< 1 Kings 1 >

1 And kyng Dauid wax eld, and hadde ful many daies of age; and whanne he was hilid with clothis, he was not maad hoot.
Mambo Dhavhidhi akanga akwegura, ava namakore mazhinji, asi akanga asingadziyirwi kunyange vaimufukidza namagumbeze.
2 Therfor hise seruauntis seiden to hym, Seke we to oure lord the kyng a yong wexynge virgyn; and stonde sche bifor the kyng, and nursche sche hym, and slepe in his bosum, and make hoot oure lord the kyng.
Naizvozvo, varanda vake vakati kwaari, “Ngatitsvakirei mambo wedu mhandara kuti imushandire nokumuchengeta. Acharara padivi pake kuti ishe mambo wedu adziyirwe.”
3 Therfor thei souyten a yong wexyng virgyn, fair in alle the coostis of Israel; and thei founden Abisag of Sunam, and thei brouyten hir to the kyng.
Naizvozvo, vakatsvaka musikana akanaka munyika yose yeIsraeri, vakawana Abhishagi, muShunami, vakauya naye kuna mambo.
4 Forsothe the damysel was ful fair, and sche slepte with the kyng, and mynystride to hym; forsothe the king knew not hir fleischli.
Musikana uyu akanga akanaka kwazvo; uye akachengeta mambo akamushandira, asi mambo haana kurara naye somukadzi wake.
5 Sotheli Adonye, sone of Agith, was reisid, and seide, Y schal regne. And he made to hym a chare, and knyytis, and fifti men, that runnen bifor hym.
Zvino Adhoniya, uyo aiva namai vainzi Hagiti, akazvisimudzira akati, “Ini ndichava mambo.” Naizvozvo, akazvigadzirira ngoro navatasvi vamabhiza navarume makumi mashanu kuti vamhanye pamberi pake.
6 Nether his fadir repreuyde hym ony tyme, and seide, Whi `didist thou this? Forsothe also he was ful fair, the secounde child aftir Absolon; and his word was with Joab,
Baba vake vakanga vasina kana kumbomutsiura paupenyu hwake hwose vachiti, “Ko, izvi nezvizvi wazviitirei?” Akanga ari murume akanaka pachiso chake uye ndiye aitevera Abhusaromu pakuberekwa.
7 sone of Saruye, and with `Abiathar, preest, that helpiden the partis of Adonye.
Adhoniya akarangana naJoabhu, mwanakomana waZeruya, naAbhiatari muprista uye vakamutsigira.
8 Sotheli Sadoch, the preest, and Banaie, sone of Joiada, and Nathan, the prophete, and Semey, and Cerethi, and Ferethi, and al the strengthe of the oost of Dauid, weren not with Adonye.
Asi Zadhoki muprista, Bhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha, Natani muprofita, Shimei, naRei, namauto apamusoro aDhavhidhi, havana kutevera Adhoniya.
9 Therfor whanne rammes weren offrid, and caluys, and alle fatte thingis, bisidis the stoon Zoelech, that was nyy the welle of Rogel, Adonye clepide alle hise britheren, sones of the kyng, and alle the men of Juda, seruauntis of the kyng.
Adhoniya akabayira makwai, mombe nemhuru dzakakodzwa paDombo reZohereti, pedyo nepaEnirogeri. Akakoka vakoma navanunʼuna vake vose, vanakomana vamambo, navarume vose veJudha vaiva vakuru vakuru,
10 Sotheli `he clepide not Nathan, the profete, and Banaie, and alle stronge men, and Salomon, his brothir.
asi haana kukoka Natani muprofita, kana Bhenaya, kana mauto apamusoro, kana Soromoni mununʼuna wake.
11 Therfor Nathan seide to Bersabee, modir of Salomon, Whether thou herdist, that Adonye, sone of Agith, regnede, and oure lord Dauid knoweth not this?
Ipapo Natani akabvunza Bhatishebha, mai vaSoromoni akati, “Hauna kunzwa here kuti Adhoniya, mwanakomana waHagiti, atova mambo ishe wedu Dhavhidhi asingazvizivi?
12 Now therfor come thou, take thou counsel of me, and saue thi lijf, and of Salomon thi sone.
Zvino chirega ndikubayire zanhi kuti uponese upenyu hwako noupenyu hwomwanakomana wako Soromoni.
13 Go thou, and entre to kyng Dauid, and seie thou to hym, Whether not thou, my lord the kyng, hast swore to me, thin handmaide, and seidist, that Salomon thi sone schal regne aftir me, and he schal sitte in my trone?
