka wesihlanu wenkosi uRehobhowamu uShishaki inkosi yeGibhithe wenyuka wamelana leJerusalema.
26 and he took the tresouris of the hows of the Lord, and the kyngis tresouris, and he rauischide alle thingis; also `he rauischide the goldun scheeldis, whiche Salomon made.
Wathatha amagugu endlu kaJehova lamagugu endlu yenkosi, yebo wakuthatha konke, wathatha zonke izihlangu zegolide uSolomoni ayezenzile.
27 For whiche kyng Roboam made brasun scheeldis, and yaf tho in the hondis of duykis of scheeld makeris, and of hem that wakiden bifor the dore of the hows of the Lord.
Inkosi uRehobhowamu yasisenza endaweni yazo izihlangu zethusi, yazinikela esandleni senduna yabalindi ababegcina umnyango wendlu yenkosi.
28 And whanne the kyng entride in to the hows of the Lord, thei that hadden office to go bifore, baren tho, and baren ayen to the place of armer of scheeld makeris.
Njalo kwakusithi lapho inkosi ingena endlini kaJehova abalindi babezithwala, bazibuyisele endlini yabalindi.
29 Forsothe, lo! the residue of wordis of Roboam, and alle thingis whiche he dide, ben writun in the book of wordis of daies of kyngis of Juda.
Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaRehobhowamu, lakho konke akwenzayo, kakubhalwanga yini egwalweni lwemilando yamakhosi akoJuda?
30 And batel was bitwixe Roboam and Jeroboam, in alle daies.
Kwakukhona-ke impi phakathi kukaRehobhowamu loJerobhowamu zonke izinsuku.
31 And Roboam slepte with hise fadris, and was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid. Forsothe the name of his modir was Naama Amanyte; and Abia, his sone, regnede for hym.
URehobhowamu waselala laboyise, wangcwatshelwa kuboyise emzini kaDavida. Lebizo likanina lalinguNahama umAmonikazi. UAbhiyamu indodana yakhe wasesiba yinkosi esikhundleni sakhe.

< 1 Kings 14 >