< 2 Chronicles 33 >

1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.
Bere a Manase dii ade no, na wadi mfirihyia dumien. Odii hene wɔ Yerusalem mfirihyia aduonum anum.
2 He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight, after the abominations of the nations whom Yahweh cast out before the children of Israel.
Ɔyɛɛ bɔne wɔ Awurade ani so, suasuaa abosonsomfo aman nneyɛe a ɛyɛ akyiwade a Awurade apam afi asase a ɛda Israel anim no so no.
3 For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; and he raised up altars for the Baals, made Asheroth, and worshiped all the army of the sky, and served them.
Ɔsan sisii nsɔree a nʼagya Hesekia sɛee no no. Osii afɔremuka maa Baal ahoni, sisii Asera nnua. Ɔsan kotow nsoromma a ɛwɔ wim no nyinaa, som wɔn.
4 He built altars in Yahweh’s house, of which Yahweh said, “My name shall be in Jerusalem forever.”
Mpo, osisii abosonsom afɔremuka wɔ Awurade Asɔredan mu, baabi a Awurade aka se, ɛhɔ na ɛsɛ sɛ wodi ne din ni afebɔɔ no.
5 He built altars for all the army of the sky in the two courts of Yahweh’s house.
Osisii saa afɔremuka no wɔ Awurade Asɔredan no adiwo abien hɔ, de maa wim nsoromma no.
6 He also made his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom. He practiced sorcery, divination, and witchcraft, and dealt with those who had familiar spirits and with wizards. He did much evil in Yahweh’s sight, to provoke him to anger.
Manase de ɔno ankasa mmabarima bɔɔ afɔre wɔ ogya so wɔ Hinom Babarima Bon mu. Ɔde ne ho hyɛɛ asumansɛm mu, kɔɔ abisa, yɛɛ abayisɛm, kɔɔ samanfrɛfo ne adunsifo nkyɛn. Ɔyɛɛ nneɛma pii a ɛyɛ bɔne wɔ Awurade ani so, maa Awurade bo fuwii.
7 He set the engraved image of the idol, which he had made, in God’s house, of which God said to David and to Solomon his son, “In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my name forever.
Na Manase faa ohoni a wasen, de kosii Onyankopɔn Asɔredan mu. Ɔde kosii beae koro no ara a Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ Dawid ne ne babarima Salomo se, “Wobedi me din ni wɔ ha afebɔɔ, asɔredan yi mu ne Yerusalem, kuropɔn a mayi afi mmusuakuw a ɛwɔ Israel no nyinaa mu no.
8 I will not any more remove the foot of Israel from off the land which I have appointed for your fathers, if only they will observe to do all that I have commanded them, even all the law, the statutes, and the ordinances given by Moses.”
Sɛ Israelfo di mʼahyɛde nyinaa so, me mmara a wɔnam Mose so mae no nyinaa so a, merentwa wɔn asu mfi asase a mede maa wɔn agyanom no so.”
9 Manasseh seduced Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that they did more evil than did the nations whom Yahweh destroyed before the children of Israel.
Nanso Manase dii ɔmanfo a wɔwɔ Yuda ne Yerusalem anim maa wɔyɛɛ bɔnetraso sen abosonsom aman a Awurade sɛee wɔn, bere a Israelfo kɔɔ asase no so no.
10 Yahweh spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they didn’t listen.
Awurade kasa kyerɛɛ Manase ne ne nkurɔfo no, nanso wɔantie ne kɔkɔbɔ no mu biara.
11 Therefore Yahweh brought on them the captains of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh in chains, bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.
Enti Awurade maa Asiriafo asraafo bɛfaa Manase yɛɛ no odeduani. Wɔde darewa hyɛɛ ne hwene mu, de kɔbere mfrafrae nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn kyekyeree no, de no kɔɔ Babilonia.
12 When he was in distress, he begged Yahweh his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers.
Na bere a Manase wɔ ahokyere a emu yɛ den mu no, ɔpɛɛ Awurade, ne Nyankopɔn akyi kwan, na ɔde ahobrɛase su frɛɛ nʼagyanom Nyankopɔn.
13 He prayed to him; and he was entreated by him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that Yahweh was God.
Na bere a ɔbɔɔ mpae no, Awurade tiee no, na ne sufrɛ no kaa ne koma. Enti Awurade maa Manase san kɔɔ Yerusalem wɔ nʼahenni mu. Afei, Manase tee ase sɛ Awurade nko ara ne Onyankopɔn.