Chitoenda izvozvi kuna mambo Dhavhidhi unoti kwaari, ‘Ishe wangu mambo, hamuna kupikira ini murandakadzi wenyu here muchiti, “Zvirokwazvo Soromoni mwanakomana wako ndiye achanditevera paumambo, uye ndiye achagara pachigaro changu choushe?” Zvino Adhoniya ava mambo sei?’
14 Whi therfor regneth Adonye? And yit while thou schalt speke there with the kyng, Y schal come aftir thee, and `Y schal fille thi wordis.
Zvino iwe paunenge uchiri kutaura namambo, ini ndichapindawo ndichisimbisa zvaunenge wataura.”
15 Therfor Bersabee entride to the kyng in the closet; forsothe the kyng was ful eeld, and Abisag of Sunam `mynystride to hym.
Naizvozvo, Bhatishebha akaenda kundoona mambo mumba make. Mambo akanga akwegura kwazvo, uye Abhishagi muShunami akanga achimushandira.
16 Bersabee bowide hir silf, and worschipide the kyng; to whom the kyng seide, What wolt thou to thee?
Bhatishebha akakotama, akapfugama pamberi pamambo. Mambo akati, “Unodeiko?”
17 And sche answeride, and seide, My lord the kyng, thou hast swore to thin handmaide bi thi Lord God, Salomon thy sone schal regne aftir me, and he schal sitte in my trone;
Iye akati kwaari, “Ishe wangu, makapikira muranda wenyu naJehovha Mwari wenyu mukati, ‘Soromoni mwanakomana wako ndiye achatevera paumambo, ndiye achagara pachigaro changu choushe.’
18 and lo! Adonye hath regnede now, `while thou, my lord the kyng, knowist not;
Asi zvino Adhoniya ava mambo, kunyange imi musingazvizivi.
19 he hath slayn oxis, and alle fatte thingis, and ful many rammes; and he clepide alle the sones of the king, also `Abiathar preest, and Joab, the prince of chyualri; but he clepide not Salomon, thi seruaunt.
Abayira mombe dzakawanda, mhuru dzakakodzwa, namakwai, uye akoka vanakomana vose vamambo, Abhiatari muprista naJoabhu mutungamiri wamauto, asi haana kukoka Soromoni muranda wenyu.
20 Netheles, my lord the kyng, the iyen of al Israel biholden in to thee, that thou schewe to hem, who owith to sitte in thi trone, my lord the kyng, aftir thee;
Zvino ishe wangu mambo, meso eIsraeri yose akatarisa kwamuri, kuti muvaudze kuti ndiani achagara pachigaro choushe chaishe wangu mambo, mushure make.
21 and it schal be, whanne my lord the kyng hath slepte with hise fadris, Y and my sone Salomon schulen be synneris.
Kana musina kudaro, kana ishe wangu mambo aradzikwa namadzibaba ake, ini nomwanakomana wangu Soromoni tichanzi tine mhosva.”
22 `While sche spak yit with the king, Nathan, the prophete, cam.
Achiri kutaura namambo, Natani muprofita akabva asvika.
23 And thei telden to the kyng, and seiden, Nathan, the prophete, is present. And whanne he hadde entrid in the siyt of the kyng, and hadde worschipide hym lowli to erthe,
Zvino vakaudza mambo kuti, “Natani muprofita ari pano.” Naizvozvo akaenda pamberi pamambo, akakotamisa uso hwake pasi.
24 Nathan seide, My lord the kyng, seidist thou, Adonye regne aftir me, and sitte he on my trone?
Natani akati, “Ishe wangu, mambo wangu, mareva here kuti Adhoniya ndiye achava mambo mushure menyu, uye kuti ndiye achagara pachigaro chenyu choushe?
25 For he cam doun to dai, and offride oxis, and fatte thingis, and ful many wetheris; and he clepide alle the sones of the kyng, also Abiathar, preest; and whanne thei eten, and drunken bifor hym, and seiden, Kyng Adonye lyue;
Nhasi aburuka akandobayira mombe dzakawanda, mhuru dzakakodzwa, namakwai. Akoka vanakomana vose vamambo, vatungamiri vamauto naAbhiatari muprista. Izvozvi vari kudya nokunwa naye vachiti, ‘Mambo Adhoniya ngaararame makore akawanda!’
26 he clepide not me, thi seruaunt, and Sadoch, preest, and Banaie, sone of Joiada, and Salomon, thi sone.
Asi haana kukoka ini muranda wenyu naZadhoki muprista, naBhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha, nomuranda wenyu Soromoni.
27 Whether this word yede out fro my lord the kyng, and thou schewidist not to me, thi seruaunt, who schulde sitte on the trone of my lord the king after hym?
Izvi ndizvo here zvaitwa naishe wangu mambo vasina kuudza varanda vavo kuti ndiani achagara pachigaro choushe chaishe mambo wangu mushure mavo.”
