< 2 Peter 3 >

1 This is now, beloved, the second letter that I have written to you; and in both of them I stir up your sincere mind by reminding you
Palung ih kaminawk, hmuennawk boih kahoihah na poek o moe, palung angthawksak han ih ni, hae capat hnettohaih hae kang tarik o:
2 that you should remember the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior,
canghnii ah kaciim tahmaanawk mah thuih ih loknawk hoi patoeh ih kaminawk patohhaih rang hoiah pahlongkung hoi Angraeng mah ang thuih o ih loknawk to na poek o let hanah ka koeh:
3 knowing this first, that in the last days mockers will come, walking after their own lusts
hmaloe koekah hae hae panoek oh; hnukkhuem niah loe angmacae taksa koehhaih baktiah tok kasah, minawk padaeng thaih kaminawk to angzo o tih,
4 and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”
Anih angzo tih boeh, tiah thuih ih lokkamhaih loe naah maw oh ving boeh? Ampanawk loe duek o boeh, toe hmuennawk boih loe sak tangsuek nathuem ih baktiah ni oh o poe vop, tiah thui o tih.
5 For they willfully forget that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water by the word of God,
Nihcae mah, Canghnii ah tui thung hoiah tacawt long hoi van loe Sithaw ih lok hoiah ni sak:
6 by which means the world that existed then, being overflowed with water, perished.
to tiah kaom long loe tui mah uem moe, amro boeh, tito pahnet han koeh o tih.
7 But the heavens that exist now and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
To lok hoiah ni vaihi kaom long hoi vannnawk to katang ai kaminawk amro o moe, lokcaekhaih ni karoek to hanah pathlungh.
8 But don’t forget this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Palung ih kaminawk, hae hae pahnet o hmah, Sithaw han loe nito hae saning sangto baktiah oh moe, saning sangto doeh nito baktiah oh.
9 The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, as some count slowness; but he is patient with us, not wishing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Thoemto kaminawk mah poek o ih baktih toengah, Angraeng loe a lokkamhaih nuiah angtawt hnung ai; anih mah loe mi kawbaktih doeh anghmatsak han koeh ai, kami boih dawnpakhuemsak han koeh, to pongah anih loe aicae nuiah palungsawk.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fervent heat; and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Toe Angraeng ih Ni loe khoving ah kangzo kamqu baktiah om tih; vannawk loe tuen o parai ueloe, anghmaa tih, bet loiah hmuennawk boih amkaw tih, long hoi a thungah kaom hmuennawk boih hmai mah kangh tih.
11 Therefore, since all these things will be destroyed like this, what kind of people ought you to be in holy living and godliness,
Hmuennawk boih amro han oh pongah, nangcae loe kawbaktih kami ah maw na oh o han? Kaciim tuinuen hoi Sithaw koehhaih baktiah oh han angaih,
12 looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, which will cause the burning heavens to be dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?
nangcae loe angzo hankoi Sithaw ih Ani to na zing o, to niah loe hmai mah van to kangh ueloe, anghmaa tih, kabae nung parai pongah a thungah kaom hmuenmaenawk to amkaw o boih tih.
13 But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
Toe aicae loe a lokkamhaih baktih toengah, katoeng kaminawk ohhaih van kangtha hoi long kangtha to ni a zing o.
14 Therefore, beloved, seeing that you look for these things, be diligent to be found in peace, without defect and blameless in his sight.
Palung ih kaminawk, to hmuennawk to na zing o pongah, kasae thuih han kaom ai, coek koi om ai ah monghaih hoi Anih to hnuk hanah, tha pathok oh.
15 Regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you,
Sithaw mah anih han paek ih palunghahaih hoiah a palung o ih nawkamya Pawl mah doeh nangcae khaeah ca ang tarik o boeh, pahlonghaih hnuksak han koeh pongah ni, aicae Angraeng Sithaw loe kaminawk nuiah palungsawk, tito panoek oh;
16 as also in all of his letters, speaking in them of these things. In those, there are some things that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unsettled twist, as they also do to the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Anih ih capatnawk boih mah, hae hmuennawk kawng hae thuih, toe Tarik ih thoemto ca loe thaih kop han rai parai; ca amtuk ai kami hoi poekcak ai kaminawk mah loe thuih koehhaih lok ahlong to kalah bangah paqoi o ving, kalah Cabunawk doeh angmacae amro hanah to tiah a sak o.
17 You therefore, beloved, knowing these things beforehand, beware, lest being carried away with the error of the wicked, you fall from your own steadfastness.
To pongah palung ih kaminawk, hae hmuennawk loe hae tiah ni om tih, tiah na panoek o coek boeh; to pongah acoehaih hoiah khosah oh, to tih ai nahaeloe lam caehpazae kahoih ai kaminawk pacuekhaih to na pazui o moeng ueloe, kacak nangmacae tanghaih thung hoiah nam timh o moeng tih.
18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Toe aicae Angraeng, pahlongkung Jesu Kri panoekhaih hoi tahmenhaih bangah qoeng o tahang ah. Lensawkhaih loe anih khaeah vaihi hoi dungzan khoek to om poe nasoe. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Peter 3 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water