14 Now after this, he built an outer wall to David’s city on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entrance at the fish gate. He encircled Ophel with it, and raised it up to a very great height; and he put valiant captains in all the fortified cities of Judah.
Eyi akyi no, Manase san sisii Dawid kuropɔn abɔnten afasu; efi Gihon asuti atɔe fam a ɛwɔ Kidron bon mu, de kɔ Apataa Pon ano, kosi Ofel bepɔw so a wosi ma ɛkɔɔ soro yiye no. Na oduaa nʼasraafo mpanyimfo no wɔ Yuda nkuropɔn a wɔabɔ ho ban no nyinaa mu.
15 He took away the foreign gods and the idol out of Yahweh’s house, and all the altars that he had built in the mountain of Yahweh’s house and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city.
Manase san tutuu ananafo anyame fii mmepɔw no so. Ɔsan tutuu anyame ne ahoni no fii Awurade Asɔredan mu. Obubuu afɔremuka a wasisi wɔ bepɔw so, faako a Asɔredan no si, ne afɔremuka a ɛwɔ Yerusalem nyinaa, na ɔkɔtow guu kuropɔn no mfikyiri.
16 He built up Yahweh’s altar, and offered sacrifices of peace offerings and of thanksgiving on it, and commanded Judah to serve Yahweh, the God of Israel.
Na ɔsan sii Awurade afɔremuka no, bɔɔ asomdwoe afɔre ne aseda afɔre wɔ so. Afei, ɔhyɛɛ Yuda manfo no nkuran sɛ, wɔnsom Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn no.
17 Nevertheless the people still sacrificed in the high places, but only to Yahweh their God.
Nanso na ɔmanfo no da so bɔ afɔre wɔ abosonsom nsɔree so, a na wɔbɔ ma Awurade wɔn Nyankopɔn no ara.
18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of Yahweh, the God of Israel, behold, they are written among the acts of the kings of Israel.
Manase adedi ho nsɛm nkae, ne mpae a ɔbɔɔ srɛɛ Onyankopɔn ne nsɛm a adehufo ka kyerɛɛ no wɔ Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn din mu no, wɔakyerɛw agu Israel ahemfo nhoma mu.
19 His prayer also, and how God listened to his request, and all his sin and his trespass, and the places in which he built high places and set up the Asherah poles and the engraved images before he humbled himself: behold, they are written in the history of Hozai.
Manase mpae, ɔkwan a Onyankopɔn faa so buaa no, ne ne bɔne ne atoro a odii nyinaa ho nsɛm, wɔakyerɛw agu adehufo nhoma mu. Faako a osii abosonsom nsɔree so, sisii Asera nnua ne ahoni ansa na ɔrenu ne ho no nso ka ho.
20 So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they buried him in his own house; and Amon his son reigned in his place.
Bere a Manase wui no, wosiee no wɔ nʼahemfi. Na ne babarima Amon na ɔyɛɛ ɔhene a odi hɔ.
21 Amon was twenty-two years old when he began to reign; and he reigned two years in Jerusalem.
Bere a Amon dii ade no, na wadi mfirihyia aduonu abien. Odii hene wɔ Yerusalem mfe abien.
22 He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight, as did Manasseh his father; and Amon sacrificed to all the engraved images which Manasseh his father had made, and served them.
Ɔyɛɛ bɔne wɔ Awurade ani so, sɛnea nʼagya Manase yɛe no. Ɔsom ahoni a nʼagya yɛe no nyinaa, bɔɔ afɔre maa wɔn.
23 He didn’t humble himself before Yahweh, as Manasseh his father had humbled himself; but this same Amon trespassed more and more.
Nanso wansɛ nʼagya Manase, efisɛ wammrɛ ne ho ase amma Awurade. Mmom, Amon yɛɛ bɔne maa ɛtraa so.
24 His servants conspired against him, and put him to death in his own house.
Akyiri no, Amon no ara mpanyimfo pam ne ti so, kum no wɔ nʼahemfi.
25 But the people of the land killed all those who had conspired against King Amon; and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his place.
Na nnipa a wɔwɔ asase no so nyinaa kunkum nnipa a wɔbɔɔ ɔhene Amon ho pɔw no, na wɔde ne babarima Yosia dii ade sɛ ɔhene.

< 2 Chronicles 33 >