28 And kyng Dauid answeride, and seide, Clepe ye Bersabee to me. And whanne sche hadde entrid bifor the kyng, and hadde stonde bifor hym, the kyng swoor,
Ipapo Mambo Dhavhidhi akati, “Ndidanirei Bhatishebha.” Naizvozvo iye akauya kuna mambo akamira pamberi pake.
29 and seide, The Lord lyueth, that delyueryde my lijf fro al angwisch;
Zvino mambo akapika akati, “NaJehovha mupenyu, uyo akandinunura pamatambudziko ose,
30 for as Y swore to thee bi the Lord God of Israel, and seide, Salomon, thi sone, schal regne after me, and he schal sitte on my trone for me, so Y schal do to dai.
zvirokwazvo, nhasi ndichazadzisa zvandakakupikira naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri kuti, ‘Mwanakomana wako Soromoni achanditevera paumambo, uye achagara pachigaro changu choushe panzvimbo pangu.’”
31 And Bersabee, with the cheer cast doun in to erthe, worschipide the kyng, and seide, My lord the kyng Dauid lyue with outen ende.
Ipapo Bhatishebha akakotama pasi nechiso chake akapfugamira mambo akati, “Ishe wangu, Mambo Dhavhidhi, ngaararame nokusingaperi!”
32 And kyng Dauid seide, Clepe ye Sadoch, the preest, to me, and Nathan, the prophete, and Banaie, sone of Joiada. And whanne thei hadden entrid bifor the kyng,
Mambo Dhavhidhi akati, “Ndidanirei Zadhoki muprista, Natani muprofita naBhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha.” Vakati vauya pamberi pamambo,
33 the kyng seide to hem, Take with you the seruauntis of youre lord, and putte ye my sone Salomon on my mule, and lede ye hym in to Gyon.
akati kwavari, “Endai navaranda vaishe, mutasvise Soromoni mwanakomana wangu panyurusi rangu chairo mugoenda naye zasi kuGihoni.
34 And Sadoch, the preest, and Nathan, the profete, anoynte hym in to kyng on Israel and Juda; and ye schulen synge with a clarioun, and ye schulen seie, Lyue kyng Salomon!
Ikoko, Zadhoki muprista naNatani muprofita ngavamuzodze kuti ave mambo weIsraeri. Muridze hwamanda mugodanidzira muchiti, ‘Mambo Soromoni ngaararame makore akawanda!’
35 Ye schulen stie aftir hym, and ye schulen come to Jerusalem; and he schal sitte on my trone, and he schal regne for me; and Y schal comaunde to hym, that he be duyk on Israel and on Juda.
Zvino imi muchauya muchimutevera, kuti iye auye azogara pachigaro changu choushe, nokuti achava mambo panzvimbo pangu, uye ndamugadza kuti ave mutongi weIsraeri neJudha.”
36 And Banaie, sone of Joiada, answeride to the kyng, and seide, Amen, `that is, so be it, ether verili, ether feithfuli; so speke the Lord God of my lord the kyng.
Bhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha akapindura mambo akati, “Ameni! Jehovha, Mwari waishe mambo wangu, ngaadarowo!
37 As the Lord was with my lord the kyng, so be he with Salomon, and make he the trone of Salomon heiyere than the trone of my lord the kyng Dauid.
Jehovha sezvaaiva naishe wangu mambo, saizvozvowo ngaave naSoromoni, aite kuti chigaro chake choushe chive chikuru kupfuura chigaro choushe chaishe wangu Mambo Dhavhidhi!”
38 Therfor Sadoch, the preest, yede doun, and Nathan, the prophete, and Banaie, sone of Joiada, and Cerethi, and Ferethi; and thei puttiden Salomon on the mule of Dauid, the kyng, and thei brouyten hym in to Gion.
Naizvozvo Zadhoki muprista, Natani muprofita, Bhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha, vaKereti navaPereti vakadzika, vakatasvisa Soromoni panyurusi raMambo Dhavhidhi, vakamutungamirira kuenda kuGihoni.
39 And Sadoch, the preest, took an horn of oile of the tabernacle, and anoyntide Salomon; and thei sungen with a clarioun; and al the puple seide, Lyue kyng Salomon!
Zadhoki muprista akatora gonamombe ramafuta mutende akazodza Soromoni. Ipapo vakaridza hwamanda vanhu vose vakadanidzira vachiti, “Mambo Soromoni ngaararame makore akawanda!”
40 And al the multitude stiede after hym, and the puple of men syngynge with pipis, and `of men beynge glad with greet ioye, `stiede aftir hym; and the erthe sownede of the cry of hem.
Zvino vanhu vose vakamutevera vachiridza mabhosvo vachipembera zvikuru zvokuti pasi pakatinhira noruzha rwavo.
