< Isaiah 61 >

1 The Lord Yahweh’s Spirit is on me, because Yahweh has anointed me to preach good news to the humble. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to those who are bound,
Umoya kaThixo Wobukhosi uphezu kwami, ngoba uThixo ungigcobile ukuba ngitshumayele izindaba ezinhle kwabampofu. Ungithumile ukuba ngibophe inhliziyo ezidabukileyo, ngimemezele ukukhululwa kwabathunjiweyo, lokukhululwa kwezibotshwa emnyameni,
2 to proclaim the year of Yahweh’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,
lokumemezela umnyaka womusa kaThixo, losuku lokuphindisela kukaNkulunkulu wethu; ukududuza abalilayo,
3 to provide for those who mourn in Zion, to give to them a garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of Yahweh, that he may be glorified.
lokunakekela labo abadabukileyo eZiyoni, ukubapha umqhele wobuhle esikhundleni somlotha, amafutha okujabula esikhundleni sokulila, lengubo yokudumisa esikhundleni somoya wokulahla ithemba. Bazabizwa ngokuthi yimʼokhi yokulunga, ehlanyelwe nguThixo ukuba abonakalise inkazimulo yakhe.
4 They will rebuild the old ruins. They will raise up the former devastated places. They will repair the ruined cities that have been devastated for many generations.
Bazavuselela njalo amanxiwa asendulo bavuse lezindawo ezadilizwa kudala. Bazavuselela amadolobho adilikayo aleminyaka eminengi adilika.
5 Strangers will stand and feed your flocks. Foreigners will work your fields and your vineyards.
Abezizwe bazakwelusa imihlambi yenu; abezizwe bazalima amasimu enu lezivini zenu.
6 But you will be called Yahweh’s priests. Men will call you the servants of our God. You will eat the wealth of the nations. You will boast in their glory.
Lizabizwa ngokuthi abaphristi bakaThixo, kuzathiwa liyizikhonzi zikaNkulunkulu. Lizakudla inotho yezizwe, lizincome ngenotho yazo.
7 Instead of your shame you will have double. Instead of dishonor, they will rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they will possess double. Everlasting joy will be to them.
Esikhundleni sehlazo labo abantu bami bazaphiwa isabelo esiphindwe kabili, njalo esikhundleni sokuyangeka bazathokoza ngelifa labo; ngakho isabelo selifa labo elizweni sizaphindwa kabili, lentokozo engapheliyo izakuba ngeyabo.
8 “For I, Yahweh, love justice. I hate robbery and iniquity. I will give them their reward in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.
“Ngoba mina, uThixo, ngithanda ukulunga, ngizonda ubugebenga lobubi. Ngobuqotho bami ngizabanika umvuzo ngenze isivumelwano esingapheliyo labo.
9 Their offspring will be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge them, that they are the offspring which Yahweh has blessed.”
Izizukulwane zabo zizakwaziwa phakathi kwezizwe, lenzalo yabo yaziwe phakathi kwabantu. Bonke abababonayo bazavuma ukuthi bangabantu ababusiswe nguThixo.”
10 I will greatly rejoice in Yahweh! My soul will be joyful in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation. He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Ngiyathokoza kakhulu kuThixo; umphefumulo wami uyajabula ngoNkulunkulu wami. Ngoba ungigqokise izigqoko zokusindiswa, wangicecisa ngezembatho zokulunga, njengomyeni ececisa ikhanda lakhe njengomphristi, lanjengomlobokazi ezicecise ngamatshe akhe aligugu.
11 For as the earth produces its bud, and as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring up, so the Lord Yahweh will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations.
Ngoba njengomhlabathi owenza ihlumela limile, lesivande esenza inhlanyelo ikhule, ngokunjalo uThixo Wobukhosi uzakwenza ukulunga lodumo kuvele phambi kwezizwe zonke.

< Isaiah 61 >