41 Forsothe Adonye herde, and alle that weren clepid of hym to feeste; and thanne the feeste was endid. But also Joab seide, whanne the vois of trumpe was herd, What wole it to it silf the cry of the citee makynge noise?
Adhoniya navose vaakanga akoka, vaakanga anavo, vakazvinzwa pavakanga vopedza kudya, Joabhu akati achinzwa ruzha rwehwamanda, akabvunza, akati, “Mheremhere yose iyi muguta ndeyeiko?”
42 Yit the while he spak, Jonathan, sone of Abiathar, the preest, cam; to whom Adonye seide, Entre thou, for thou art a strong man, and tellynge goode thingis.
Achiri kutaura kudaro, Jonatani, mwanakomana waAbhiatari muprista, akasvika. Adhoniya akati, “Pinda! Murume akatendeka sewe anofanira kunge achiuya namashoko akanaka.”
43 And Jonathan answeride to Adonye, Nay; for oure lord the kyng Dauid hath ordeyned Salomon kyng;
Jonatani akapindura akati, “Kwete, kwete! Ishe wedu Mambo Dhavhidhi agadza Soromoni paumambo.
44 and Dauid sente with Salomon Sadoch, the preest, and Nathan, the prophete, and Banaie, sone of Joiada, and Cerethi, and Ferethi; and thei puttiden Salomon on the mule of the kyng.
Mambo amutuma naZadhoki muprista, Natani muprofita, Bhenaya mwanakomana waJehoyadha, vaKereti navaPereti, uye vamutasvisa nyurusi ramambo,
45 And Sadoch, the preest, and Nathan, the prophete, anoyntiden hym kyng in Gion; and thei camen doun fro thennus beynge glad, and the citee sownede; this is the vois which ye herden.
uye Zadhoki muprista naNatani muprofita vamuzodza kuti ave mambo paGihoni. Vabva ikoko vachipembera, zvokuti guta rose rangova zhowezhowe. Ndiyo mheremhere yamuri kunzwa.
46 But also Salomon sittith on the trone of rewme;
Pamusoro paizvozvo, Soromoni agara pachigaro choushe.
47 and the seruauntis of the kyng entriden, and blessiden oure lord the kyng Dauid, and seiden, God make large the name of Salomon aboue thi name, and magnyfye his trone aboue thi trone. And kyng Dauid worschipide in his bed;
Uyezve, machinda amambo auya kuzokorokotedza ishe wedu Mambo Dhavhidhi achiti, ‘Mwari wenyu ngaaite kuti zita raSoromoni rive nomukurumbira kupfuura renyu, uye chigaro chake choushe ngachive chakakura kupfuura chenyu!’ Zvino mambo akotama pamubhedha pake akanamata,
48 and ferthermore he spak these thingis, Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, that yaf to dai a sittere in my trone, while myn iyen seen.
akati, ‘Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, ngaarumbidzwe, iye anditendera kuti ndione mumwe wavana vangu achigara pachigaro changu choushe nhasi.’”
49 Therfor alle, that weren clepid of Adonye to feeste, weren aferd, and risiden, and ech man yede in to his weie.
Zvino vose vakanga vakokwa naAdhoniya vakabatwa nokutya vakasimuka vakati uyu ananga kwake, uyu ananga kwake.
50 Sotheli Adonye dredde Salomon, and roos, and yede in to the tabernacle of the Lord, and helde the horn of the auter.
Asi Adhoniya akatya Soromoni, akasimuka akaenda kundobata nyanga dzearitari.
51 And thei telden to Salomon, and seiden, Lo! Adonye dredith the kyng Salomon, and holdith the horn of the auter, and seith, Kyng Salomon swere to me to dai, that he schal not sle his seruaunt bi swerd.
Soromoni akaudzwa kuti, “Tarirai, Adhoniya ari kutya Mambo uye atobata nyanga dzearitari achiti, ‘Mambo Soromoni ngaandipikire nhasi kuti haasi kuzouraya muranda wake nomunondo.’”
52 And Salomon seide, If he is a good man, sotheli not oon heer of hym schal falle in to erthe; but if yuel be foundun in hym, he schal die.
Zvino Soromoni akati, “Kana akazova munhu kwaye, hakuna rubvudzi rwomusoro wake ruchawira pasi; asi zvakaipa zvikawanikwa maari, achafa.”
53 Therfor kyng Salomon sente, and ledde `hym out fro the auter; and he entride, and worschipide kyng Salomon; and Salomon seide to hym, Go in to thin hows.
Ipapo Mambo Soromoni akatuma varume vakandouya naye kubva paaritari. Zvino Adhoniya akauya akakotamira Mambo Soromoni, Soromoni akati kwaari, “Enda kumba kwako.”

< 1 Kings 1 >